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Low price airfare is the desire of every traveler; however, very few ever figure out its secrets. Even very seasoned travelers make a lot of mistakes when it comes to airfare. Learn some of the secrets of low price air fare-as revealed by a former airline insider! It is amazing what one can learn about low price air fare by spending time in the airline or travel industry. And I have come across such a person who is spilling the beans so you can take advantage. For example, did you know that airlines offer discounts when you travel as a family? For purposes of this discount, a family means a husband & wife. Kids are optional. Just tell the travel agent you will be traveling as a family & would like the discount. Another low price airfare secret: it is not always worth it to upgrade to 1st class. When your flight is less than 4 hours long, the upgrade to first class is not worth the extra cost. Save that money for something else. Did you know that United Airlines has always had an unannounced offer that will give you a 5% discount when you call at a peak time & their call volume prevents them from assisting you in a timely manner. The phone will have a recorded message giving the details. The best day time to take advantage of this offer is Monday mornings. One final secret: smaller airports almost always have lower prices compared to the big international airports. If you can save enough money on a ticket, it is sometimes cheaper to drive to a different city than it is to book a flight at a major international airport.
Like these low price airfare secrets? We have only scratched the surface of my airline insider's knowledge! Visit http://www.inexpensiveairfaresecrets.info to get information on how to get even more secrets to low price airfare!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Drew_C._Spaeth
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