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Many of us are really angry over the daily grind of going to work to make just enough (if you're lucky) to cover the bills but likely still need to borrow money from friends or family to get through the rest of the month. It's demeaning, humiliating and exhausting. And not worth it! Here's a truth we've got to get comfortable with if we want to get out of this soul draining cycle we find ourselves in - we must become entrepreneurs. Working for someone else will never get us out of this lethal trap. Never. Ok, maybe if you're a CEO for a major bank. But in all honesty anything much less than that and you are a working stiff at a fixed income that will not get you ahead. What should your financial goal be? In my opinion there is only one goal worth pursuing and that is - to generate enough money so that you only have to work if you want to. In other words, getting enough ahead that you can live on the interest or the passive income. For life. Now to most of you this would seem an utter impossibility and we've all been taught from a young age that we must get a good job and hang on to it for forever. Isn't that what your parents did? Or at least aspired to? And of course they instilled that in us. It's all hokum! So how can a person with little or no assets get real financial freedom? In spite of everything you've read or heard there are only two things that can get you really ahead and these two tools are what the rich utilize all the time. The terms we're talking about are "leverage" and "compounding." You've probably heard both words thrown around but perhaps never gave them any real thought or didn't quite understand the meaning. But believe me the rich understand them very well. And if you can begin to grasp these terms you're at the start of financial freedom. According to Wikipedia, leverage is "any technique to multiply gains and losses." Compounding is when interest is added to the principal. So in very simple terms if you buy a tv for $100 but manage to sell it for $200 and realize this is a solid strategy, then the next time you could take the total of $200 you made and buy two tvs and sell them for $400. That's compounding. Now if you can convince someone to loan you an additional $200 so that you can buy 4 tvs instead of two then that's leverage. It's really quite simple and very effective. And there are many, many ways to apply these tools and win. So get angry enough with yourself that you can't take it anymore and break out of the grind. It can be done and you can do it. Let go and get free.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rick_Mowat
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