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Do you understand Twitter yet? If you don't, you're not alone. Comprehending how 140 characters can be turned into a viable series of relationships that in turn leads to major sales isn't easy for most people. Still, once you start breaking Twitter down you'll find that it's actually a very easy proposition, one that can be taken in a series of steps. First, you need to understand why many people use Twitter. Often, people use Twitter to connect to those who follow or share their set of interests. Twitter is a great way to follow a live stream of news and information about those topics. Interesting links and news stories the follower might not have found any other way are readily available at the fingertips. They also use Twitter to find a quick way to make connections, sometimes for deeper relationships and sometimes for professional advice. Twitter starts with your short bio and web link. The web link should go ahead and point to your primary business website. The short bio should tell people more about who you are and what you stand for. When people join you in a network marketing business-or any business, really-they are looking for leadership. They are looking for people who are going to teach and mentor them into success. Next, you need to use the search function and begin following people who are interested in your niche. Many of these people will check out your profile and follow you in turn. Some won't, and that's okay. Eventually this web will spread as others interested in the same niche will follow you because people they are already following follow you. It forms a very exponential effect that can, if you do your job right, eventually turn into a lot of followers over time. Placing regular content on the web should be a regular part of your business strategy. Videos, articles, blog posts, guest blog posts, Squidoo lenses and hub pages all help you pre-sell your opportunity or product. So does material that you place up on your web page. Every time you update this content you should use a tweet to let your following know. They are following you specifically because they want to get these kinds of alerts. This ensures a steady stream of traffic to this content, to your website, and, in time, to you. That traffic can be converted into sales and network members who will ultimately support your financial success and freedom. Now, you can't make it about you, you, you all the time. Nobody likes that. So make sure you follow relevant industry blogs and tweet their work from time to time. Pay attention to what your followers are tweeting and "retweet" them. Participate in #followfriday, too. That's when you choose out people and recommend them to the rest of your followers as good people for them to follow. Each recommendation should be followed with the #followfriday tag. Twitter is also interactive. At times you will get @mentions (that is, tweets that mention you by
your user name) and direct messages. You should always acknowledge the former and answer the latter, even if the latter look as though they might be automatic messages sent to you because you followed someone. When you do this, you will begin pulling people into a conversation with you. Since people do business with those they know, like, and trust this can create even larger conversions once these individuals take a look at the broader web offering. Finally, don't forget to let your followers see you in all the business every once in awhile! While your followers won't want to know about every sandwich you make, a tweet that talks about you as a person, every now and then, won't hurt at all.
Jeanette Tatarnuk works from her home in Ontario, Canada. Go to her website to learn how you too can earn a six figure income from home. Personal mentoring and full training provided. Start today! [http://www.pickhappy.com]
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jeanette_Tatarnuk
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