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Building an online business can be made easier when you use the broadly available free online business tools available that help you create more time freedom. By leveraging the most effective free online business tools, you will be able to build your business in less time and with more success. It all starts with email. Gmail. Everyone knows how to go about getting a free email address, but regardless of what email you use, to take full advantage of the free online business tools I recommend, your first step should be to create a Gmail account. Logging into your Gmail account will automatically give you access to the powerful free online business tools offered by Google. If you are an entrepreneur who wants to create more time freedom, the free online business tools offered by Google are a great place to begin. Google Calendar. You can keep track of everything with this calendar, from personal appointments to your daily to-do list. Google will even send you an email to remind you what you have scheduled for the day (or in advance) in order to help you more effectively manage your time and create more time freedom. GoogleDocs. This free online business tool allows you to collaborate on information (from articles to web design) from anywhere. You can upload, share, collaborate on, and finalize documents using GoogleDocs, which accepts most file types including Word and Excel. Everything can be organized in easy to use folders, and the information is password protected for your security. Google Places. Google is still one of the most dominant online search engines and websites in the world, so why wouldn't you want your business listed? By creating a business account and claiming your business place, you can add information about your business type, location, hours, and products. You can even upload images. It's a great marketing tool to broaden your reach, as Google Places results often appear before regular results in searches. LinkedIn. Don't just join LinkedIn, but create a robust profile on LinkedIn and join a few relevant groups that will allow you to network with others. This is one of the most powerful resources of free information when used properly. You can generate leads, develop partnerships, and market your business effectively. You can tie your LinkedIn comments to your Twitter as well, so that the information you share in one location is shared to the other. Facebook. If you don't have a Facebook Fan Page for your business, stop now and go get one. It's simple to do, but the power of Facebook as the premiere online marketing venue makes it the most powerful free online business tool at your disposal.
Mike Long has spent most of his adult life on the road, logging more than 1.5 million accident-free miles delivering the goods to businesses around the country. The skills Mike developed on the road have proven to be just as useful on the Internet highway, and now that Mike has had a taste of online success, he is eager to help others learn to create more time freedom - just as he has! To read Mike's story and helpful, online marketing insights he offers, visit his blog [http://meetmikelong.com]
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mike_L_Long
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