Leverage Your Academic Teaching Schedule With Online Teaching Job Openings

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Every college instructor needs to know how to leverage his or her teaching schedule with online teaching job openings because the current economic situation at traditional colleges and universities is such that it will soon become practically impossible to earn a living by teaching for them. As traditional academic institutions discover that firing massive numbers of adjunct faculty members will not save them from the upwardly spiraling costs of maintaining their college campuses, which are in reality massive physical plants composed of aging, energy-inefficient buildings surrounded by expensive asphalt parking lots that must be repaved every two years or so, they are turning to the distance education technology used so efficiently and effectively by the for-profit colleges that confer the online bachelor degree and online master degree on their students. Accredited online college degree programs are much less expensive to offer new and returning college students, and these students, many of which are non-traditional college students with personal and professional schedules full packed with employment concerns and activities and family obligations, are eager for the opportunity to earn fully accredited online degrees from their personal computers. It is this very eagerness for a more effective way to earn an online business administration degree, an online masters in education or an online mathematics degree that allows individuals with earned graduate degrees to leverage their teaching experience and academic credentials in a way that accesses the online adjunct faculty positions created by the exponential increase in the numbers of online college degree programs. As the months roll on, the teaching schedules of most adjunct college teachers will grow thinner and will be less able to support them, and this is exactly what is being discovered by the excorporate employees who have been laid off from their professional positions. Interestingly, the extra time available from a thin traditional college teaching schedule and outright unemployment is exactly the leverage needed to search for online adjunct professor positions with online nursing degree programs, online business degree programs and a variety of other accredited online degree programs. The best approach to spending the leverage created by your academic teaching schedule is to look up online as many of the over five thousand technical schools, community colleges, for profit colleges, four-year universities and state colleges and locate on their websites, and they all have websites now, the link on the first page that will take you to the faculty application portal or section. Once there, it is a simple matter to submit your academic credentials, a cover letter, resume, letters of recommendation and unofficial copy of a graduate transcript, to the school's department heads or office of human resources. For the sake of efficiency, it is a great idea to have all of this information in a document form that can be read on any computer since they can then be sent as attachments. Further, it will be necessary to maintain a spreadsheet of every application of online adjunct jobs since it will be prudent to re-submit the faculty application every thirty days or so in

the event that an invitation to teach online classes is not immediately forthcoming form an individual school. Ultimately, a focused effort to discover online teaching jobs openings will pay off handsomely and is an excellent application of the leverage from your teaching schedule.

Michael Greene has taught in online college faculty positions over the last six years as a full time online adjunct instructor. Greene thinks that the future of the academy is on the Internet and that online adjunct faculty jobs are a great way for people with graduate degrees to start a new career and earn a decent living.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michael_Greene

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