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To achieve financial freedom we must live within our means and be financially responsible. To be financially responsible we must track our income and expenses through our personal financial budget. The first step in personal financial freedom - living within your means - is done by tracking income and spending less than we bring in. Keeping track of our income and expenses and preparing a personal financial budget is the easy part. The difficulty comes in sticking to our personal financial budget and continuing to track our finances often. For most people this is very difficult to do once they get caught up in the rush of life. In order to be successful we need to set up a planned time to keep our personal financial budget and income/expense tracking up to date. Now, finally onto what this article is about. Today I want to give you readers some real life personal financial advising tips that will help you to stick to your personal financial budget and live within your means. 1) Be Organized- To be successful and succeed in our quest for financial freedom we all must be organized. Without being organized there is no way we can possibly track our income and expenses and stick to our personal financial budget. 2) Take control of your spending- US Citizens savings rate has dropped from 11% in the 1980's to a negative savings rate today. This is clearly not the way to live within your means and achieve financial freedom. You need to take control of your spending and be sure to only spend money that you have. This means absolutely no credit card debit. Using a credit card is perfectly fine but only to the extent that you can pay off the full balance every month. As of today the average American has roughly $7500 in annual consumer debit. That averages out to over $600 per month. You must give up on the debit and begin to stick to your personal financial budget or you will not succeed in achieving financial freedom. 4) Setting Goals- Setting personal financial goals for your future is very important. If you can set future goals then it can help you stay on track today. 5) Cut any Unnecessary Expenses- To achieve personal financial freedom we need to live frugally today. Living frugally today will payoff and you will be much for financially free in the future. We all have a significant number of unnecessary expense that we can cut from our spending. All it takes is small things like packing a lunch for work instead of eating out. Here are some more specific everyday tips for savings money: 1) Buy Store Brands When Possible
2) Don't Eat Out So Often 3) Never Buy a Brand New Car 4) Use Coupons and Stock Up on Sale Items I think you can see from this article that small savings is very important in achieving financial freedom and sticking to your Personal Financial Budget. Personal financial freedom is a great thing to experience but it definitely takes sacrifice now so that you can have that financial freedom in the future.
If you are wondering what a personal financial budget is or what living within your means means then you should check out all the other articles ezines has to offer. These will get you up to speed on how to achieve personal financial freedom and then this article will make more sense to you. Jesse Chettle is a self-made Personal Financial Advising expert who specializes in giving out free Personal Financial Advice over the internet. You can visit his Personal Finance Budgeting blog to learn more.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mark_Loy
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