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This isn't about me. It's not about working for Corporate America, and it's not about Multi-LevelMarketing (MLMs). It's about how I got rid of the thinking that working for 50 years would make me wealthy. It's about how the frustrations of MLMs finally led me to realize that they wouldn't make me wealthy. It's about what it takes to really have financial freedom. Now, MLMs can be great. If I got in early, I made money. That was the problem. I was usually talking to the same people my upline had talked to, or my downline was struggling to find people that hadn't already heard about it from me. There was usually a monthly purchase just to qualify for a check; and that's besides all the money I spent trying to actually sell their product. I understood that I had to spend money to make it, but I couldn't figure out why I had to buy product that I didn't always need just be part of the business. When I got my monthly commission, I ended up making less money per hour worked than if I'd worked a minimum wage job for the same amount of time. I wasn't generating the wealth I wanted. My parents spent their whole lives working and saving. I watched them plan their retirement, expecting to finally stop working for money and have their money work for them. That never happened. Not long after, I watched two retirees return to work because the Social Security that was supposed to take care of them wasn't. I watched as they sold nearly everything they worked decades for. They had no fallback. They lived so long with the mentality that their savings and decades of hard work would be enough. It wasn't. They never realized financial freedom. Working for Corporations certainly wasn't the answer, either. I worked for years to make someone else money. Then I watched them reward me with termination when the money stopped. I never saw the benefits of my hard work, but I was gone the moment I stopped producing. I wanted my hard work to mean more. I started GrabSuccess with three goals. One: create a business I could run anytime, anywhere. Two: I needed to be able to manage the business online, without requiring that I be online at all times. Three: it needed to be simple enough for anyone willing to do the work. GrabSuccess is just that. I am part of a business now that rewards me for my effort. Now, I'm generating wealth. I'm seeing my efforts rewarded, and I can do it while I'm at home, on the road, or even shopping. I'm not working hard to make someone else money anymore, and I'm not worried about my future. I finally have what it takes for financial peace.
I have lived in Roswell, NM the Capital of the UFO Crash-Site. Roswell, has been my home for over twenty years, and will continue to be my home. I am a mom with four wonderful children and a great husband. I have been an Entrepreneur most of all my life, and has been quite an adventure. Finding the right business, or that "Diamond in the Rough" is the best feeling one could
have. I want to share this adventure with others and help them to create the success that they have been searching for. I am a team player, and I get great pleasure in making other people get to where they want to be. By making their dreams a reality. Dreams do come true, the question you need to ask yourself is, "Are you going to Grab that Success or let it pass you by?" Join me and my team... Are goal is to make 100 Millionaires by 2012. Visit at... [http://www.grabsuccess.com]
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Angela_La_Volpa
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