On the Incumbency of the Philippine Fifth President - The Beginning of the World Catastrophe

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The End of the World When I was still young I had a dream. As I was sleeping I tranced into a revealing vision. Initially, I didn't care about this revelation as I considered it as one of those ordinary nightmares, until such time that I was able to recall it anew and tried to evaluate the general essence of that message. Sometime in 1972 in a Police Headquarters of one of Laguna's chartered cities, two police patrolmen were casually exchanging views as to who would be the next President of the Philippines after the term of Mr. Marcos. Both were anxious to know who could really beat Marcos should he ever allow the government to hold presidential election. The policeman who seemed to be a pro-Marcos believer insisted that Marcos shall remain forever, considering his enormous political power and martial law rules. In the middle of the discussion, an old man in the late 70's who was keeping an ear on the discussion politely cut in and delivered his dialogue: "It is imminent that President Marcos shall step down from the power comes few years ahead. As a matter of fact, there would still be four more Philippine Presidents after him. To include the surname initial of Mr. Marcos, four more presidential initials would follow which shall compose the particular word "MARIA". The fifth initial which stands for "A" is a lady who would be the last president of the Republic. During the lady president's incumbency, the Philippines shall be the starting place of the world catastrophe which may eventually turn to the end of the world. But several more years prior to its catastrophic occurrence, the Philippines shall first soar into a great nation and shall be considered as one of the richest countries in the world. The fact is, there would still be three more presidents under the lady president's administration". In my younger mind of 21 (now I'm over 50's), I was there wondering whether this old man was telling the truth or not considering that it was still Mr. Marcos' incumbency and nobody ever knew whether there would really be another election. There were also some lingering questions that I set aside at that time: 1. What does the abbreviation "M.A.R.I.A." stand for;? 2. How is it possible for the Philippines to become one of the richest countries in the world considering the present economic crisis; 3. Why should there be three more presidents under Ms. A's presidency? 4. And why of all countries should the small Philippines be the source of the world catastrophe which may eventually turn to the end of the world?

I have my own answers: 1. What does the abbreviation "M.A.R.I.A." stand for;? Today in the year 2009, I now am able to analyze what are all those things meant. The word "MARIA" stands for "Marcos", "Aquino", "Ramos", "Estrada", "Arroyo". Why? Estrada does not have initial of "I". Well, the answer is simple, in the countryside the word that spells "MAREA" is spoken and sounded as "MARIA", that is self-explanatory. 2. How is it possible for the Philippines to become one of the richest countries in the world considering the present economic crisis; The Philippines, as a small third country which is indulged in serious economic and political crisis, can still have a chance to prove that it can possibly be one of the richest countries in the world considering its great volumes of precious reserves and mineral deposits particularly, the so-called "Deuterium: The White Gold of the Philippines". According to Major Tom/June 17, 2008, (Deuterium: The White Gold of the Philippines, The Economy Science and Technology), "the Philippines is identified to hold the greatest amount of deuterium deposit, somewhere in the area known as Mindanao Trench, the part of the Pacific Ocean just off the shores of Surigao. Deuterium is most prevalent in an area more widely known in the whole world as The Philipppine Deep. In the Freeman news article (dated August 2004), Dr. Anthony B. Halog, the Filipino scientist working at the Sustainable Technology Office of the Institute for Chemical Process and Environmental Technology, and the National Research Council of Canada described the Philippine deuterium wealth in this manner: "A big deposit of 868 miles long, 52 miles at widest point, and 3 miles at deepest point, replenished by nature 24 hours a day after deuterium travels more than 12,000 kilometers from Central America to the Philippines through the span of the Pacific Ocean when Planet Earth turns on its axis from West to East in unending perpetual motion." And it's potential in this breathe: "At 12 million barrels per day capacity priced at US$7.00 per barrel, this is US$84 million per day or US$30.66 billion per year, enough to wipe out all existing foreign debts of the Government in one year, revenue-wise in foreign exchange." 3. Why should there be three more presidents under Ms. A's presidency? Under the present territorial setting, federalism issue and the conversion into state (just like in America) of the three major island groups of Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao, is presently being raised for debate in the Philippine Congress/Senate? (Please correct me if I'm wrong.) What is Federalism by the way? It is a system of government in which a written constitution divides the powers of government on a territorial basis. The division is made between a central, or national, government and several regional or local governments. Each level of government has its own area of powers. Neither level, acting alone, can change the basic division of powers the constitution makes between them. Each level operates through its own agencies and acts directly on the people through its own officials and laws. (Reference:

http://firstclass.rfsd.k12.co.us/~mschneiter/Fad/legislative_1_federalism.htm) Now we see picture. There can be three more presidents under one over-all president should there be a conversion of these three major island groups of Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao into the so-called state. As in the U.S., a state is headed by the Governor and as in the case of the Visayas island in the Philippines, it would be headed by the Visayas President, and so with Luzon and Mindanao for that matter. 4. And why of all countries should the small Philippines be the source of the world catastrophe? Ever realized that the late movie actor Fernando Poe, Jr. did not make it to the Presidency despite his popularity? It may be a will of doom to let President Arroyo stay in power and experience the end of the world. Since the Philippines is set to become one of the richest countries in the world for its sky-rocketing deuterium production, there is an imminent danger of resentment among other countries, focusing enviously on the Philippine healthy economy while the others experience economic global crisis. Such perspective may eventually generate conflict among four big nations. With the use of modern and sophisticated military hardware, regardless of leveling themselves into an offensive-and-defensive position, but with one particular aspect - and that is to defend and destroy, this may become catastrophic situation and may eventually trigger to the end of the world. Just an opinion.

Author - Onofre Poonin More than twenty years in the investigative jobs. Twelve years of which were spent as Consular Investigator of the U.S. Embassy's Anti-Fraud Unit, Philippines. The rest were spent as Security Investigator/Manager of different security agencies in Metro Manila. As a BS Criminologist, I spend my time between essay article writings and security management job. I have published my first five articles in different websites and I'm currently working on my sixth essay article. I value my co-writers' thoughts, opinions, ideas, and their passion towards what they want to achieve. My philosophy revolves around the simple premise that I exist to turn my dreams into something real, and then shape that reality into an exceptional product, one which exceeds all of our expectations.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Onofre_Poonin

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