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Have you ever read a book to do with some sort of Personal Development that made you feel really good, gave you a new lease on life and basically left you feeling invincible? What happened to you two weeks later? Do you remember everything?Are you still applying the principals to your life? Are you looking for another program of Personal Development to give you that boost again? Do you blame it on your memory, or your lack of will power? Are you tired of this cycle? The reason why you are stuck on this roller coaster of Personal Development is because the habit of applying these principals to your life has not been formed yet. The typical person takes 21 days to form a new habit. That is great for one new principal, but what if there are 7 or 12 or 29 principals that you want to be applying to your life? The answer is simple! Form a daily habit of focusing on the new principals and refocus on the existing ones. In the beginning, this will take some effort, but the payoff will be substantial. The key is to keep a daily journal; this is a log of your progress and is also an account of what you have learned. As you learn new principals, write down an abbreviated version of the principal, example: JRN might be short for Journal. Put these principals on a piece of paper, like a bookmark, so as you are writing your progress for the day in your journal, you are reminded of the principals you are to be focusing on. On this paper, you may have it down to review your daily affirmations, your goals, whatever. Having this list of the principals you should be focusing on will ensure you are reminded to focus on them and your journal will be the record of your progress. As you typically have many new principals introduced into your life all at once, the habit forming process will take longer, so expect to see results in some areas of your life right away and some as time goes on. After 90 days of following this routine, you will see some dramatic improvements in your life. You can find a 90 Day Personal Development program that has great content of principals that will change your life and one that effectively incorporates the approach that I described for forming habits of your new found principals. Using this method, you will find years of time saved in reviewing and re-reviewing countless books, much greater overall results and much less money spent on the material.
Once you have formed the habit of implementing a base of new principals of Personal Development, adding additional ones to your daily routine will become easier and your results will get better. Personal Development only works if you apply it to your life. Because YOU Deserve Money! Greg Nicholls
Find out about the 90 Day Personal Development Program that Greg Nicholls accounts his Financial Success to by visiting [http://www.DeserveMoney.com/products.php] right now for all the details about Beyond Freedom. Greg is also known for teaching people a simple system on how to build a successful business while working from home; for more information about the business that brought home a 60-70 hour per week executive, who now makes more money on 1/3 the hours; contact Greg by email at info@DeserveMoney.com, or call his toll free number right now from anywhere in North America 24/7 at 1-800-388-4563, or from outside North America to Canada at +778-786-2287 to setup your appointment. Greg Nicholls, a 36 year old Husband, Father & Entrepreneur will help you understand why you Deserve Money in your life and how to get it! To subscribe to his free weekly newsletter, visit [http://www.DeserveMoney.com] and begin to benefit from his inspiring insights today.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Greg_Nicholls
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