WALTER Magazine - December 2021

Page 22

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FORREST MASON / P HOTOGR A PH ER Forrest Mason is a food-focused photographer, video producer, and documentary filmmaker based in Chapel Hill. Quick to crack a joke or a crab claw, Mason has been moseying around the country making friends and art for many years. On shooting for The Feast of the Seven Fishes story: “What I thought would be a quick shoot on a random weeknight turned into one of the most memorable evenings of the year. Chef Liz Grandchamp (and her friends!) prepared an incredible marathon dinner over the course of the entire night that rivaled some of the best meals I’ve ever enjoyed. I arrived knowing no one, and left with 20 new friends. It’s a wonderful life!”

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EAMON QUEENEY / P HOTO G R A P HE R A Raleigh-based photojournalist, Queeney cut his teeth at The Columbus Dispatch in Ohio, and today explores the state for clients like The New York Times and The Washington Post. You’ll find him working with a camera or cycling around Raleigh while smiling a lot — wave if you see him, he’ll wave back! Working on this issue was a real joy for him. “The second Jacqueline started playing the violin, my heart nearly stopped. To hear such a talented artist so lovingly play an instrument with a storied history in an intimate setting was stuff for the soul. Coupled with the magic that’s in the history of Tony and Mindy’s family, it was an unforgettable moment. Hopefully the photographs can begin to do it justice.”

SUSANNA KLINGENBERG / W R I TE R Susanna Klingenberg is a writer, editor, and former North Carolina State University writing instructor. When she’s not helping researchers polish their prose, she’s collecting stories of local people and places — a venture that always leaves her revelling at the vibrant energy and rich history in the Triangle. This month, she took a dive into a complex history. “The instruments in Tony’s family have witnessed tragedy and resilience, and it was an honor to tell their story.”

Courtesy contributors (EWEN, MASON, QUEENEY); Rebecca Necessary (KLINGENBERG)

ILINA EWEN / W R I TE R According to Ewen: “My dreams of being a doctor were shattered when my performance in the requisite science classes was less than stellar. I reflected on my other interests and came upon some old report cards: the running theme from all my teachers was around my writing and creativity. Meeting Dr. Jackson rekindled my love of science, and spending time with him was more than a lesson in soil science and poinsettias. He clearly loves what he does and he brings so much joy to others by sharing his gifts.”

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