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If you live in the Philippines, you will eventually realize that summer is almost over. And what comes after summer? Rainy season! Rainy season is good. The weather is usually cool. Farmers expect this season as a good time to plant rice and other staples. But being in the Philippines, you should know what rainy season brings. It brings rain, a lot of it. Philippines being conveniently on a typhoon prone location in the Pacific Ocean usually experience a lot of heavy rains in a year. On average, around 6 to 7 typhoons hit the country per year. This number seems to increase in the past decade. Filipinos are usually resilient to these weather events. You can see it in the types of houses that they build. For example, people in Batanes make their homes out of stone. Even their roofs are made of stone. These stone houses are suited for the heavy winds brought to by typhoons. But the modern Filipinos now a days do not build their houses out of pure stone anymore. Filipinos of today now live in condominiums. Condominiums are by far one of the best residential places for typhoon prone locations. The condominiums are built in such a way that they are to sustain heavy winds from typhoons. The Philippines is bombarded by a lot of typhoons, but there was never a case in which a condominium was severely damaged because of the strong winds from these typhoons. Condominiums are usually high; this feature gives an advantage during floods. Floods during typhoons are frequent. In the Philippines, a flood can reach up to 6 feet (more than the height of the modern Filipino). Urbanized places like Makati and Ortigas usually experience high floods during typhoons. Commercialization and urbanization paved the way to lesser trees. The anti flood system of the Philippines is also not that good, that is why floods are frequent. Thankfully, it is these places which have high number of condominiums. It is convenient for the target market of condominiums to be the working classes. Because here in the Philippines, the places where the working classes work are the ones ravaged by these floods. When a typhoon warning has been raised, the Philippine government usually calls it a holiday. When a holiday has been called because of a typhoon, you usually do not want to stay out of
home. Condominiums are usually equipped with recreation areas. These recreation areas usually come handy when there are occasions wherein you have nothing to do (like typhoons). So, if you plan to live in the typhoon ravaged country called the Philippines, I suggest you live in a condominium in the Philippines.
Dodong Canyon is a writer for various topics related to geologic safety and management in the Philippines. He also contributes articles for websites that offer condominiums in the Philippines.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dodong_Canyon
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