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Canada is a country located in the North American continent. It is the second largest country in the world and shares a long boundary with the United States. The land was inhabited by various groups of aboriginal people. In the year 1867, Canada was formed as a federal dominion. The country is a parliamentary democracy as well as a constitutional monarchy; and has Queen Elizabeth II as the head of state. Both English and French are its official languages. The country is marked by a high level of technical advancement and industrialization. This has led to rapid economic development long with a rise in the level of employment. Today, it is one of the most developed nations in the world and shares trade relations with a number of countries, primarily Pakistan. This economic growth has been attracting a number of immigrants from all over the world, who come here for a better future and a better lifestyle. It is also a very beautiful country, where Mother Nature has showered her blessings rather lavishly. Its natural beauty attracts a number of tourists every year, making it one of the most popular tourist destinations. The country has also evolved a highly reputed educational system and each year Canadian universities attract a large number of students from all across the world, who come here to receive higher education in a wide variety of streams. So, irrespective of whether you are a tourist, a student or looking for job opportunities, this place offers something to every body. Hence it would not come up as a surprise to me, if you too are interested in immigrating to Canada. However, in case, if you are interested in immigration to Canada, then in that case, you will have to take care of a few things. First of all you should know about the rules and regulations in regard to the immigration process, the qualification criteria, along with a few other facts. In recent times, the Canadian government has made several changes in regard to immigration laws and regulations, to attract a larger number of skilled workers in the country. In case you wish to be a permanent resident of the nation, then you are issued a Canadian Permanent Resident Card, which can be used by the time, you officially get your citizenship. For temporary immigration, you will be required to get temporary permits, such as student permits, temporary permits etc. The Canadian federal government, the department of Citizenship and Immigration offers online information related to immigration as well as citizenship, along with detailed application kits. However, despite their best efforts, a person may find the entire process quite cumbersome as well as complicated. In such a case, the person who is applying for immigration can take the help of an immigration consultant, who would assist him/her through the immigration process.
Max Volkov. Immigration Canada website is an important source of information in this regard. This
particular site offers you vital information in regard to immigration procedures, rules and regulation and various other aspects.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Max_Volkov
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