Socialism As a Path to Maximizing Freedom

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Item #1) I am a socialist. Item #2) I believe that the job of any government is to maximize the freedoms of its people. Stunned, are we? Confused? A bit lost? Or simply readying your pitchforks and signs that read "hypocrite, die!"? Well, perhaps you'll give me the chance to elaborate. To exercise that freedom of mine, if you will. :P Some feel that there should be only minimal intervention into the rights of the individual from the government, and yet so many of our laws do intervene. For most of these, we do not complain. And why? Well, the point of these laws is still to maximize freedom. Let us take, as a starting example, something rather obvious. Murder is illegal. Why? Well, the obvious answer is that "murder is wrong," but we must delve deeper, and ask "Why is murder wrong?" One can even then retort with religious reference, if you so choose, saying that the Bible says murder is wrong. But why does the Bible (or Baghavad Gita or Quran or any other religion text) say that it's wrong? Well, it's wrong because the exercise of the freedom to murder robs the other individual of ALL their freedoms. In other words, by using this freedom, we have removed far more freedoms from the other individual, resulting in a "net loss" in freedoms. There are some circumstances in which we say murder is acceptable, and while we can use complex morality to justify it, we can also examine it in terms of "net freedom gain" or "net freedom loss." For example, killing in self defense. In this case, killing someone who would have killed you results in a retention of all your freedoms and a removal of all their freedoms. Further, as they are the sort who would kill, an increased likelihood of lower interference with freedom in the future is established. Thus, we have a net freedom gain. With me so far? This law, and all just laws (in fact), exist because they maximize freedom for everyone. How does this apply to socialism? Well, let's use another example as a bridge. The wealthy can use their wealth how they please, to an extent. Let's say I'm incredibly wealthy. Let's even say I'm a self-made man who struggled to get a scholarship in school, made my own business, all that (this one in ten thousand scenario that we love so much in the USA). I own a massive corporation which is beating the competition. Now, I can use my wealth how I want, but let's say I started to use my wealth to buy out all my competition, sabotage their ability to compete with me, and in other ways establish myself as a monopoly. Certainly, this is the exercise of my freedoms. However, what is the result?

In the end, my monopoly has gained the "freedom" to charge whatever we want, so long as people are willing to pay it. As they have no one else to go to, and I can easily sabotage or buy out any new competitors, their choice is now to buy my product at my price or not get my product at all. If you want some historical on this, check out our friend Rockefeller. So the exercise of my freedoms to "use my money how I want" has removed the freedom for everyone to use their money how they want, as they can no longer control (in any measure) what they pay for products. They can be impoverished by my decision, not their own, simply because of the exercise of my "freedoms." Net freedom loss. Thus, monopolies are illegal. Still with me? Now, enter socialism. The current Governmental system does not maximize freedom. A socialist government is required in order to do precisely that. Let us take just a small portion of the issues inherent in the capitalist system. 1) The freedom of businesses to do as they please has led to tax evasion through overseas banking, manipulation and abuse of foreign nations and systems in order to maximize profit, and corporations so large and powerful that the US economy is dependent on them. The use of these freedoms has minimized the freedoms of the average citizen - including the opportunity to establish new small businesses, the ability of the government to have functioning social programs, and the rights of citizens of foreign nations. 2) The freedom of banks to charge what interest they want on loans and grant loans to who they want, when they want, has forced many who are already struggling into a deep poverty. It has restricted the ability of individuals to start new businesses. It has caused a major issue in today's economy. 3) The freedom of companies to pay employees less than fair living wages has allowed for mass manipulation and exploitation of workers. While the company profits in massive amounts, the base level employees live in squalor. Those at the top of the ladder profit and gain capital while those at the bottom do not have enough to live on, often holding down multiple jobs. Sure, the freedom of the base level employee to get another job exists, but the freedom for all companies to take these actions means that all jobs for these base level employees remain massive exploitations. (My solution to this comes in the form of syndicalism, by the way). 4) The freedom of inheritance allows the "family" to remain an unending class unit in society, meaning that meritocratic reward is an essential impossibility, due to a lack of fair opportunity for all. The use of the freedom of inheritance robs many of the fair opportunity to compete, the fair opportunity for education, and so on. The "right of blood" is a classic concept that goes back to the ideas of nobility, royalty, and aristocracy, but one that is outdated and requires dissolution. These are just a small portion of the freedoms that we allow in modern capitalism which restrict the freedoms of the masses. The net freedom loss we see is visible to those who truly look, but those who have the power to change things (which is to say, those who are in power, with power being equated to money in this capitalist society) have the least incentive to change things (and, in fact, the greatest incentive to prevent change).

It is thus the responsibility of the masses, the lay workers, to call for revolutionary change for the maximization of the freedoms of all, through the restriction of unfair and exploitative freedoms of the few. Am I un-American for believing as I do? "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." That we are all equal, not merely the wealthy. Not merely those born in a position of privilege (and I include myself in that category). That we must have freedom and the ability to pursue happiness - both of which are interfered with deeply by the current workings of Capitalist society. "That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness." And so a new Governmental form is required, and it is our right to establish it. Violently? I hope not. Through a massive voice of thunder that rises up from the masses, crying "We will not be exploited! We will not be abused! We will not be enslaved! We will stand united and free!" What could be more fitting for the land of the free and the home of the brave, but to establish a new order wherein we are truly free, to a person, rather than free to a degree based on which family we were born into? We have crippled our upper class through stagnancy and our lower class through squalor. Greater innovation, progress, and opportunity await all in this new world. A world where all would have the opportunity to use their ambition, their creativity, and their intelligence for a truly meritocratic gain which would benefit all in society. What I am talking about is not merely revolution. It is evolution, and the birth of a new, better, and more free world!

Rob Young Primary contributor at Learn more about Socialized Syndicalism today!

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