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Canada is a country of immigrants. 18.4 % of the population of Canada was born in another country. By far the most popular destination for immigrants to Canada is the provinces of Ontario, and British Columbia, each having an immigrant population of over 26 %. These numbers are based on the 2001 statistics as supplied by Statistics Canada. oToronto, with a population of over 5 million people takes the top spot as favorite destination. 43.7 % of the population is an immigrant. Toronto is Canada's biggest city and the Capital of Ontario. Between 1991 and 2001 the percentage grew from 38 % to 43.7 % oVancouver takes 2nd spot. 37.5 % of the population is foreign born. Total population of Vancouver is 2.2 million people. In the last 10 years before oHamilton Ontario, with a population of 715 thousand people is 3rd on the list. 23.6 % of its people are immigrants. The percentage of immigrants in Hamilton has stayed about the same in the last 10 years. o4th spot goes to Windsor Ontario, with 22.3 %, and increase from 20.6 % in 1991 oAbbotsford in British Columbia has a total population of 162 thousand of which 21.8 % are immigrants., compared to 19.8 % in 1991 oCalgary, with just over 1 million people has the 6th spot as most popular immigrant destination. 20.9 % of its population is immigrants, up from 20.3 % 10 years earlier. The province of Alberta itself has an average of 14.9 % immigrant population. In 2001, 57% of immigrants who had been residents for four to five years had become Canadian citizens. Among those who had lived in Canada for 6 to 10 years, 79% were citizens. Of those who had been in the country for 30 years or more, 90% were citizens.
Francine Gielis immigrated to Canada in 1971. She has been an employer, an employee, an importer, exporter, entrepreneur and long time volunteer. She considers herself a happy, successful and fully integrated and passionate Canadian citizen. Learn more about immigrating to and life in Canada from her website http://www.the-happy-immigrant.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Francine_Gielis
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