How to Get Cheap Airline Travel - 3 Tips to Get the Lowest Prices Possible on Airline Travel

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How to get cheap airline travel is a question that has been asked over and over again, and yet the real secrets are still hidden from the public. Many of these big companies that are in the travel industry would like you to believe that they have the lowest prices possible on airline travel. While you can sometimes get decent deals this way it is not even close to the deals that you can get if you really know how the process works. Here I am going to give you 3 tips on your you can fly anywhere for a great price. 1. The first thing that you can do is fly at times that no one else wants to. Often times the airlines will have flights departing at odd times, and these flights do not always fill up. This works to your advantage because the airline would much rather have you on the plane at a huge discount than not at all, so you can negotiate a little to get a really awesome price. 2. Another way of how to get cheap airline travel is to contact the airlines through their hotline. This is a way to get some really great deals that not many people are aware of. Most people think that contacting the airline directly will cost more, but not if you do it at the right time. The key is to call right after they have updated the systems, which is usually around midnight. 3. The best method that I have used to get cheap airline travel is to get someone on the inside to get you a deal. By this I mean you need to find someone that currently works for the airlines or used to and get them to tell you how to get great deals. These people really know how to get awesome deals on airline travel, and this is the method I have used to get prices so low it is hard to believe.

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