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Setting up a successful travel blog should be a daunting task. Producing a quality travel blog takes time, writing flair and the ability to connect with our readers. In this article we look at four key principles which make up successful blogging. When it comes to writing a quality, informative and interesting travel blog, it's almost second nature to try and sound clever. In fact, it's often easy to spot the new travel blog simply by the lofty language that tends to be used. Unfortunately this style of writing tends to alienate readers Apart from over-using the thesarurus, the next most common mistake for new travel bloggers is the length of the blog post. The most successful bloggers tend to blog frequently but in short spurts. Most blog readers are looking for short, factual and easy-to-read articles on the subject they have searched for. A long blog post tends to looks like a reading assignment and can quickly send the average reader running. Instead of writing a thesis why not split it into two or three medium size posts? That way you have more content, more posts and are more likely to get your readers to return for part two. Keep it short. Travel blogging is a careful balance of opinion and information. When you start travelling blogging it can be easy to see your role as a famous travel writer but this puts the balance out of equation. Unfortunately search engines don't rate blogs by how fancy the language or ideals are, but rather whether your article is relevant to the searcher. Likewise your readers are going to be looking for information about a topic with a little bit of human opinion put in there for good measure. Keep it informative. Of course when you set up a travel blog, or any blog for that matter it can be easy to see your readers merely as readers. One of the major differences between publishing a magazine article and a blog post is that readers can comment directly on blog posts whereas magazines tend to just select a few random reader's letters. Read your reader's comments carefully and encourage them to comment and participate more in your blog. This way you'll keep your hand on your reader's pulse and at the same time produce unique and varied content that will make your blog stand out from the crowd. Keep your readers in mind. Setting up a travel blog is a straightforward task. Whether you're a New York publishing company running a travel guide to America or a Portuguese bed and breakfast producing an Algarve blog the principles are the same. When writing your next post, keep it simple, short, informative and keep your readers in mind and you will be on the track to a better travel blog.
Carolyn is a freelance writer based in the United Kingdom.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Carolyn_Macleod
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