How to Immigrate to Canada From USA

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Want to Immigrate to Canada? Millions of people have successfully immigrated to the Canada. Canada is a most admired destination for highly skilled youth wishing to begin a new life in another nation. However, the process can be quite long and difficult, and there is no guarantee of success. This article tells you the procedures to Immigrate to Canada in simple. Canada's immigration procedures are grouped into two general categories as follows.

Permanent residence Skilled workers and professionals Family class immigrants (sponsorship) Investors, entrepreneurs and self-employed people Refugees Temporary residence Foreign students Temporary foreign workers Visitors How to Apply There are two ways for applying. Through Representative/lawyers/ immigration consultants. There is a fair bit of paperwork to get done during the immigration process, and you may feel overwhelmed. Therefore, applying through Representative/lawyers/ immigration consultants is the best way. So, find out a trustworthy and resourceful person who will support you throughout the immigration process. If your case is quite clear-cut with full confidence, you should be able to manage the immigration process on your own directly through CIC (Citizenship and Immigration Canada). You can visit CIC's website for more information about how to apply and where to send your application. The Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) website is your best source of information about immigrating to Canada. You can submit the documentation proving your work and educational claims. You have pay application and registration fees for each application you submit. If your application is refused, you will not get any refund.

You must have a medical exam and you cannot have a criminal record before coming to Canada. After successful submission, the CIC office where you applied will contact you to let you know the further process. And the processing time varies depending on where you applied. If your application is approved, they will ask you to submit your passport to the visa office to receive your visa. When you arrive in Canada, CBSA officer will ask to see your passport and other travel documents. So, please make sure they are not packed in your luggage to avoid delaying the process. Note: The information on this site is of a general guidance only and shouldn't be taken as personal advice. This article is based on the real experience of common people who have successfully migrated to Canada. Make sure you follow the most current guidelines because they change frequently.

Tanmayi here from Bangalore(India). I'm working as a business development executive for Bangalore circle website since 2011., a fast developing company, strongly believes in quality business practices coupled with standards for success. We are an established business being maintained by a professional team with sheer capabilities and total expertise. BangaloreCircle objective is to cover the entire city, connecting corporate, tiny business houses, individuals, all the latest news, events, happenings and the Government, enabling them to transact on the World Wide Web.

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