Learn Mandarin and Thai in Singapore
Being knowledgeable of a foreign language such as Mandarin or Thai is a special skill. There is a need to impress their native speakers.
Why Speak Mandarin Taking a Chinese course in Singapore indicates the ability to reach out to native speakers. It is interesting for non-Chinese to know that only Mandarin shines for the natives. For them, Mandarin has to be learned in order to communicate with their fellowmen.
Why Speak Mandarin Learn Mandarin in Singapore and experience the fun of communicating with Chinese people! The goal of working in China means a satisfactory level of Mandarin. Since Chinese only understand Mandarin, the tendency is to look for fellow speakers.
Why Speak Mandarin There is a great edge of speaking Mandarin for business. Majority of Asian companies have Chinese owners. Understanding how they negotiate for deals leads to bonus points! In this manner, the tendency is to attract reliable and trustworthy partners. Have a better way of knowing their business culture. Also, in social gatherings, be confident in talking to them in Mandarin.
Why Speak Thai In visiting Thailand, the skill of speaking Thai to locals is appreciated. Feeling like a Thai is the best emotion. It is an advantage to be part of a Thai language course in Singapore. Know how the Thai language is spoken and written.
Why Speak Thai Mastering Thai for business is a special skill. Talking to colleagues and clients properly and with confidence is a plus! Although the employee has a different native language, being able to speak in Thai becomes impressive.
Why Speak Thai In being a Thai language course student in Singapore, there are many kinds of topics to learn. Develop fluency in speaking Thai including its accent and pronunciation. Enhance skills for listening and reading. Know how to talk to a Thai on the phone.
Be under the tutelage of a native Mandarin or Thai speaker! Go to Stanford Language Centre to have a memorable experience.