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As Chairman of the Arab British Chamber of Commerce it gives me great pleasure to welcome you to this Economic Summit and to realise that we are among friends who have joined in a shared purpose of seeking out new opportunities and renewing contacts following the difficulties of recent times.

The interest shown in this event has exceeded expectations and the representation of strong delegations from across the Arab World and from different regions of the UK stand as testimony to the strength of our shared vision.

This Summit follows ABES2019 which was widely supported by our members and strategic partners. In recent years we have faced unprecedented disruptions of the COVID pandemic, the economic adjustments demanded by climate change and latterly a growing energy crisis. These formidable challenges create new uncertainties. Much has indeed changed since we last met in 2019 at this same venue, but the one certainty that remains is our shared appreciation of the value of working together. The UK-Arab partnership flourishes as never before, developing and extending into new economic sectors driven by emerging technologies.

It is in recognition of the growing significance of the enduring cooperation between the British and Arab nations that this Summit has been planned and organised.

The countries of the Arab League today represent some of the world’s most highly dynamic economies and they offer increasingly lucrative opportunities for doing business. New opportunities are opening up as a result of the breathtakingly ambitious transformative vision programmes adopted by proactive leaders across the Arab world stretching from the Gulf to North Africa.

Our shared vision is founded on achieving mutual advantage and reaping the rewards of prosperity that are the outcome of the strong collaborative efforts flowing from the entrepreneurial talents of the British and Arab peoples, particularly the younger generation. Thanks are due to all our sponsors and strategic partners who have made this Summit possible. I am aware that our CEO and his team at the Chamber have worked tremendously hard and with tireless dedication to prepare for this Economic Summit. As a Chamber we are entitled to take pride in the contribution that our organisation continues to make to ensuring the success and growth of the Arab-British partnership.

Finally, I would like to wish everyone at ABES2022 a productive and successful day.

The Rt Hon Baroness Symons of Vernham Dean, Chairman, Arab British Chamber of Commerce

A warm welcome to this Second Arab British Economic Summit on behalf of the Arab British Chamber of Commerce.

I wish to express thanks to all our distinguished guests, strategic partners, delegates, exhibitors, sponsors, speakers and friends. Your support has been invaluable to ensure the successful delivery of this Summit.

ABES2022 follows on from the first ABES held in 2019, which was widely judged to be a success. Once more this Summit underlines the shared vision of a strong and developing partnership between the United Kingdom and the Arab World.

These Summits, as with all our events and services, demonstrate the Chamber’s clear commitment to building stronger, deeper and more comprehensive partnerships between British and Arab private sectors. This endeavour reflects the intentions enshrined in our founding credo of “friendship through trade” which provides guidance and shapes all our activities.

ABES22 intends to highlight the enormous potential for productive cooperation in key innovative sectors that are driving forward the global economy and where the pursuit of closer collaboration is a priority shared by both UK and Arab governments and peoples. We will showcase the range of opportunities that are emerging for doing business and investment across the spectrum of sectors and regions. The impressive representation from leading public and private institutions on our speakers’ panels and among the visiting delegations to the Summit indicates a shared commitment to cooperation and partnership. This commitment is shared in equal measure by both the British and Arab peoples, who can draw on a long tradition of friendship, interactivity and association that stretches back many centuries.

Today, as we face new challenges and uncertainties in the global economy, the British and Arab peoples are determined to strengthen their collaboration and build on their rich record of past achievements. We are the stronger in working together. That is the basis of our shared vision.

I look forward to meeting you all at ABES2022.

Mr Bandar Reda, Secretary General & Chief Executive Officer, Arab British Chamber of Commerce

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