Love the Known, Don't Fear the Unknown

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Your spiritual growth will reveal to you whatever it is that you desire to know in this adventure called "Life on Planet Earth." You already know all there is to know but you voluntarily agreed to forget all that you know when you entered this physical plane. When you seek spirituality information you tap into the universal mind which you are eternally connected to and whatever you desire to know is revealed to you by your request for that knowledge. Can you begin to see the simplicity built into the game? In the physical plane every thought and every creation is influenced by this concept we call time. In the absolute plane, time does not exist so the thoughts that you choose to create happen instantly. Can you see how important your thoughts are when viewed from this perspective? You begin to realize how important it is to monitor your thoughts. You begin to understand the fundamental basis for thinking consciously instead of unconsciously. Most of the people who die have lived almost all of their earthy existence just sleepwalking through life making unconscious choices from unmonitored thoughts that have been told to them by others. They have accepted these words from others as their own truths and they are continually being confounded by life because their unconscious creations do not reflect their innermost desires and aspirations. When you enter the realm of the absolute and re-member yourself with your source, you wake up from this unconscious existence. It is in this re-memberance of who you really are that you can inventory your evolvement, and then decide what type of physical experiences you may desire to choose next. Remember you are at total choice in all matters. This doesn't stop upon your physical death. Life is choice. Eternal life is eternal choice. Your eternal beingness continues on as the mind-bodyspirit being that you are and you are free to choose any form of existence that suits your desires. Isn't it fun to think outside of the box? Isn't it fun to change the way you are thinking and think different thoughts? The spirit conceives, the mind creates and the body experiences. Your spirit brought you to this information. Your mind is creating the space for you to use this information. Your body is experiencing a revolutionary process of feeling. Go with it. It's fun. It's not the unknown. You know all things. You are just revealing to yourself what you have known all along. So, what form of existence do you desire after this eternal process of life has taken you from this earthly occurrence, where you voluntarily forgot who you really are, back to a place where you have total recall of who you really are? Remember you have total choice in all matters. This is where you understand what true freedom really is. There are no limits placed on your desires, just

as it is here on earth. There are no limits on your desires except what you choose to believe are limits. As you believe so shall you live. Your options are limitless. You may choose to remain in the realm of the absolute where all things are known to you. You may choose to re-enter the physical plane in another galaxy and another life form that is nothing like the human form. Have you ever experienced that before? You know, but you voluntarily forgot that information when you entered this physical universe. You will remember it again when you leave this physical universe. You may choose to come back to earth in order to experience some aspect of yourself that you didn't experience in your last go round or in the hundreds or maybe thousands of go-rounds before that. That's what happens when you are eternal. Can you see where it is a lot more advantageous to have a love of the known rather than a fear of the unknown? So, maybe you are a woman who experienced life from a low economic standard and perceived yourself with low self-esteem in your earthly body that did not conform to the norm that we are told is how we are supposed to look. This female form that you chose before birth was a previous choice to experience some aspect of your beingness that you desired to experience. Now you are choosing to return to earth in the form of a male with the intention of experiencing that aspect of yourself that does not judge people by appearances. We make an agreement with other spirits to help us in our evolution by meeting us at some point in our earthly journey to help create this experience. Here we go again. Wow! Our new adventure is launched as we choose the human forms that will be the right and perfect parents to use in our transition from the unseen to the visible, from the metaphysical to the physical. Are we black, white, yellow, red or some combination of them all? Once again it is entirely your choice. You are an eternal choice maker because all of life is change and life is eternal. You are life expressing in physical form and once you drop this physical form you continue on as life expressing in whatever form you adapt at any given moment of your existence.

Richard Blackstone is an award winning author and international speaker on Love, Oneness & Creation. Journey into discovery of Self by reading this FREE report; "The 3 Simple Immutable Laws of the Universe" at:

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