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There are two basic kinds of travel bargains. The first is what people normally think of, which is the special deals that show up from time to time on travel to popular destinations. If you are flexible and pay attention, you can often find a great package deal to Disney World, for example. If you have three trips in mind that you might enjoy (a cruise, a trip to Hawaii and a Vegas weekend, for example), you can wait for a special offer on one of them and increase your odds of a bargain vacation. Then there are the other travel bargains. These are the "deals" that are always there, the affordable places to go and things to do that you can take advantage of without waiting for a special promotion. Here are a few examples. Travel Bargains - Destinations If you look at a map and use the internet to do a bit of research, there are probably many inexpensive places you can go within a couple hours of home. These are places where you can afford to stay and with activities that you like. For example, if you are traveling with kids and live near Michigan, you can go to the Sleeping Bear Sand Dunes near Empire, Michigan, and then enjoy the beach at South Bar Lake. An hour from there, you could visit the casino near Suttons Bay, and then drive Highway 22 and take in the views of Grand Traverse Bay. In Traverse City you can go to one of the water parks or hit the malls. In any case, hotels are very reasonable here, especially in the off-season. If you live near Montana, you could visit Anaconda, a great little mountain town at the east end of the Anaconda-Pintler wilderness area. Hotels are under $100, (or just $140 for the week at the Harp and Thistle Inn) and there is a reasonably priced Jack Nicholas-designed golf course right in town. Nickel slot machines are in every casino and a movie at the beautiful Washoe Theater costs just $4. The point here is that somewhere near you are travel destinations that have what you need for entertainment and relaxation. Some of these are cheap enough to be travel bargains. So get out a map, get on the internet, and make a list! Travel Bargains - Things To Do There are also trips and vacations that are travel bargains just because they involve mostly cheap activities. To save money on that vacation, then, make a list of all the things that you might like to do. Then concentrate on the least expensive activities on that list and design a trip that will be everything you want it to be, and not cost much.
For example, if you enjoy treasure hunting with your metal detector, head for the nearest ghost towns or beaches. If you enjoy bicycling, find a new place to go and load up that bike. If you just want to relax on the beach, you live in the north, and its summer, skip the expensive ocean destinations and head for the Great Lakes. You can wait and watch for the great travel promotions that show up from time to time. But the other way is to just plan for inexpensive destinations and activities. Often you'll find that you have even more fun on the trips that cost half as much. Now that's a travel bargain.
Copyright Steve Gillman. To learn more about Travel Bargains, get the free Travel Secrets Ebook, travel stories and tips, at http://www.everythingabouttravel.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Steven_Gillman
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