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Without something like the rocket German review course it could be a mind-expanding experience to learn another language. When you make the decision to speak a second language, this can be one of the most captivating ad rewarding challenges that you may face. In order to graduate from their high schools, many countries require that their students learn a second language. This article will focus on a rocket German review. Because I wanted to experience another culture in a different country, I planned a trip to Germany. Before making the trip, I first wanted to learn how to speak the native tongue. Since I did not have the time to attend classes, I decided on a home study course. When doing research about different language courses, you will run across a variety that indicates they teach a foreign language. Which courses would be considered suitable? I developed this site in an effort to share any experience I had with people who want to learn how to speak German. I have taken the time to review Rocket German(TM) which is produced by a company named Rocket Language Ltd. This course was written by a native of Germany, Paul Weber. This company also prides itself for the production of high quality language learning courses such as Italian, French, Japanese, Spanish, Chinese, German and the American Sign Language. In the beginning module there are 31 audio lessons. After your very first lesson, you will be able to speak some basic German words. You will feel quite comfortable asking simple questions, receiving directions, ordering food, etc. You will be learning conversational German so you will be able to converse with the native Germans as you travel throughout their beautiful country. Included in the course materials are the print transcripts of the audios which I found to be very helpful. The first module is about 14 hours in length. This may seem rather lengthy, but I could not contain my excitement as I was learning so fast. It seems that I consumed this part of the course. I was learning and was having fun at the same time! The course materials also include software. The first software application is called MegaVocab(TM). When I used this software, it made my learning more fun and that much easier. MegaVocab(TM) is a vocabulary recognition tool. Basically, you run through a series of words that you learn through repetition as well as with a picture. You use this same concept when you use flashcards. This software has 2,000 pictures and words built into it. You can, however, add more words and pictures of your own choice as you make the decision to learn more words. As soon as I started learning the vocabulary, I went on to the MegaAudio(TM) software. It was during this particular time in the course that I started to feel self-assured with all that I had learned up to this point.
The software provides exercises that test and improve your recognition of the spoken words. For each exercise that you do, scores are provided. You can reference these scores to make sure of the kind of progress you are making. It is fun to use the software. I had a great time learning the vocabulary. However, when I began to understand the German as it was spoken, I became very excited. I had a very hard time trying to find another language program that offered software such as this. The German course was designed with the idea that the student has no understanding of the German language when just beginning. Yet, this course will also cater to the advanced student. This added value to the program because I would not have to go out and get a more advanced course as I progressed. When you become a student of the Rocket German(TM) program, you are given a free membership to the Rocket Language Online Forum. This aspect of the course really impressed me. The 'members' only forum' is a place where you can get all sorts of questions answered. It is also a place where you can communicate with other students who are taking the same language as you. You may even 'speak' with the Rocket Language online instructors. You can try to get different ideas from other students about things that may have you stumped. This forum is what makes the cost of this language program such a great deal! It would be well worth it if I had to pay a monthly fee to belong to this forum. However, it is great that is already exists as part of the course! You are probably thinking that a course like this will cost way too much. When choosing to go with the downloadable version, you will be able to get the course for a steal at just under $100. It was simple to do the download, and I was able to watch it all on my computer. I then burned the material to a CD and even play it in my car. I even downloaded some of the audio on my ipod. You may also have the program shipped to you on CDs if you like. However, it will be a bit more expensive and if you are on a tight budget, then please consider the downloadable version of the course. It is up to you. This is a very user friendly course, and you may have a hard time finding another course like this. I have been very pleased with the results as I have used this program and would highly recommend it. The company offers a 60 day money back guarantee with no questions asked. If you decide that the program does not satisfy your expectations, you have the option of receiving a full refund. Considering the quality of the work, the software, the forum, the bargain price and the guarantee, I give the highest rating of 5 starts to the Rocket German(TM) program.
Click Here for more information in addition to a Rocket German Review and access the Rocket German software! This website will assist you in learning how to quickly and easily learn German by utilizing the proper research tools and software. (Seriously, this is something we've helped *hundreds* of people LIKE YOU do QUICKLY.) Start enjoying YOUR new language skills NOW. Take advantage of little known but USEFUL
techniques to learn foreign languages more effectively. Get rid of the frustration associated with language learning NOW. Create your promising German speaking future starting right now. How? That's easy... http://www.foreignlanguagesoftwarereviews.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=James_R
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