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FURNITURE DESIGN 家具设计 It is a workshop cooperate with the IT Frame. The Italy furniture company mainly focus on the Haute couture furniture.In this two week project ,we were asked to develop some new furniture for the Chinese family according to their lifestyle. 这是我们和 IT FRAME 家具商合作的项目,这个意大利家具商的主要业务在于高级定制 家居。我们做了为期两周的 WORKSHOP, 主要针对中国家庭的生活习惯,为他们设计家居。


Our target group is a typical middle-class family with only one child . Their anual income is around 300,000RMB. The parents are white collar workers around 35 years olds.In the weekends they will invite their friends to their home. (Their friends will also bring their children there). For the parents, It provided a chance to comunicate with each other. For the children, they also can play together.During their spare time, the parents will also play with child to enhance their relationship . 我们的目标用户是典型的三口之家。家庭 年收入 30 万人民币左右。父母是典型的 白领精英,平时工作较忙,但当节假日时, 他们会邀请他们的朋友来家里做客。同时, 他们的朋友也会带自己的小孩来。对父母 来说,这是一个好友重逢相聚的好时光, 对孩子们来说,他们也可以在一起玩得很 愉快。



the healthy growth of the child. relationship between parents and child education relationship between family the healthy growth of the child. new technology relationship between parents environment protection and foreign culture child brand effect education relationship between family new technology environment protection foreign culture



STORY STORY STORY BOARD BOARD故事版 01 two people world, family atomsphere,with the child we image a situation: the adults gathered together and had a chat ,but the children were playing and screaming excited.It interrupt the adults from talking to each other.In this situation, the adults just hope that there will be something isolating the children from them and meanwhile ensure

02 Safety, influence,game

The story two described a picuture that after dinner, all the family member were sitting on the sofa having a relax. They hope more space to have play with the child.

how to help the interaction with kids how to ensure the safety through shape and material

how to create a warm family atomsphere

how to help arrange the toys


how to record how to create a the growth of warm family children atomsphere how to help the divison of space

how to help arrange the toys how to integrate the multi-function how to cultivate of the furniture the creativity of children

how to record how to ensure the the growth safety of through shape children and material

how to help the interaction with kids how to cultivate

the creativity howoftochildren integrate the multi-function of the furniture


CONCEPT CONCEPTBOARD BOARD this is our final concept. The sofa was devided in threeparts,when closed,it can be a single sofa. But when opened,it became a small this our finaltoconcept. hill for is thechildren climb ontoThe andsofa have was fun. devided in 这是我们的最终概念, 沙发由三部分组成,当围合起来的时候, threeparts,when closed,it can be a single sofa. B 它就是一个单人沙发。但当打开的时候,它变成了一座小山,可 以让小孩爬爬玩玩。 ut when opened,it became a small hill for the

children to climb onto and have fun.



我们的人群定位是三口之家,有一个学龄前儿童,周末的时候, 会邀请其他小孩来家里玩,大人也会因为孩子们 而聚在一起,交流聊天。这个沙发平时是张单人沙发,小孩来 玩的时候,可以打开变成一个小山坡,小孩可以在 面爬来爬去,大人也可以坐在上面读书休息。家里来客人的时 候,它是孩子们的游戏平台和娱乐空间,一家三口 聚在一起的时候,它也能为家长和孩子之间的亲子互动提供场 地。


t h i s i s o u r f i n a l c o n c e p t . T h e s of a w a s d e v i d e d i n threeparts,when closed,it can be a single sofa. But when opened,it became a small hill for thechildren to climb onto and have fun.




AMY got a fever,she has to use a themometet to AMY got a fever,she check her body temperature. is going to use thermometer AMY 发烧了,她需要一个温度计来量体温。 to check her body tempreture

shedon`t don`tlike like the the medical medical devices they she devicessince because will make her feel they will make hersick feel more sick 然而,大多数医疗器材让她觉得害怕, 只会让她觉得病得更严重

one,daygot she agot a candy themometer one day,she candy themometer 一天,她得到了一个棒棒糖温度计

37. 5 C







candy for eat

the candy themometer composed of two things the candy themomenter composed of two 棒棒糖温度计由两部分组成,糖和体温计 things, candy and electronic themometer

she put the candy themomenter into her mouth

after 5 minutes ,the candy melted Amy put candy themomenter in her mouth 分钟后, after 5 她把棒棒糖温度计放在嘴里,5 miniutes,the candy melted. 糖融化了,同时温度也显示出来

and the body temperature was shown.Amy was really happy with it. 又能吃糖,又能量体温,AMY 觉得 And then,the body tempreature was shown. 很高兴,下次还想使用它 Amy felt so happy with it.




the candy themomenter composed of two things,candy and electronic themometer.after the candy was eaten,the body temperature will be shown.In this way, the children will be more happy with the body temperature-test experience.And it can also be a way to relief their pain. 棒棒糖温度计由两部分组成,糖和测温棒, 当糖吃完的时候,体温会显示出来。通过这 样的方式,可以降低小孩对医疗器械的恐惧 感,提升他们对体温计的使用体验,下次量 体温的时候,他们会更开心。同时这也是通 过另外一种方式减轻他们的病痛。


the candy themomenter composed of two things,candy and electronic themometer.after the candy was eaten,the body temperature will be shown.In this way, the children will be more happy with the body temperature-test experience.And it can also be a way to relief their pain.

轮椅设计 这款轮椅主要针对偏瘫患者,;偏瘫患者的特 点在于半边肌无力,所以在坐着的时候,身体会 不自觉的歪向一边。这样一来,会对脊椎和内脏 器官形成压迫,时间长了,将不利于患者身体的 血液循环,也不利于他们保持一个健康自然的体 态。 这款轮椅在偏瘫患者的身体两侧(肩部)增加了 支持的挡板,来帮助患者扶正他们的坐姿,同时, 轮椅的头靠部分能够支撑,固定患者的头部,从 而帮助患者保持良好的坐姿,这不仅有利于他们 的身体健康,同事,良好的外在形象也有利于他 们重塑自信。

WHEELCHAIR DESIGN my target was the semi-paralysis patient their muscels are half-gravis, so they can`t support their body in a right gesture.When they sit, their body will fall to one side unconsciously.It will not conducive to the blood circulation and it will bring oppression to the spine and internal organs.

this wheelchair has two baffles to support the users`shoulder so as to correct to posture.Meanwhile, it also has a headrest to support the head. The whole design will bring a comfortable support to the body. For one side,it will help the patients to keep a good posture when sitting for a long period, for the other side, it will make them look better and feel more confidence.


It was a project cooperate with HP.In this challege, we were ask ed to design a printer used in the public space.My target area was the tourist attraction, this printer were design to print the postcard. For the tourist, he (she)can take a foto by himself, print them out,then send them ,it will be the best memory for her and her friends.


The idea of the bag-powerstip comes from the insights into our daily life. Usually,there were a lot of wires around the powerstrip and it was difficult to make it tide. What can we do to it? Why not put the chargers and the wires into the bag! The bagpowerstip can hold wires inside so as to make the surrounding enviroment clean. 袋子插线板的概念来自于对使用情况的观察,平 时在充给手机,电脑电的时候,总有许多电线露 在外面,非常难整理。袋子插线板提供了较大的 储存空间,可以把正在充电的物品和曝露在外的 电线放进去,让周边环境维持较为整洁的状态。


this hanger is used in the store.When taken off from the shelf,it can turn to a handbags to put the clothes you have just bought.When back in home, the handbag can turn back to the hanger. It provided convinience for people when they cannot find the hanger for the new clothes they just bought. It also works as a good brand advertisement for the store. 这个产品可以实现衣架 - 购物袋两者之间的转化,试图解决平日 买回新衣服但却找不到衣架去挂的情况。在服装店里,这个衣架 可以用来陈列衣服,当购买者决定买下衣服的时候,这个衣架可 以变成一个包装袋来装所买的衣服,此外,回到家里,包装袋又 可以变成一个衣架。对于商店来说,这也是一个很好的品牌推广 机会。

ELECTRONIC DRILL the electronic screwdriver project was a cooperation with Teamsdesign. For this challege, we were asked to started from the shape of a screwdriver. It meant not only thought about the appearence of the product but also the usability. we tried different models to test weather it is comfortable for use and we did the 2D rendering for the final presetation. the shape of the electronic screw driver was get inspiration from the motocycle.we wanted to give the screwdriver a sense of speed and power. 电钻是我们和 Teams design 合作的一个课题。在 这个课题中,我们从电钻的形态出发进行设计,同 时考虑到握感,舒适型,着力点等,方案最终以二 维渲染和草模方式呈现。


The name ”guyot” comes from the shape of vine. It remind people the original of wine, the smell of the grape , the feel of nature. The shape of the logo also get inspired by the name.






VI The VI system for the bar “L`ora. L`ORA in Italian means time. There is two message to convey, 1 it is a bar 2 The meaning of the name,time. I used a hourglass to incorporate this two shapes.In looks like a martini glass,in detail, it is a hourglass with the drop of wine.

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