During my past studies, I have come to realise that architectural design is a highly integrated discipline, not only as a technical product but also as an artistic creation. The essence of architecture is space, and the architect controls space through the human scale. To shape a coherent system or functional whole, to allocate space rationally, to relate to each other and to form a system of its own. The environmental and architectural design programme during my undergraduate studies provided me with the necessary design theories and skills, developed my independent research and critical thinking skiParametric Reconfigurationlls and, most importantly, allowed me to balance the relationship between people, architecture and the environment from a holistic perspective.
In my understanding, the role of an architect is not only to shape a space, but to think about what the space can bring about, whether the space can bring about a positive development for the people or things in the space or even the surrounding environment, or whether the space can respond to human behaviour or changes in the environment, so my study and design process during my undergraduate studies was also I have been thinking about and exploring the answer to this question throughout my undergraduate studies and design process.
In my future studies, I hope to continue to consolidate my professional knowledge in the field of architecture, while learning more interdisciplinary knowledge and exploring more design possibilities in order to produce more in-depth, creative and socially valuable architectural projects.
The New Utopia
A new utopia for the modern city Human cryonics in the metaverse Multifunctional building high rise Parametric Reconfiguration
02 Frozen Secret 03 China Pavilion 04 Orbital Centre 05 other works
The New Utopia

year 3 acedemic project
Individual work
Economic development inevitably brings an increase in population density. How can cities face the problem of land constraints in the process of development? The project is inspired by Thomas More's book Utopia. The project is inspired by Thomas More ’ s book Utopia. To address the drawbacks of sprawling cities, the central axis of Beijing is selected as the foundation of the city through research and reflection on cases. By developing rules and algorithms for the spatial mix of the central axis and the surrounding buildings, the project addresses the problem of land resource constraints in the future. The project combines Beijing’s ancient central axis with the concept of a Utopian city, adapting it to the development of the contemporary city as a ‘New Utopia’ .

In each city there are four public hospitals them very spacious, like four small towns.W ----The The project is inspired by Thomas More’s Utopia, which presents an ideal state through the description of a Utopian island. Everything works according to the order set by the city itself, and the island is equal in terms of means of production, resources, size, population.
The increase in urban population is an inevitable trend under global development. The Utopian design of the city seems advanced for its time, but as the population grows and the city expands continuously, the problem of land constraints would be magnified over time. The ‘New Utopia’ will be based on the Utopian theory of the city and contemporary urban development trends to address the problem of urban sprawl due to increasing population.
Based on the book’s description of the Utopian city, I have studied Barcelona to refine and develop my design approach, as its initial urban expansion is very similar to that of the Utopian city.

The Cerdà Project: the expansion of Barcelona

The urban plan was based on the principle of equality, with the intention of eliminating socially stratified communities. Everyone lived in octagonal blocks with an internal courtyard and an evenly distributed population, with no ‘exclusive areas’ for the rich or the poor.
The city block was designed to be 113.3 x 113.3 metres, with an optimum space allowing for an air volume of 6 square metres per person.The width of the street was limited to 20, 40 or 60 metres in different cases. Inside the octagonal block, the dark green parts are buildings, leaving green spaces and public spaces in the light green areas. The buildings occupied only two sides of the block and were no more than 24 metres deep and up to four storeys high,

The development of Barcelona’s neighbourhoods from public to private
Additional areas 67200 ㎡ +29440 ㎡ +18944 ㎡ +52864 ㎡ +126323 ㎡ =294771 ㎡

Economic growth inevitably brought an increase in population density, and Barcelona ’ s urban development did not follow Cerd à 's original plan. The Utopian supported public green spaces now become closed and privatised neighbourhood. The buildings reach a depth of 35 metres, exceeding the set limit of 24 metres.
Barcelona is a product of the development of Utopian theory into modern times. The increasing population of cities in the process of sprawl inevitably leads to a strain on land resources. Utopian cities were not designed with this in mind, but simply kept adding colonies to the outer states.
But the emphasis on equity in politics, economics and education and the concern for the disadvantaged mentioned in the book are concrete manifestations of their humanitarianism, and do not lead to differences in access to the city’s resources due to differences in status. At the heart of this Utopian humanism are social equality, harmony and compassion for the underprivileged, which is a key reason why The Cerdà Project has endured and is still the guiding principle of its urban development 150 years later.
hospitals on the outskirts of the neighbourhood, all of towns.W
----The Utopia of Sir Thomas More,tr.Ralph Robyrmo
There are fifty-four cities on this island, each of them large and magnificent, with the same habits, the same customs and even the same laws between them. If the terrain allowed, they were all laid out in the same way.
----The Utopia of Sir Thomas More,tr.Ralph Robyrmon
Thestreetsarelaidouttofacilitatetrafficandtokeepoutthewindanddust.Thearchitectureisbeautifulandneatlyorganized.The streetsaretwentyfeetwideandtherearegardensbehindeachhouse.Thegardensarelargeandsurroundedbybuildingsonallsides, allfacingthestreet,sothateachhousehasafrontdoortothestreetandabackdoortothegarden.

To address the problem of land resources constraints in cities sprawling expansion, I have researched several large cities. I have found that many have a clear central axis in their planning and a spatial layout around it. Many cities around the world have had significant exploration and practice of urban axes in their historical development, which eventually becomes the most concentrated expression of the spatial and cultural composition of the city.

Paris, France Canberra, Australia Beijing, China Berlin, Germany

Beijing’s ancient central axis contains a particular urban rule according to which the city’s architectural layout and road planning is based. In order to simulate the complex form of urban growth, I use Grasshopper to create an algorithm and attempt to extract an element from it as the basis for algorithmic growth, generating a ‘New Utopia’ .


a:North-South axis of the monolithic building b: East-west axis of the monolithic building
≥ two east-west axes in the same complex (category b axes)
1 group of ≥ 2 northsouth axes (category a axes) in the same building group, all on the same extension.
2 groups of ≥ 2 north-south axes (category a axes) in the same building complex, all on the same extension.
There are 3 groups of ≥ 2 north-south axes ......

X-2 X-3

X-1: 1 group of ≥ 2 east-west axes (category b axes) in the same complex, all on the extension.

X-2: 2 groups of ≥ 2 east-west axes (category b axes) in the same complex, all on the extension.
There are 5 groups of ≥ 2 north-south axes
There are 7 groups of ≥ 2 north-south axes ......
A-0 B-0 C-0 D-1 E-6 F-9
There are 9 groups of ≥ 2 north-south axes
A-2 A-3 A-4
A-1 B-1 C-1 C-2 C-3 C-4
D-2 D-3
(category same (category same
An exploration of the spatial composition formed by the multiple hierarchical relationships between the central axis and its surrounding architectural axes and the different architectural areas.

Definition of an axis: a virtual straight line formed by the direction of view of the subject building, the direction of movement and the relationship between the different buildings. All axissymmetrical buildings overlap and coincide through this line.
C-5 C-6 C-9 C-12
RULE 3 : In each interval the number of block axis types decreases by a factor of 0.6 from the most central block to the east and west.
Number of axes in the y-zone Number of axes in the x-zone
RULE 1 : In each interval the number of block axis types decreases by a factor of 0.6 from the central block to the surrounding ones.
RULE 2 : In each interval the number of block axis types decreases by a factor of 0.6 from the most central block to the north and south.
Number of axis types in the y-zone
Using the central point of the Forbidden City as the origin, a rectangle of 400 x 400 metres is created according to a measure of 400 metres, spreading out in all directions.

Combining the data on the variation of axis types and number of axes within each rectangle, prototype algorithm rules are obtained.

In the x-axis direction, 5 intervals are set at the origin of the coordinates, 0, ±400; ±400, ±800; ±800, ±1200; ±1200, ±1600; ±1600, ±2000. In the y-axis direction, 4 intervals are set at the origin of the coordinates, 0, ±400; ±400, ±800; ±800, ±1200; ±1200, ±1600.
RULE 4 : In each interval the rank of the block axes decreases from the most central block to the surrounding ones.

Number of axis types in the x-zone

City Initial Calculation Algorithm

The relationship between the central axis and the different types of building axes around it is combined to generate a combination of architectural spaces through the axes. New combinations of architectural spaces are generated based on the regular arrangement between the 24 different types of axes.
initial site
After generating an urban space based on the Beijing axis, I have found that I could let the city grow outwards according to its own rules under this rule. However, if the initial value is not set, the city will still expand outwards disorderly and will not be able to alleviate the problem of land resource constraints.
Generate-1 Generate-2
Generate results
Initial city model Generate-3

Considering the actual situation of the city, I have then considered how to combine the two urban rules, so that the ‘New Utopia’ city could retain its original order and at the same time alleviate the problem of land constraint. So I have decided to use vertical space and let the city grow upwards according to the central axis rule.
NorthSouth axis EastWest axis A-0 A-1 A-2 A-3 A-4
a b 2-b D-1 D-2 D-3 E-6
East-West axis as transverse Support columns connect the axial spaces North-South axis as vertical Support columns connect the axial spaces
C-1 C-2 C-3 C-4 C-5 C-6

As the city grows, the number of iterations increases if the initial number of axes is high and the axis level is high (i.e. high urban density); if the initial value is small, the number of iterations decreases accordingly.

New Utopia urban algorithm

1. Combining the algorithm derived from the central axis, the most central one in the plan layout is used as the initial point to derive the relationship between the building axes and the main axes in the new city according to the rules, as a way to explore the issue of population growth and land resource use in urban space.
2. Spatial planes are generated from the rule-generated axes.
3. A certain number of axis types are given to the initial point of the hierarchy according to the algorithm rules. From the initial point, different types of axis generate different planes.The progression of the relationships between the different types of axis forms the space from which the city is created.
Residence unit analysis
Mode 3. 6M x 6M x 3M One box can accommodate 1-2 people
Mode 2. 12M x 12M x 6M One box can accommodate 9-15 people
Mode 1. 24M x 24M x 9M
One box can accommodate 60-75 people
Urban growth trends
Based on the area where the central axis is located, a population density of 15,350 inhabitants/square kilometres is set. The population growth rate is determined to be 2.39% using 2020 and forecast data, and the height of the city grows as the population increases.
400m x 400m block growth results

Urban unit consisting of 6m x 6m dimensions
Urban unit consisting of 6m x 6m dimensions
Urban unit consisting of 12m x12m dimensions
Urban unit consisting of 24m x 24m dimensions
The city grows according to the above rules, and the number of axes in each upward iteration decreases as the number of iterations increases by a factor of 0.6 (i.e. the number of buildings), and the axis level decreases. The axis level is higher in the centre of the city and lower in the surroundings. The height of each iteration is varied up and down between 15 and 40 metres to ensure that connections are created between the support columns formed by the vertical axes at each level. The end of the growth is determined by the initial number of axes and the natural growth rate of the population.

Different scales and functions of the units are linked to form the ‘ New Utopia ’ city. The scale of the units will change as the function and population changes, so that they are better adapted to the growth the city. There is also a more scientific and comfortable living environment, which ensures good ventilation and light. During the urban iteration, the length and proportion each unit will change, but the total volume and area will remain the same.
display) units city. the that of and which the of volume

6m×6m×3m 12m×12m×6m 24m×24m×9m

Frozen Secret 2021.11-2022.2

Winter Camp Programme Group Member:xiyi Wen
Research&Space Design&Scene rendering:yingzixuan Wang
There is still a long way to go before human cryonics becomes a reality, and according to the questionnaire I understand that a large percentage of people are still unaware of the technology, there is always a fear of the unknown. So I think it could be a combination of online and offline, where people could upload their own body data after experiencing the process of cryonics through VR and other virtual reality technologies, and where people could not only learn about the technology but even decide whether they would like to donate their bodies to the project when they die in a few decades. Scientists will be able to refine the technology by using the data from the existing participants to perform calculations on the computer again and again, and this will make a significant contribution to genetic preservation, memory preservation, organ storage and more.

"At the point where the current legal and medical system gives up on a patient,they aren't really dead."
What is Death?
Death used to be when a person's heart stopped, then when their heart couldn't be restarted, and is now being extended further.
Death is only permanent when the structures encoding memory and personality(necessary for consciousness) have become so disrupted that it becomes theoretically impossible to recover the person.

What is Cryonics?
Life and death are not binary states --The transition from one state to another is a gradual one. Death is not an absolute, but a relative state. And modern cryosurgery techniques will bring patients into what most people consider to be a state of death, and then allow them to awaken again.
Cryonics is the practice of preserving life by pausing the dying process using subfreezing temperatures with the intent of restoring good health with medical technology in the future.
--Eliezer Yudkowsky, You Only Live Twice
The quality of a cryopreservation depends on how soon the procedure can begin. A cryonics standby team is waiting near a dying person up to a week in advance, so they may begin almost immediately after cardiac arrest.
No cryonics organization can currently revive a cryopre-served patient, but we have confidence revival may be possible. Future medical technologies are expectedvto have very broad capabilities.
In vitro storage for 2 weeks, 80% of neurons with potential capacity.
2002 2002 2017
In vitro storage for 2 weeks, 80% of neurons with potential capacity.
The cryopreservation process should beginas soon as a dying person experiences cardiac arrest and can be declared legally dead. While the patient are still early in the dying process, with cells and organs still viable.
Long-Term Care
The patient is stored in a vacuum-insulated metal dewar at subfreezing temperatures using liquid nitrogen.Liquid nitrogenbis topped up regularly, and the dewars require no electricity. The patient will remain in long-term care until possible revival .
Blood circulation and breathing are artificially restored temp-orarily, to protect the brain. The patient is then cooled in an ice water bath, and their blood is replaced with an organ preservation solution.
Legal Death Deep Cooling
The patient is cooled down to -196 ℃ , which cryopreserves the patient in a solid state. The patient is now protected from deterioration for theoretically thousands of years, and the dying process has been effectively stopped.
The cooled patient is transported to cryonics operating room. Many people choose to retire and enter hospicenear cryonics lab for shorter transport time and better procedural outcome.
Do you understand human cryonics? 16.40% 6.10%
Would you like to participate in human cryonics after death? 76.30%
Will human cryonics be possible in the future? 80.40%
Would you like to participate in human cryonics through VR technology? 91.40%
What do you think of human cryonics?
In vitro storage for 2 weeks, 80% of neurons with potential capacity.
Medial technology A funeral of sorts Space travel technology 59% 11% 30%

1-24 HOURS
Transport Revival
DAYS BEFORE Standby Perfusion
Cryoprotectants are perfused into the bloodstream to reduce and even prevent freezing. Uncontrolled freezing would cause damage to the blood vessels, brain, and other organs.
Through preliminary research I believe that freezing technology is achievable, and I propose a design concept for this.
Reality: Cryolab
Higher experimental costs and smaller samples make it difficult to advance the technology to the next step.
Virtual:Digital Twins
Lab equipment and biological information can be simulated to create online experiments.

+ =
8 9
6 7 8
Offine: Online:
Build an integrated space for experimental office, human storage and technology experience

VR builds and iterates experimental equipment and spaces to create a database of experimental samples and findings

Enhanced recognition
Advancing Technology
Deep Cooling Long-Term Care
Patients are stored in Dewar bottles for long periods of time
The patient is cooled to -196 degrees Celsius and frozen in a solid state.

The client begin process.

Transport Perfusion

Replacing blood with cryoprotectant client is sent to the cryolab to begin the subsequent deep freezing process.

Transferring clients from hospitals to body freezing facilities
Cardiopulmonary support
Temporary artificial restoration of blood circulation and respiration
Terminal Hospital

Promptly connect to the customer's hospital
Early deployment to optimize the client's end-of-life

Hospice care Virtual Autopsy

Detecting the state of the deceased's body

OFFLINE Institution

Klimentovskiy per, 6-69
KrioRus is the first and only cryonics company in Eurasia at the moment, which has its own storage facility.
Convenient transportation
7895 E Acoma Drive, Suite 110

The Alcor Foundation was founded in 1972. Currently performs cryopreservation on over 100 people. The foundation has over 1000 members.
Convenient transportation
Alcor Yinfeng Institute of Life Sciences
70 metres due south of 1069 Kong Hing Road 3

The only human cryonics research centre in China. It has a broader scope of research and 'the potential to revolutionise organ transplan-tation, re-installation of body parts and other medical therapies'.
Convenient transportation
Many hospitals in the vicinity Close to airport Close to airport

1. Once you enter the Cryolab, you will need to select the Cryolab or vr experience area and then sign the agreement.

2. After entering the experience area you will need to select the treatment subject and the state of the subject to match them into different experience protocols.
3. After entering the vr experience area you need to select the frozen body, which will produce different effects. You can choose different somatic experiences to understand the process of human freezing and you can see the results of the freezing. At the end you can choose whether to donate your body data so that scientists can conduct experimental research. Welcome page

China Pavilion
2020.11-2021.1 year 2 acedemic project Individual work
With the development of globalisation and closer communication between countries, cultural development often becomes more localised in the process of dissemination, and how cultural communication can reflect its uniqueness in different contexts. The project is based on the theme of 'China Pavilion' and uses traditional wood materials as the basis for the construction of a multi-functional high-rise building that will serve as a medium for the dissemination and integration of culture, making it more accessible to a wider audience and promoting its development.
The project transforms a number of complex and contradictory aspects into a rational and uniquely attractive balance within the different contexts that create spatial interconnections.

It is difficult to see ourselves clearly without the reference of foreign cultures. Understanding the differences and commonalities between cultures promotes learning and even integration between them. Whether ancient or modern, different cultures enjoy many common beauties and a common humanity. The value of exchange lies in influencing people's thoughts and behaviour. For any people or country, foreign cultures will not only complement but also inspire creativity and development.
The project site is located on the edge of the old fortified city circle near the Elbe River in Hamburg, Germany. Under the theme of "China Pavilion", a multifunctional high-rise building will be created as a medium for the dissemination and integration of culture, so that more people can learn about Chinese culture and continue to learn from it and integrate it with each other.

Site - Basic Overview

Site - building functional analysis

A city with over 1,000 years of history, cultural centre of North Germany, with where different cultures intertwine outlined by five old church towers.
Site - road analysis Site - Traffic Analysis


Site - Greenery Analysis


history, Hamburg is one of Germany's oldest cities and the with a 30 per cent immigrant population and collide. Hamburg's city skyline is

“Germany's gateway to the world ” 53.545987 9.972216 N E

The central district of Hamburg comprises most of the central part of Hamburg.It is also the district with the largest number of foreigners in Hamburg.

Once located in Hamburg's Chinatown, which reached its peak in 1920 and became for a while the largest Chinese community in Germany.
Hamburg Harbour Germany's gateway to the world and one of Hamburg's greatest attractions

Many countries and regions have their embassies and consulates in Hamburg. With 104 embassies and consulates, Hamburg has the highest number of embassies and consulates in the world after New York.

The manual model shows the strategies used in the design process and the influence of the particular terrain on the design process.

FLOOR 9 office area

South elevation, vertical section

Scale: 1:30

1.Laminated glass glazing consisting of 19mm tempered glass
2.Stainless steel point fixings 125mm 3.14mm stainless steel tow bar 4. Interior glass. 10mm matt tempered glass 5.Steel plate 1, 6mm fixed by means of two steel rings 50/50/3.2mm 6.Ventilation grille galvanised steel 7.Steel ring L 110/110/10mm 8.Mobile sunscreen

9.Roof construction:waterproof sheeting, thermal insulation 50 mm, lightweight concrete 130 mm.
10.Forged steel plate slabs with air chamber.
air chamber 400mm,Steel plate 25mm Crossbeam 25 mm,Steel plate 25 mm 11.Flame retardant protective coating 12.Folding ventilating flap 13.Aluminium sheet metal cover 14.Heating and ventilation ducts


Orbital Centre
Graduation design

Individual work
The continuous development of public transport has gradually influenced people's travel patterns and living habits, resulting in changes in people's requirements for urban public space and public life. In this project, I try to explore the new model of people's life under the TOD model, integrating the concept of green and low-carbon with the model of urban development, and combining the changes in people's lifestyles, behavioural patterns, urban space needs and the development of the site space in the context of "lowcarbon". The project also analyses the needs of urban rail transport development and proposes corresponding measures according to the existing social development issues.
The project is based on an algorithmic reconstruction of the urban road network through the use of grasshopper tools, gradually forming a diverse urban space oriented towards chronicity, and optimising the urban spatial structure through the introduction of vertical spaces, i.e. commercial, office and residential complexes.

With rapid urbanisation and the equally rapid development of rail transport, the TOD model has been an assured and popular model of significant urban and architectural development in recent years through its own land use planning formula, mixeduse land development, proximity to public transport facilities, station-city integration and encouragement of low-carbon modes of transport.

In the future, it will become a four-line interchange hub and the existing metro station

The road planning layout is unreasonable, with complex traffic routes, multiple road intersections and a mixture of traffic modes.
Old facilities, chaotic management and even private buildings in the residential area, which do not protect the livelihood of the residents

The site's buildings and facilities are outdated and do not provide adequate support for the international commerce in the vicinity.

1 3 2 4 1:First operation Parameter: 100 2:First operation Parameter: 60 3:Second operation Parameter: 40 4:Second operation Parameter: 60
The urban roads are updated by means of neighbourhood reconfiguration through wool algorithms that rationalise the distribution of the road network and buildings within the site, making the buildings compact through the distribution of smaller neighbourhoods, while providing more options for pedestrians to travel and improving accessibility.
Road Process simplify STEP 2 Extracting results and simplifying
STEP 1 Screening of the main urban roads from the original site Road Process
Algoritm merge
STEP 5 Merging of the initial road network with the main roads of the city

Road Process
Road Process
STEP 4 Offsetting and merging of prototype road networks to form the initial road network

Urban network design through wool algorithms of slow-moving oriented public spaces, oriented and diverse urban spaces, creating a good slow-moving environment for pedestrians and enhancing street dynamics

STEP 9 Filtered road network after merging and deletion according to function
STEP 6 Optimising the deletion of the road network according to its function
Algoritm three
STEP 7 Recalculation of larger plots by wool algorithm
STEP 10 The prototype of the two-layer road network is again calculated

secondary Road Process
Algoritm screen
STEP 8 Simplification of the calculated road network
STEP 11 Optimisation of the two-tier road network according to urban functions
STEP 12 Offset merging gives urban two-tier road network

Urban primary road network Urban Secondary Road Network Complete urban road network

algorithms to enhance the placement spaces, gradually forming chronicNetwork

The public can reach any part of the city by a combination of public transport and walking and cycling

Living patterns under the TOD principle
People commuting by public transport
carbon emissions
Circulation tracks: commercial, residential,schools, office buildings, parks and public buildings set within walking distance of a bus stop

People commuting by public transport
City Status Profile
Commercial space
Road space
Carpooling can reduce carbon emissions and transport costs per capita
A TOD core area is defined by the location of the metro station, i.e. a high density mixed development in a radius of 400-800 metres from the centre of the station to the surrounding area

Public spaces
City Centre Living space
The introduction of vertical space establishes i.e. commercial, office and residential complexes as one, optimising the spatial structure of the city.

Urban two-storey corridor
An urban two-storey corridor that connects the buildings into a pedestrian network corridor to promote walking trips.
TOD Regional Centresr
A multifunctional high-rise tower with a metro system on the ground floor and a variety of industries above.
Contains: shopping, dining, education, entertainment, offices, hotel flats, etc.
Cultural CentreT
Art galleries, exhibitions, performances

Volume formation analysis
Bicycle parking areas

Located at entrances to metro stations and in high-traffic areas, forming a complete cycling system with cycle paths

Perspective Analysis
Motor vehicle roads
Cycle paths
Underground station entrance
Subway Station Coverage Drop-off area Analysis
Pocket Park
Providing greenery and places for the community to rest and an ecological foothold for urban wildlife
Pedestrian Space Analysis

Greenery strategy analysis

The ground floor is mainly public space and plaza green space, the bottom floor is for commercial applications, the first floor corridor also brings a large number of people to the commercial business of the complex, while meeting the needs of the public for travel and shopping, the middle floor is for office applications and the top floor is for residential Coverage Analysis
Tower Program
Sobo Type Apartment

Luxury Apartment
Tower Program

Roof Garden
Transportation Pedestrian System Riding System

Service Apartment
Parking entrance Subway route Vehicular circulation

Parking Subway station Ground level pedestrian routes Underground station entrance

Corridor pedestrian route
Second Floor Corridor
Vertical Transportation Riding route direction

Riding paths
Bicycle parking

197.00 166.00
101.00 91.00

193.00 53.00
111.00 115.00 47.00
224.00 28.50
220.00 24.00
106.00 41.00
202.00 18.00
5.50 11.00
±0.00 -42.00

The design of subway entrance/exit channel and transfer channel is completed by the algorithm of shortest path through pedestrian flow analysis simulation to meet the passengers to be able to transfer more conveniently with minimum walking length.

Crowd Flow Simulation Interchange Results

Designing map subway transfer routes based on pedestrian flow analysis simulation Metro

Subway interchange system display

Office Cafe Garden
[+30.00&+35.00] Shop Restaruant Cinema
L4-L6 MALL [+15.00&+25.00] Shop entrance Public space
L1-L3 MALL [+0.00&+10.00] Shop Public space Exhibition Hall entrance
Bus stop and Transfer
B2 / TRANSFER HALL [-10.00]
Transfer and check-in
B3 / Gourmet City [-15.00]

Food Junction coffee supermarket
B4 / PARKING [-20.00]
300 Parking Places
B5 / PARKING [-25.00&-30.00]
270 Parking Places and 2 Carwash
B6-B7 / PARKING [-30.00&-35.00]
120 Parking Places and 30 Charging Plie
B8 PARKING [-40.00]
B8/PARKING [-40.00]

Name: Beijing East Bridge Orbital Micro Center Design

Time: 2022.7.7 - 2022.8.17
Location: Beijing Metro Line 1 Dawang Road Station

Metacellular automata generate cities

Interaction and data visualisation