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You've been looking forward to it for months. You and your friends are finally going to Paris! It's a trip that has taken you years to plan and agree on. Now you're finally buying tickets for this pregraduation trip. Even if you can afford it, the fact that you're student should make you want to take advantage of student discount airfares. Here are some of them. •It's a perk. Yes, it is. Not everyone is entitled to it - only students. That puts you in a certain privileged classification. Besides, if you book a flight as students, airlines and travel agencies can suggest plenty of attractions and activities that you would love. They just know what keeps students like you excited about a trip to Paris. It's a wonderful feeling, isn't it? •It's practical. Money might not be a problem with you, especially if mom and dad see to your every whim. But it won't make sense to not take advantage of something freely available to you. You wouldn't refuse a gift, would you? •It gives you more shopping money. That's really a no-brainer. Student discount airfares save you precious dollars that you could add to your shopping budget. There's always going to be something at souvenir shops that could use an extra dollar. You wouldn't want to regret not being able to buy something you totally fancy, do you? With travel guidebooks like Tony Morrison's 'Save on Airfare Secrets', you will find it does not cost much for students to actually have a fun trip abroad. Knowing where to look and what to look for works well with your student status in giving a great student treat of a holiday vacation. It makes it a lot easier for you and your friends to make your travel plans happen. What more could you ask for?
Todd Moore is an expert on how to get airfare discount tickets [http://discountairfaresecretsonline.com/] and the director of the DiscountAirfareSecretsOnline.Com blog. For tons of fantastic information about how to get airfare discount tickets [http://discountairfaresecretsonline.com/airfare-discount-tickets-anytimeanywhere], you should definitely check out his blog.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Todd_Moore
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