From Restriction to Freedom

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I have really had freedom on my mind a lot lately, so I want to ask you: How free do you feel in your life right now? Do you feel a sense of freedom as you look around at your life or do you feel restricted? Do you feel free to be yourself? Do you feel free to live life "your way"? Looking back, in the past I experienced way more restriction than freedom. This showed up in how I approached new experiences, how I expressed myself and it especially showed up in my career as I had suppressed my true desire of doing the work I love by choosing an "acceptable" career. The thing is, when you have patterns around restriction, it tends to show up in many different areas of your life. Take a moment to ask yourself, what situations in your life do you feel restricted in? In what ways do you hold your true self and desires back? Even noticing that there is restriction there in the first place is a great start towards creating freedom. In spite of all of this self-restriction I experienced along my journey, I always felt a deep and strong desire to be free. The one thing that I loved about University as I pursued my previous Engineering Career was that you were free in a lot of ways. You created your schedule, you chose if you showed up or not. Of course I did, but I didn't have to, I chose to. And the one thing I had the hardest time with in regular jobs were that you had to show up at a certain time and leave at a certain time. Maybe it's not a big deal to everyone but it always bugged me. What if I wanted to stay up and watch my favorite show? What if I wanted to sleep in? Too bad, no freedom here. Now I look around at my life and I am so pleased to see that I have created my life to be based in freedom. This was always one of my most important values. I love that I can go to sleep when I want, I love that I can wake up when my body just wakes up. I love that I make my schedule. I love that my work is a true, authentic, free expression of who I really am. I love to experience this true freedom every single day. And the thing is, this freedom I now experience every day did not happen by accident. I didn't just magically have this life given to me. I created it, on purpose. Just how did I do that? I created it from within. I realized that if I was experiencing restriction in my outer life, I MUST HAVE restrictions within me. And if I am ever to experience freedom in my outer life, I must first create freedom within. In Light Your Path Coaching, we create freedom from within. We identify the specific energetic patterns that are causing the restriction in our outer reality and we shift them for good using the Intuitive Healing Process. This always creates a sense of lightness as you are releasing energies and patterns, restrictions that are not really you. This is what we do to create freedom from within.

Your Light Your Path *Shifting Higher* Action Step: Now because freedom is one of my most important values, I want to help you at least begin opening up to experiencing more freedom in your life. To start opening up to freedom, begin by giving yourself a couple of minutes to answer the following questions to yourself. Be honest, you can't change what you aren't aware of. 1. What is one area of your life that feels way more restrictive than you want it to? 2. In what ways are you holding yourself back? In what ways are you holding your true desires back in this area? 3. Now likely things have been going ahead unconsciously in this area. Begin now to bring your conscious awareness to what is going on here and open to having it be a new way. Ask yourself: What would I love to be experiencing instead? What would true freedom feel like in this area? 4. Now there may be many different conflicting energies within you around allowing freedom in your life. But can you at least start by giving yourself permission to open to a new level of freedom in this area? And wouldn't it be nice to have support creating that freedom? If so, express your permission. "I give myself permission to open to a new level of freedom in _________ (area you are looking at). I allow myself to be supported in creating this new freedom." A baby step but that's how it all starts. Our lives are meant to be incredible, we really can experience freedom in our every day. I know this because I am living a life based in freedom now and my life looks nothing like it used to when it was shaped by restriction. Allow your journey to freedom to begin.

Copyright (c) 2009 Fia Crandall Fia is an Intuitive Healer who coaches women to break free of restrictive patterns to attract a fulfilling reality. Get her Free ECourse 'How to Break Free of the 5 Illusions that Keep Spiritually Conscious Women Stuck'

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