Starting an Online Business in Five Easy Steps The Basics You Need to Know

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Starting a basic online business probably represents the single easiest way to build a future of financial freedom for yourself. This may sound like the cliche Backdoorwin32cybot.B Removal Directions: To Remove Backdoorwin32cybot.B of 1000 internet marketers, but it is essentially true. Now, obviously I'm not talking about starting the next Yahoo, Facebook, or Google (at least not yet), but I am talking about a mostly digital source of income that is portable and at a basic level gives you a source of income that is enough to live off of. Cliche or no, these essential conditions are really not much to expect, if you put in some effort and a bit of innovation; just a bit, no genius required. Step 1: Criteria, passions & skills. Before anything else comes this. Some people like to recommend picking a niche first; others say you should get a site up and running before anything else. I say what good is either if you don´t even know what kind of business you´d like to have? Thus, first get busy figuring out your criteria: How much would you like to make as a stable baseline amount? Within how long would you like to be making this? (I know the answer is probably now, but be optimistically realistic) How much work would you be comfortable doing on a daily basis? Once you've got these answered to at least some satisfaction, get yourself busy figuring out what your skills and passions are, and how you can make money from them at all. Based on these skills, and on how much time you´d be comfortable spending on your business, you can proceed to step two, picking a business model! What's that? No defined skills, no passions? No problem! We´re not all focused artistic types, and we don´t all have a specialization (e.g: accounting, computer science) that we can leverage to success at the snap of a finger. Lacking a specialization, or passion you could practically turn into a business is only as much of an obstacle as your imagination and work ethic let it to be. Because, no matter how much you lack these, you can always build a field of interest from scratch. Something you´d at least be comfortable doing, especially considering the financial freedom and mobility you´d get in the bargain by taking it online. Brainstorm ways in which you could help people in creative ways, think of a specialization you could quickly learn enough to get started selling it, and learn as you go. Think of unique information you could sell that no one is yet offering; remember, libraries are full of books, how much of that is useful info? How much of it has made its way to the internet? Do you get my drift here? Creativity is the keyword. Step 2: Your business model.

Having figured out the above, you should now pick for yourself a practical business model. You could categorize an online business into two general types. They are self employment, and a scalable business system. What the hell am I talking about you ask? Well, simply that either you're a self directed wage slave while working IN your business, or you're someone who is actually building a business as an independent thing; working ON your business instead of in it. For example, a freelance writer, having his own website, consistent advertising, and a steady stream of clients, might be successful and making good monthly income, but he or she is still has a daily work load, and their earnings are directly proportional to it. On the other hand, someone whose online business consists of selling stock nature photos has to produce the photos and handle the weekly admin on his website, but how much they earn is scalable. If they can advertise well and get lots of buyers, their earnings could double, triple, quadruple or whatever and the work they have to put in would remain about the same. Think along these lines when it comes to your business model. Think of which is better for you or more convenient, pick which one you´d like to go with and lets us move on to step 3. Step 3: Your product or service Putting together a product or coming up with a service to offer is something so varied and individualistic that I really can´t tell you what to choose. You've got to keep in mind what I said at the bottom of step 1 and get creative in what you can bring to the marketplace. However there are two basic things that you should really keep in mind about your product or service: The first is that you need to be unique in some way. Not absolutely, but there has to be something to what you offer that makes it stand out from the ho hum, or at least seem to. The second thing, the more important one, is that your product or service doesn't have to be perfect. So please don´t agonize over every last comprehensive detail! Just get the basics complete, at the lowest cost possible without diminishing quality, and get what you're offering out there to see how it sells. If it doesn't, tweak and experiment until it does. Step 4: Your website. We're almost there, taking concrete steps and getting things done. Once you reach this step you'd better be excited, because you're almost out the door! You absolutely need a website. Whether or not you wind up selling your product or service through eBay, Craigslist, or whatever other big marketplace websites, you need to have a home on the internet that's all your own, and to your own style; a way of getting started on your own brand. Just like everything else here, getting your website up and running should be kept simple and straightforward; you can always add to it or totally renovate it later. Have a site made that: tells your audience about you, lists your products or services, gives a means of contacting you, and (especially if you're selling products) has a payment processing page. For the basics, these are it. If you are selling a service, you can also start a blog which is connected to your site and post regular articles which demonstrate your expertise in your field

You don´t need your site to be fancy, it absolutely does not need flash pages, nor should it need to be full of complex graphics and other useless garbage; simple, presentable, and to the point is what you want. The two easiest and quickest ways to go about getting a site that fits the above criteria are through hosting providers like Godaddy or 1&1 Hosting, both of which have very easy to use site building programs with hundreds of available templates. Also, you can use WordPress themes (usually meant for blogs) to make great, simple, and cheap sites. None of these would cost more than a couple hundred bucks max. One more time I repeat: Make your site simple: what you sell, who you are, why you're worth paying for, and how to buy your product/service. Then, get it up on the web. Step 5: Advertising and Marketing. This step scares and confuses a lot of people. There are thousands of internet marketers out there, all of them pulling your attention in different directions, trying to convince you that THEIR CUTTING EDGE STRATEGIES (insert 300 exclamation marks) are the best way to find customers! We´ll keep things simple and down to Earth, ignore all that nonsense and focus on the really important basics. Your advertising strategy can be boiled down to this essential objective: Getting as many of the people your offer applies to best to buy. The key concepts here are targeting and buying. Advertising is going to cost you either time or money, probably both; you don´t want to waste time on the wrong market. Make sure you know who your customers are, and target only them. Do this by making a solid list of all the websites, magazines, forums, and other online locations where these customers are likely to show up. Also, make a list of all the keywords and phrases (related to your niche), especially the obscure ones, which you think your customers will likely use when looking on a search engine for whatever you're offering. Now that you've got your lists, use whatever means are available (Google AdWords, Yahoo, etc) to create advertisements and target those keywords, and those websites. Recall how I referred to obscure keywords and phrases? Well, you want to use these because they will be much cheaper than the very common keywords. You´ll get more bang for your buck. Use for the keyword list building. Take a look at the site and see for yourself. They clearly explain how they allow you to do this. Now let's go on to free advertising. First off, don't underestimate all the free classified sites. Craigslist, kijiji, etc, prepare ads for all of them and get them posted. Keep reposting them as they get older and less visible. Just as with Google, keep keywords in mind when writing your ad, they'll help with your search visibility. Beyond these, start spreading the word that you've got something to sell! Regularly visit at least several sites and forums relevant to your service or product. Comment frequently and give out quality advice, but in doing so link back to your site and what you're offering. People will start to notice after a while, especially if you're talking a good line and being helpful. Find article sites (such as this one, and others) Join as a member and build reputation and awareness through articles you write on topics related to your services or products. These will help, especially if you know what you're talking about. Try to write at least one article a week and make sure they all contain a link to your site.

The above are the basics of what you should start with, and for now they'll do, If you've got something worth selling. Remember the key ingredients of targeting your audience as closely as possible and getting as many of these people to buy as you can. These are fundamental. Conclusions. Now that you've got the five basic steps, get busy! I know that we didn't cover anywhere near everything here, but we've covered enough to get you well on the road to having your online business up and running. At the very least you have an adventure to look forward to, more likely than not, you've got the makings of financial freedom and peace of mind just over the horizon. The bottom line is to GET MOVING! Get something ready to sell, a site to sell it from, and the basic advertising up and running. Follow these steps before you bog down in paralysis through analysis, thus getting yourself overwhelmed and pulled a dozen ways to Sunday by too much advice.

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