What IS ESP Amazing Adventures Into The Unknown Explained

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In this article we are going to take a quick look at a popular question amongst many newbie researchers into the paranormal realms: "What is ESP...is it real, and if so, how can I develop it myself?" If you think these areas provide exciting avenues of exploration, you and I most certainly AGREE! So sit back, let's look at a few definitions, and take another look at another amazing intersection between science, and spirit. Read on..:-) First a Definition ESP is most commonly defined as extra sensory perception, and essentially refers to all matters where information is gleaned, cultivated or learned by mechanisms not presently understood or explained by our present scientific worldview. While ESP is often used to describe a BROAD variety of paranormal phenomena (everything from near death experiences, reincarnation memories, to simply picking cards out of a deck correctly at a rate significantly higher than would be allowed by chance), mainstream science has limited it's study primarily to the areas of statistics and probabilities, as these are obviously the easiest areas to test, and measure. Who has studied it? Easy! Lots of famous scientists, most notably J.B. Rhine (namesake of the Rhine Institute at Duke University), Russell Targ, U.K. Biologist Rupert Sheldrake, and most recently, world famous scientist Dean Radin, who published his supportive findings in the controversial best seller, "The Conscious Universe". Can it Be Learned? Absolutely! Those who DO believe in ESP ( and while this is a minority of mainstream scientists, almost ALL of them who have studied it in depth agree that it DOES exist!) say that simple meditative and focused concentration exercises can and do train the brain to enter into these super conscious states where extra sensory perception seems to occur easily. If you want to know if it is real, or not...my advice is, make up your OWN mind and simply begin the practice for yourself. The truly exciting experiences in life are ALWAYS found where you least expect them, and when you go out on the limb a little bit! The rewards are FAR more powerful than anything you will read in a book, I can promise you that.

And of course there is SO much more....More that lies possible in YOUR life if you only open yourself up to the possibilities. You don't need to read the SECRET to really discover the secret...

just start opening your mind, awareness and ride the supernatural surfboard into the wild and wacky world of the unknown..:-) You will NOT regret it, I promise! Who Else Wants to Experience Radical Inner Peace & Magnificent Well Being? Read on...to discover how to experience blissful meditation quickly, easily and magically even if you are a complete novice and have no idea what you are doing!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tina_Bardo

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