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5 easy body-weight exercises

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1Squats – hold on to the back of a sturdy chair (no wheels!) for extra stability.

Stand tall with both feet flat on the floor, hip distance apart or slightly wider than shoulder distance if more comfortable.

Reach your arms straight out in front of you, shoulder distance apart and parallel to the floor.

On an inhale, engage the core and bend at the hips, knees and ankles, sending the hips back and down as if you’re about to sit on a chair.

When the thighs are parallel with the floor, press into your heels and imagine you’re pushing the floor away as you exhale and come back up to standing.

Keep the torso upright and gently press out at the knees when you squat, try not to let the knees roll in towards each other and be careful not to lean forward when you send the hips back.

2Press-ups – can be done vertically against a wall for beginners.

Stand facing an empty wall, arm’s length away, with feet hip distance apart. Place both hands on the wall at shoulder level and slightly wider than shoulder distance apart, then take a step back.

Relax the shoulders away from the ears, keep the legs straight and core engaged.

Inhale and slowly bend your elbows to lower your chest towards the wall, keeping the body in a straight line from the crown of the head all the way to the feet (no hinging forward at the hips).

Pause at the wall then engage your chest muscles and exhale to press away from the wall to the starting position. Try not to lock out the knees and elbows during the movement.

3Bicep curls – tinned veg, full bottles of water – there’s plenty to improvise with as weights around the home or office!

Stand tall with both feet flat on the floor, hip distance apart, gaze forward.

Hold one ‘weight’ in each hand, arms by your side, shoulders relaxed away from the ears, and palms facing forward.

Inhale to prepare, core engaged.

On the exhale bend at the elbows to bring the weights and palms towards your shoulder, keeping the upper arms against your torso. Inhale back to the start position.

4Climbing stairs – if there’s an opportunity to use the stairs rather than the lift or escalator then take it if you can.

5Lunges – great for challenging and improving balance. Do them near a wall for extra stability if needed.

Stand tall with both feet flat on the floor, hip distance apart. Arms can be by your side or hands on hips.

Keeping the torso upright and gaze forward, step forward with your right leg on an inhale, bending both knees to 90 degrees. Your left knee will dip towards the floor and your left heel will lift, be careful not to bang your kneecap on the floor.

On an exhale, push through the right foot and engage your glutes to bring yourself back up to the start position.

Repeat using the left leg to step forward.

With each of these exercises, start with as many repetitions as feel comfortable (8-10 to start, or fewer if that’s what your body tells you), then build up a little more each session.

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