WALTER Magazine- March 2020

Page 46

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Four-leafed clovers, rabbits’ feet and pre-game rituals... we do what we can to capture a bit of serendipity. In honor of St. Patrick’s Day, we asked a few folks around a town what they do for luck. —Melissa Howsam

Luck is where hard work, attention to detail and preparation meet opportunity. I firmly believe that if we are prepared and execute our game plan, then put ourselves in position to be successful— the luck shows up! -Robert Brickey head coach, Raleigh Firebirds

I’m a firm believer that you make your own luck... then again, sometimes chance does play a part. Right time, right place kind of thing. Oh, and I never walk under ladders, particularly if there is a person at the top of it. Never. -Niall Hanley owner and president Hibernian Hospitality Group 46 | WALTER

For luck in my everyday life, I pray. But when I hit the soccer field, I have a routine that I follow that I feel brings me luck during practices and games. -Jessica McDonald forward, North Carolina Courage

Positive affirmations—combined with a dose of humor— enhance lucky thinking. The Irish are known for their luck, arguably due to our use of witty responses toward all of life’s circumstances. –Deidre O'Malley owner, Wild Irish Rose Celtic Shop

I don’t believe in luck, but routines are important for competition. Eating the same type of pregame meal or warming up a certain way before each game is important. We control our controlables: Be prepared, work hard and leave the rest up to God. –Scott McInnes, athletic director Millbrook High School

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