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Cuban-born native Data Entry Payroll Maker Havana Cuba

Lic. Wilfredo Walter Mayet González

mobile phone: +5353463894 email: wmayet@nauta.cu with copy to waltermayet@gmail.com



I am Cuban with Cuban citizenship, living in Havana, Cuba . I was born in Havana in April the 12 th , 1960, I am very proud of my age ☺, not as old person as old person usually is ☺. I present to your consideration other insights of my CV, the one which maybe you are looking for candidate to some difficult tasks to accomplish, for instance:

⇒ Data-Entry Operator plus Book-keeper.

⇒ Payroll Maker plus Book-keeper.

Let us suppose you are a wholesaler or retailer and you receive goods in many containers, but containers were shared with others merchants. You ought to go to the port with your bills in order to withdraw your part, or wait for the delivery service to your business. One of another later you must check and count the goods to place in a large warehouse or in a small one for selling. There are many computerized operations in inventory only, but…

⇒ Do the computer and artificial intelligence (AI) guarantee the quality of your operations?⇒ How much time do you spend daily verifying the rightness of the operations?

⇒ How much money do you lose every day, every month and every year by mistakes and claims from the side of eather suppliers or customers?

Please take a long breathe… I found that many tasks, including data-entry by dictation and scanning, are not as easy as should be and the computer, robot and AI are not still able, and maybe will not, to replicate many human-only tasks like decisions on pricing and placing in market, or handling customer claims.

Have you ever thought on outsourcing these tasks if you find a reliable person?

From August 1982 to December 1982 I worked as Accounting Assistant maintaining data manually in an enterprise producing Trailers Building for Cargo Trucks. It was my first workplace where I learned basic accounting tasks. This short CV served me to enter the enterprise for Transport Expedition Managing Services to work as Accounting Assistant as Data Entry Operator. I managed 1) General Ledger, 2) Inventory’s keeping up-to-date, and 3) Payroll making, nevertheless, performing the tasks was not as easy as today maybe they are.

I have been operating a non-screen, non-hard disk and 4K RAM computer, something unbelievable today, right? In addition by enterprise’s “socialist” problems, its buil-in printer had no ribbon.

In this whole environment, I could not see what I had typed before till I finished entirely the long data-entry and printed to check the continue carbon-copy paper.

What about mistakes? This computer kept no record and in case of error-found I ought to repeat the process. Please check the accounting computer DARO 1720 produced in the former socialist East Germany (in German language, Deutsche Demokratische Republik). This computer ran programs made in its own assembly machine language.

I worked there since March 1983 to December 1984. Any errors? I had made one error and its repeating process the first time I used each program for each above mentioned task after training. By force of the circumstances I became

Pursuing excellence in data-entry when I was 24 years of age became “built-in” and afterwards seeking perfection became likewise an obsession.

Issued: 25.04.2019


Whole project: Wilfredo Walter Mayet González

Lic. Wilfredo Walter Mayet González

mobile phone: +5353463894 email: wmayet@nauta.cu with copy to waltermayet@gmail.com

In 1989 I finished my career as Computer Scientist (Software Engineering) honored with direct continuation of the studies and researches to get Doctor’s Degree; in 1991 the so called then Minimum Doctor Candidate (I resigned getting ahead). From the beginning I used to apply computing to economic field and passed some certified studies on Economy.

Post-graduate studies associated to Economy Sponsoring center Finished1. Economic Statistics applied to Market Research Ministry of Foreign Trade 30.07.19932. Accounting and Finance for Management University of Havana 10.06.1998

In 2003 I have just finished a good version of data-based program for Human Resources and Accounting for making payrolls, and decided to become independent self-employed. During the next 7 years to 2010 I had been contracted for enterprises and institutions to make versions of the program according to their own working characteristics. This time making no first error in any workplace I was their

I should ended this business when I became Tourist Guide & Tour Leader, later independent self-employed, and I tried to restart payroll business in 2017 getting two licenses as Programmer & Book-keeper. There is an announcement in Spanish: https://issuu.com/miltonmayet/docs/walter-elaboracion-nominas but I failed like when I failed in 2010, mainly because I have no way to remote communication to expand the operation by the strict governmental control over the use of computers and communication systems.

I presented the past and from my past I am able to offer many things to you, like these ones:

⇒ These “built-in” zero-error-making skills and experience meaning EXCELLENCE.⇒ Communication skills in three languages: Spanish , Polish and English .

⇒ No little commercial experience and (three years, 2006-2008 on contracts, INCOTERMS, quality control, commercial mailing, wholesale inventory sales), including Commercial Representative.

⇒ Experience as Technolog in coding and describing both products and services.

⇒ Experience as Advisor.⇒ Of course, a long experience in computing so I am able to learn almost any program and assess it.⇒ Some photography and video abilities.

Taking into account that you have a virtual internet store, or maybe you are planning it and still not decide and I could be helpful to you in founding it.

In general as business person you will be more profitable and will have more time for other activities, maybe for holidays if you consider my proposition as reliable.

Some final statements:

• Performing these tasks I was alone in the past, in the time of issuing I am still alone, but there comes a time when I should train someone else in my soul to delegate some of the tasks to guarantee your operations forever and ever.

• I am open to be hired to go abroad either as formally employed or independent self-employed with no more ties other than contract to perform the above tasks.

Your contact and questions will be always welcome…

Issued: 25.04.2019


Whole project: Wilfredo Walter Mayet González

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