Diane L. Paull - The Florida Bar File No. 2013-00,675 (4B)
Date: 2/28/2013
In my response to Ms. Paull's admission of guilt, I would suggest that the Florida Bar take immediate action involving the material evidence submitted that this attorney's conduct did indeed violate the Florida Rules of Professional Conduct 4-8.4 as an official of the court, and self represented (pro se). Ms. Paull's response to the Florida Bar on the material evidence submitted by this complaint shall be viewed as non sequitur. It is evident that Ms Paull offers no factual proof other than her intent in conspiring to defraud the court(s), and the Florida Bar has a public duty that warrants an investigation. The Florida Bar should also be reminded that the public's safety should be the number one priority when attorney's such as Diane Paull show inconsistencies and improprieties of attorney behavior that are obvious even to a layman. The fact that Ms Paull's name is on the former wife's bankruptcy notices is enough evidence that warrants an investigation into this matter since Ms. Paull was the attorney for former wife during this time. Also, the Florida Bar cannot ignore that perjury has been committed in the material evidence submitted. The court transcripts and Ms. Paull's own comments verify perjury. The Florida Bar cannot deny this, and it is suggested the Florida Bar require Ms. Paull in a sworn affidavit if such alleged incidents within the transcripts did actually occur. Keep in mind the complainant had (2) bogus injunctions filed against him because of this, has been forced into penury which among other things has had a detrimental affect on Mr. Walsh's college education as a senior, and the fact that Ms. Paull clearly and intentionally obstructed my receiving the much needed funds of alimony owed in possibly rectifying a left eye which is now blind, and at the same time Ms. Paull has a bogus injunction against me. As for the F.B.I., I have no idea whether Special Agent Joe Noone opens letters received, but I do know he receives and opens material evidence of fraud and perjury that the Florida Bar now has. Would any F.B.I. agent make such a statement over the phone to someone they don't know as Ms. Paull claims? After all, Special Agent Noone was instrumental in bringing to “Justice” those within the realm of “Judicial Corruption” in my hometown of Luzerne County, Pennsylvania. As to why the F.B.I and Homeland Security hasn't contacted Ms. Paull, why should they? One last piece of the puzzle must be put into place before this happens, and if Ms. Paull does not agree to such, then a criminal complaint will be filed through the F.B.I. I can promise you this person will be disbarred, and all who have enabled this criminal behavior will be implemented one way or another. As for my participation in helping to reform Florida Statute 61.08, as you can see I was offered to be a lobbyist for the group but ultimately gave the check back after realizing that the biggest obstacle in making such reforms was taking on the powerful and influential lobbyist of the Florida Bar. In fact we know more about the Florida Bar, and how business is conducted for this non profit organization than most, especially when one of its members must be disciplined. Let's find out if such is the case with Ms. Paull. Please check out my interview on Hdnet Tv Dan Rather World News Tonight pertaining to alimony, and my run for Florida State Representative in 2008. http://blog.hd.net/post/466130670/manimony http://walshie4staterep.blogspot.com/ Daniel F. Walsh (walshie) 2656 Stern Drive South, Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233