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If you find travelling the world to be a rejuvenating experience, you don't have to strain your budget to stay young and kicking on the travel circuit. I'm sure you'll agree, It's a lovely planet we live in, and Lonely Planet guides can show you the best treats, eats and retreats which some luxury tours choose to overlook as they sometimes only show you only the glossy, well worn parts of the country that you have chosen to visit, and leave you with the feeling of a somewhat 'plastic' holiday experience If you are planning a backpacking trip of your own, then the correct use of Lonely Planet guides and various travel blogs are a great way to familiarise yourself with your chosen travel destination before you ever leave home. They are a great option since they include some of the best kept travel secrets, helping you to travel further & longer with confidence. Just because you want to travel doesn't necessarily mean that you have burn a whole pile of cash to get an amazing travelling experience. Backpacking from place to place can give you the chance to meet locals, as well as other travellers, and learn more about the planet we live in and the diversities of other cultures. The famous Lonely Planet Guides have provided tourists with useful and practical information for many years. Created after its founders splendid honeymoon during which they travelled across two continents and an ocean with borrowed money. I always liked how the Lonely Planet guides are packed full of practical travel information and advice about the places I want to visit, however, I sometimes have found the guides to be outdated on more than one occasion. The Guides are laid out beautifully with helpful maps & various photographs from local attractions. Combine the photos with descriptions of cities & countries from around the globe and you have a great book that will inspire you to plan your next travel adventure. What I enjoy most about the Lonely Planet Books is they can help to generate fresh ideas of new places to travel and things worth doing when I'm in need of some travel inspiration. The books are full of lists. Top 10 Countries, Top 10 Regions, Top 10 Cities and so on.
I don't know if I agree with the top 10 in each of these categories, and you might not either, but that is not the point. Use the book to inspire you to travel to new places you haven't yet been, and to generate ideas and travel inspiration. Even if you don't travel to the locations listed in the Lonely Planet Travel Guides, they will help you create awareness of what's out there, and of the places that are available for you to explore. If you enjoy traveling, you will enjoy looking through the Lonely Planet Travel Guides for fresh new backpacking ideas. In 2007 approximately seventy five percent of the Lonely Planet was acquired by BBC Worldwide who resolved to continue creating travel guides as they have always been created in the past, providing trustworthy advice to independent travellers and backpackers. Each year approximately 500 new Lonely Planet guides are published for travellers. You can either purchase them from bookstores all over the world, or online directly from the company's official website. In addition, you can even download the guides now as an audio book. Wandering from one distant place to another, allows you to experience the diversity of the world's cultures, and the world-renowned Lonely Planet Guides have been helping tourists with their itineraries since it's founders went on their own life-changing adventure, spending borrowed money and savings on an unforgettable travel experience across two continents. Lonely Planet Publications is one of the world's largest travel guidebook publishers, founded by Tony and Maureen Wheeler, who cashed in on their wanderlust. Tony came up with the company name, having misheard the phrase 'lovely planet' in Joe Cocker and Leon Russell's song, 'Space Captain.' Of late, Travel Blogs have become one of the more popular ways to learn about the mighty world of travel. Backpackers, travellers on the move, and jet setters who love to travel the world can find a bunch of relevant information on travel blogs especially information that may not be available in a standard printed travel book or guide. First hand information about a possible travel location can come in very handy for the regular traveller, especially if it concerns local travel, hotel and food information, local weather information and travel maps etc. Don't depend on a single source for travel information. Flick through the Lonely Planet Guides, find a good Travel Blog with relevant & accurate information & even use Google to find helpful useful travel advice & tips.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Marc_J_Valentine
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