Web Development Services in Kolhapur
BENEFITS OF SELECTING WORDPRESS SITE From last few years, we saw lots of blogging platform came and gone, Some are running with the very little customer base and some of them closed the service. But, If you see the history of Wordpress then you will amaze, Wordpress grown rapidly from past few years and keep their position in the market as strong as it before. Wordpress improved lot in this few years, they change their interface, structure and put some additional features. In this article, we show you why to choose Wordpress platform to make a website.
1. It is open Source – The millions of developers and programmers are working on Wordpress every day to make it better and improve its performance. Because of open source, anyone can edit, change and contribute on it. This is one of the main benefits of Wordpress. 2. Customizable Design – Word Press CMS offers 100% customization, Therefore user has full control of the site, and add the various designs and features as required on site.
3. Thousands of Plugins – Wordpress offers plugin install option that can save lots of efforts of the designers and developers to make things work better and smooth. There are free as well as paid plugins are available in the market, Which is used by creators to make things work perfectly 4. .Ecommerce – It is started as a blogging platform when The started, but because of its popularity, growth and open source it improved a lot. Now Wordpress has its Ecommerce section where the user can create their own online shop and start selling. The Ecommerce option offers lots of features from adding products on the site to payment gateway option.
5. Compatible with all type of sites – Because of open source nature it is possible to use any kind of website with Wordpress. It Doesn’t matter it is a blog, Organisation site, company site or online store. Everything is possible with Wordpress 6. Tracking is Easy – You can easily track visitors with the help of different tracking systems like Google analytics. It is easy to integrate Google analytics with the Wordpress site
7. Social Media Integration – You can easily integrate your social media platforms with Wordpress. This is helpful to the site’s visitors to stay in touch with your site with social media. Also, we can set up the auto-post feature on It It’s Secure – Wordpress offers a high level of security to it used to avoid site being hacked by the hackers. There are also plugins available to increase its security and protect your site. As long as you have good website designers and developers working on your Wordpress site you are hack proof.
8. Google love Wordpress – As we discussed before in plugins, there are lots of plugins available for SEO setup. That makes Wordpress site more SEO friendly. Because of SEO friendly nature, Google love it and rank site easily for target keywords.