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You are the creator of your life. Your every thought shapes the path that you follow. And for entrepreneurs, that is why mindset is especially important. Every entrepreneur knows that nothing is more responsible for his or her business successes than mindset alone. In order for you to create the freedom and wealth that you so desire, perhaps you should start being a caregiver to your business. In other words, learn to treat your business like it is your child. For example, the moment you start your business can be thought of as the birth of your very own newborn baby! In the beginning, "it" cannot take care of itself yet, so you really need to give it your full attention and care. Every day that passes without you working on your business, is the same as every day passing without you feeding your baby! You wouldn't want to do that, would you? Your business needs everything that you can offer it - not just your money, but your love as well. This is especially true when your business is trying to stand on its feet. Eventually, when your business grows a little bigger and things are starting to take off, you can send it to "daycare" or to "school," where others can help take care of it. In business, this is called outsourcing and it's awesome! And the possibility of quitting? No. If you have a burning desire to create freedom with your business, then quitting, with the caregiver's mindset, is not even an option. Think about it! It's like quitting on your living, breathing baby! Finally, if you "raised" your business properly, it could soon learn how to take care of itself. At this point, all the really hard work is done, and you can sit back and relax as you watch it grow, grow, grow (aka. yield you profit, after profit, after profit.) by itself! That is true freedom. In addition to financial freedom, you will have also achieved freedom of mind, body, soul, and spirit, through knowing that YOU succeeded and have helped others along the way. You see, creating freedom is much easier than you think. It is all about putting things in their proper perspective. Hopefully, you will start to create freedom NOW with this new mindset: the Caregiver's Mindset.
Julian Cedric is the co-founder of Team Jucear, a dynamic group of successful entrepreneurs. Julian's genuine personality and straight forward mentoring approach is inspiring and helping other entrepreneurs achieve massive success! Contact Julian Cedric today! 201.893.8738 FreedomYouCreate@gmail.com And make sure to visit his blog for more business inspiration and opportunities at [http://www.freedomyoucreate.com/]. Thanks and God Bless!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Julian_Cedric
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