Good read by @chedmonston and a great Zeb Vance quote. –@GrierMartin (March, pg. 114)
Wisdom! –Bobbi Wooten (March, pg. 114) Great article and stunning photos about coworking spaces in Raleigh. –@raleighwhatsup (March, pg. 62)
The Frontier is a great place! –@BaroffKen (March, pg. 62) Tons of coworking spaces exist in Raleigh. How do you decide which to choose? This @WalterMagazine piece helps. –@olympiafriday (March, pg. 62)
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Beautiful essay by the multi-talented artist, Ippy Patterson. –@annstewart501 (March, pg. 104) Looking for a good read? The latest issue of @WalterMagazine features #LNCXVI alumnus, Louis Cherry. –@LeadershipNC (March, pg. 86) Such an awesome article in Walter Magazine about a house being built to support Boys & Girls Clubs serving Wake County. ... It is truly an amazing story of how this house came about! –Baker Roofing (March, pg. 78)
We want to hear from you! @WalterMagazine
WALTER 215 S. McDowell Street, Raleigh, NC 27601
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