Sea Kayaks - The Adventure of the Sea

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Mother Nature has gifted mankind with invaluable treasures to explore and enjoy, and one of these is the vast oceans. We all know that more than seventy percent of earth is covered by water, and researchers and adventurers have been unfolding the mysteries of the deep blue seas for ages. There is a legion of water sports and activities available nowadays that involve the sea. Kayaking, for instance, is a popular water sport where you can paddle and travel over waters using a small boat called a kayak and a paddle. The size of the water body for which a kayak is designed determines the shape and features of the kayak. Two major types of kayaks are white water kayaks and sea kayaks. Sea kayaks are small boats with seating for one to three paddlers facing forward covered by a deck, and are paddled using a double bladed paddle. Man has always had an enthusiasm for water. As the waves constantly fight their way through to reach the shore, one can literally spend hours being entranced in their rhythm. Sea kayaking also embodies this repetitive motion. We get to fight our way through the waves to reach our destination and to experience the treasures of the seas. Sea kayaking expeditions may last from a few hours to many days. Sea kayaks can house food, water and other basic necessities. Traditional kayaks are rigid in nature, while folding kayaks are typically made with wood or aluminum frames and can be easily reassembled and packed. Sea kayaking gives a sneak peek into the rich marine life unknown to most people. Orcas, humpback, minke, blue, fin, gray and other types of whales, cute dolphins, sea lions, seals, eagles, and beautiful tropical weather are some sure shot attractions. Sea kayaking expeditions can be enjoyed by both veteran paddlers and beginners as guides are available to train and monitor you. Sea kayaking lets you discover many rugged and dramatic places on earth all by yourself. Thus, it can be a life time endeavor and will have new paddlers joining the sport year after year. All of us have been in awe of expeditions which we see on TV. Sea kayaking gives us an opportunity to enjoy and experience such incredible adventures for ourselves. Sea kayaks are designed to provide optimum performance, stability and comfort so that they can be handled both by experienced kayakers and amateur paddlers efficiently and easily. Sea kayaking can also be experienced as a guided tour, where guides are always at close proximity, ready to help in case of emergency and at high alert. Safety and precaution are the first priorities. Sea kayaking, when done properly, informs and educates paddlers about the ecology and environment of marine life in a manner which does not disturb ecological balance and peaceful existence. It increases awareness for preserving and respecting the splendid creations of nature. Sea kayaking also helps you to understand the geology of the area you are kayaking in a fun filled manner. Don't delay your next kayaking trip. Choose any of the splendid locations from the long list of choices available for sea kayaking. Enjoy a fun filled, informative trip in harmony with nature.

Larry Kang is a writer on outdoor recreation topics. To learn more about kayaking gear, equipment, and other topics related to kayaking, visit Paddling Instruction for Beginners. If you liked this article, feel free to reprint it on your website, e-zine, or newsletter as long as the credits above remain intact and the hyperlinks stay active.

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