+62812 8835 8282
Tangerang Selatan, Banten linkedin.cn/in/wanodyaarissuu.com/wanodyalafifi
Architecture graduate from Diponegoro University. Skilled in concept creation, able to create designs with innovation and imagination, work and communicate in teams and the public, and communicate architecture in visuals well (panel, rendering, and video presentations).
Archicare 2022 Competition ‘This-Able’ - 3rd Winner
FTUI Architecture Student Association
September 2022
Propose concepts, plan garden layouts, plan furniture materials for competition product
UPH Architecture Competition 2022 ‘RESONANCE’ - Top 15
UPH Architecture Student Association
June 2022
Propose concepts and story line, visualize design results with rendering, and layout competition product presentation panels
Sayembara Desain Archifest 4 - 1st Winner
UNTAG 45 Surabaya Architecture Student Association
August 2021
Propose concepts, visualize the design result with rendering, and create video-animation presentation for the final judging of the competition
Tim Redaksi Galeri+ - Layouter
August 2021 - February 2022
Propose design concepts for magazine and social media layouts based on editorial themes, design Instagram feeds, and layout magazine page designs and 4 magazine rubrics in the 7th Edition of the UNDIP Architecture Gallery+ Magazine
37th and 38th WAPEALA UNDIP Recruitment ActivitiesBranding and Publication
August - September 2021 & August - September 2022
Developing the WAPEALA branding concept as well as socializing the Acceptance of new WAPEALA members through social media (feeds, stories and reels Instagram, Youtube and Facebook)
WAPEALA UNDIP E-TALK Webinar Series - Publication, Design, Documentation Coordinator
November 2020 & June 2021
Lead meetings and share tasks with other PDD members, develop design concepts for webinar publications, design webinar flyers and certificates, create webinar teaser video
AutoCAD SketchUp
Lumion Enscape
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe After Effect
Adobe InDesign
Universitas Diponegoro - S. Ars.
August 2019 - June 2023
GPA 3.84
PT Ramu Teknologi Nusantara (Ramuruma) - Junior Architect
February 2022 - April 2022
Designed and produced the floor plans and 3D of 18 protoype houses that will be displayed in the developing application
PT Modern Panel Indonesia - Architectural Designer
Desember 2021 - February 2022
Analyzed and proposed ideas for efficiency in the design of precast panel residential houses, then propose a mass residential design with the application of the efficiency ideas
WAPEALA UNDIP - Recruitment Lead
December 2021 - February 2023
Leading 3 team members to plan a work program for WAPEALA recruitment activities and compose technical instructions for each work program
WAPEALA UNDIP - Recruitment Secretary
Desember 2021 - February 2022
Composed technical instructions for WAPEALA recruitment activities
37th WAPEALA UNDIP Recruitment Activities - MC
November 2021
Guiding the main recruitment activity with 30 participants for 3 days, both formal (ceremonial) and non-formal
WAPEALA UNDIP Environment Talk
Webinar Series - MC
November 2020 & June 2021
Hosted webinar series discussing environment topics which was attended by total of 200 people each
Academic Work
Final Project
Type: Healthcare Architecture
Critic: Prof. Dr. Ir. Edi Purwanto, M.T.
Awards: TA Awards Nominee
Banten is one of the provinces in Indonesia that still does not have a provincial mental hospital, even though there are quite a number of people with mental disorders in Banten. Cilegon is a city in Banten Province with the highest number of sufferers of psychiatric disorders. According to the PTM Section Head of the Cilegon Health Service, in 2017, as many as 2,923 Cilegon residents experienced various kinds of psychiatric disorders.
Meanwhile, 'nature' design or biophilic design is a design principle based on the biophilia hypothesis which states that humans have an innate relationship with nature and therefore a relationship with nature is considered important for human well-being. Biophilic design is thought to benefit mental health, increase creativity, increase productivity, and create more comfortable buildings and/or rooms by creating an environment that reduces stress, and enhances cognitive development. Mental Hospital has the main function for healing and safety of patients with mental disorders. The principles of biophilic design are researched to help heal patients with mental or psychiatric disorders. However, not all biophilic design principles can be applied to Mental Hospitals because of these safety requirements, so the application of biophilic designs must be adapted to these requirements. Therefore, the aim of this project is to use biophilic design for the purpose of healing mental patients while still considering the safety needs of the Mental Hospital.
Location : Jl. Bonakarta, Masigit, Jombang, Cilegon, Banten
Area : 28.958 m2
KDB : 60%
KLB : 2.4
GSB : 15 m
Medical support
Non-Medical Support
ER Rehabilitation Administration Service
Mass 1
Non Psychiatric Inpatient, Emergency Room, Laboratory, Nutrition Installation, Administration, Services
Mass 3
Co-Operative Inpatient
Mass 2
Rehabilitation Class
Mass 1
Outpatient, Emergency Room, Radiology, Laundry, Administration, Service
Mass 3
Depressed - Semi Depressed Inpatient
Mass 2
Rehabilitation Class
Mass 1
Outpatient, Emergency Room, Pharmacy, Corpse
Examination, Administration, Service
Staff Patient
to heal to visit to service
The flow of patient circulation starts from outpatient services, then rehabilitation and if needed, proceed to inpatient care
Visitors to inpatients have a circulation channel outside the building and then enter the inpatient masses through access from the back of the site
The circulation of non-medical support staff starts from the non-medical support zone and then surrounds the inpatient and outpatient masses to form a closed circulation
wood pattern GRC
concrete deck
wooden lattice
steel frame
reinforced concrete column 40 cm in diameter
green house
plastered brick wall
perforated aluminium
wooden latice
wood pattern anti-bacterial vinyl flooring green balcony
Competition Entry
UPH Architecture Competition 2022 ‘RESONANCE’
Type: Installation, Landscape Design
Team: Nabiila Aulia Az’zahra, Nadha Sulthanah
Awards: Top 15 Best Concept
Broaden Your Horizons aims to "open the horizons" of the public regarding the Echo Chamber phenomenon that is currently happening on social media. This installation makes people aware of how an Echo Chamber in social media works, how being in it can sharpen our perspective on an idea, but can also distort it. Furthermore, it also provides the experience of leaving the Echo Chamber which can broaden their perspective. People will be able to feel the difference between being inside and outside the echo chamber. For this matter an interactive installation concept was chosen, which can be enjoyed by users from physical and visual experiences.
After visiting and experiencing the experience from Broaden Your Horizons, it is hoped that the public will become aware and be able to use social media more wisely. Of course, it is likely that we will still follow the existing social media algorithms. But we can raise awareness of the dangers of the Echo Chamber and actively check other information.
Echo Chamber Effect is a condition when someone only finds information or opinions that support their own opinion. This gives a happy feeling for humans, because it confirms what they already believe, and meets like-minded people
If this happens in excess, it will polarize people into different poles. In a polar 1 everyone within it shares the same opinion, which results in a homogeneous community of dangerously extreme views.
It's important to be able to get out of the Echo Chamber to listen to different perspectives for self-exploration, and for human relationships with other human beings.
The Echo Chamber is depicted with the Infinity Mirror Room which is filled with several colored lights. The light would reflect off the glass wall, like an idea being reinforced over and over again.
Several “Echo Chambers” with different colored lights illustrate that sometimes there are different poles in social media.
The process of getting out of the "Echo Chamber" by broadening one's horizons. The sight of a colorful flower garden awakens the existence of colors other than one in “Echo Chamber”
Site is a park located in the GBK City Forest complex, around the SCBD area of central Jakarta, with a full address in Central Jakarta, RT.1/RW.3, Gelora, Tanah Abang District, Central Jakarta City, Special Capital Region of Jakarta. The site is a center for community activities in Jakarta, on weekdays and holidays, so Broaden Your Horizons is expected to attract attention and invite the public to get physical and visual experiences from it. Sites in the form of parks can also be attractive open spaces and provide landscape views of the high rise buildings in the vicinity.
Jenderal SudirmanColorful flowers as an illustration of information spread on social media
Flowers are increasingly polarized by color, reflecting the algorithms that sort content on social media based on a person's data
Some “Echo Chambers” only receive trusted information (certain colors) and block other colors
Areas of the wall "Echo Chamber" can be opened by rotating and giving the opportunity to show other colors, as well as other "Echo Chamber"
Echo used to play in a colorful flower garden
Echo enters a room with lights of her only favorite color, which is red. The lights reflected off the glass walls, looking limitless. Echo is feeling very happy.
Echo's favorite color is red, so she walks through the garden to where there are more red flowers
See the “Echo Chamber”?
While in a part of the garden with only red flowers, Echo finds a room that catches her eye
Then, Echo felt dizzy because her vision was only sparkling red light. Echo tried to get out of the room by rotating the glass walls
Echo made it out of the room, she realized that red is indeed her favorite color, but sometimes a colorful flower garden is prettier
wooden plate, water-repellent coating
wooden plate, water-repellent coating
With the aim of making people aware and changing the mindset of the Echo Chamber phenomenon in a virtual environment, an interactive installation concept was chosen. People can actively experience virtual worlds in a physical environment. Starting from exploring information spread on the internet, following social media algorithm treats, getting trapped in the Echo Chamber, and trying to get out of it.
During the day, of course, the colorful flower garden does not need lighting assistance because of the sun. However, this installation can also be enjoyed at night, with several lights being fired at the display of flowers in the garden, so that the colorful flowers are still visible..
Academic Work
Architecture Design Studio 4
Type: Commercial Architecture
Critic: Prof. Dr. Ir. Edi Purwanto, M.T.
Awards: PA Awards Nominee
The creative economy is currently one of the drivers of the economic development sector in Indonesia. Creative industry players in visual art skills, such as in the City of South Tangerang, need a Visual Art Creative Hub to encourage productivity, creativity, and collaboration between them. Biophilic design is considered appropriate for the Visual Creative Hub design because it is beneficial for mental health problems experienced by creative industry players due to hustle culture.
Building design with biophilic design is applied by incorporating natural elements into the room such as landscaping, plants, water, wind, sunlight, animals, landscaping, and the existence of ecosystems. Because of this, biophilic design tends to be difficult to apply to urban-scale public buildings that have limited land. However, this design proves that all the principles of biophilic design have the opportunity to be applied to designs with limited land, although at different levels.
Location : Jl. Alam Sutera Boulevard, Pakulonan, Serpong Utara, Tangerang Selatan, Banten
Length : 50m
Width : 30m
Area : 1.500m2
GSB : 12m
KDB : 60%
Maximum KLB : 7,2
Maximum KDH : 10%
Creative Hub Zone
Library Zone
Managers Zone
Service Zone
Parking Zone
Competition Entry
Archicare 2022 Competition ‘This-Able’
Type: Landscape Design
Team: Nabiila Aulia Az’zahra, Herlina Elzani Fadhillah
Awards: 3rd winner
Taman Teman (Pal Park) is a garden design that is intended for our friends who have physical, intellectual, sensory, mental, and multiple/multi limitations. This park provides a variety of games that are adapted so that they can be enjoyed universally. Taman Teman also has a layout that is divided into zones which can minimize the feeling of overwhelm that might occur when playing.
The park that is designed is a parking park located at YPAC (Foundation for Development of Children with Disabilities) Jakarta which is planned to be specifically for children waiting in line for therapy, generally these children use wheelchairs. So this park is designed to be accessible for them.
The sound produced from bamboo being beaten becomes an interactive learning media
The park's entry leads to the Overview Area allowing children to acclimate to the environment before they play.
From the entrance, the children will enter the Overview Area, which is an area to observe the toys in the park. In this area, all the toys in the garden are clearly visible, so that children can determine what game they want to play. This can minimize shocks for children with intellectual disabilities.
The Play Area can be easily reached and seen from the Overview Area. The games are arranged so that they can be seen clearly. The color selection of the toys is also differentiated to make it easier to navigate the playground.
Quiet Area serves as a place for children to rest if they are exhausted, both physically and emotionally. The Quiet Area is located facing the Play Area, they will still be able to see the activity, which can increase their confidence to return to playing after a break.
Swing See saw
Competition Entry
Archifest 4 Design Competition
Type: Interior Design
Team: Nabiila Aulia Az’zahra, Nadha Sulthanah
Awards: 1st winner
The majority of people are quite bored indoors because of this pandemic. For public places, biophilic design is appropriate to be applied in this condition. Biophilic design is a solution by creating a connection between humans and nature. Based on research, design related to nature can also improve mental and physical health and improve the welfare of building users. Meanwhile, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, adjustments are needed in the design of public spaces to provide comfort and safety for its users. Post-Covid design applies new principles of social life by adopting government recommendations.
During this pandemic, good air circulation is needed in managing public spaces. Provision of openings in the walls on the sides and front allows for cross ventilation.
There is a visual connection with nature with the vegetation in the room, the presence of water, and a non-visual connection with nature in the form of the sound of rushing water.
Utilizing natural lighting which provides comfort in the room and prevents humidity in the room so as to minimize disease.
The design of this cafe uses two main materials, namely bamboo and wood which have earthy colors.
By applying the principle of social distancing, the distance between tables in this cafe is made more than 1 m with the smallest distance being 1.3 m.
In accordance with government recommendations to avoid crowds, this cafe is also designed with a maximum capacity of 22 visitors.
This hygiene principle is implemented by providing a sink that is easily accessible to visitors from their sitting area. there is 1 sink for every 2 tables.
Precast Panel Housing Exploration
Type: Residential Architecture
Company: PT Modern Panel Indonesia
PT Modern Panel Indonesia is a contractor that focuses on construction with precast panel materials. As a contractor, in mass residential construction work, generally the initial residential design is obtained from the owner or architect, and PT. Modern Panel Indonesia must design and plan the panels and precast requirements in order to remain effective and efficient in terms of time, material use, and equipment rental. However, in the architect's design, there are usually several things that make the use of precast panels less efficient. Therefore, the Project Engineering Development Team tries to analyze what things can be done in the design of residential houses or other buildings to make the use of precast panels more efficient. The Internship Team was given the task of analyzing and proposing efficiency ideas in the design of precast panel houses which were then implemented in the design of mass housing.
After making observations in the field regarding the differences in the structure of conventional houses and precast houses, the idea for efficiency that emerged was to limit the area of the house, reduce the accessories on precast panels, use a typical floor plan, minimize the type of wall/no-wall molding. With that, the Internship Team was also asked to propose 1 design of a mass residential house with the previously formulated concept of efficiency.
Nusantara is a proposed mass residential house that prioritizes the efficiency of precast materials, prices, and is adapted to the Indonesian market because it is based on climate and culture.
Reducing the volume of pecast used through:
Limiting building area according to standards for mass residential houses
Reducing accessories on the panel
building area: 74 m2
total number of panels: 35 panels number of molding: 9 moulds
Using a typical floor plan, thus minimizing the use of precast beams
Spaces with the same utility requirements are placed continuously/vertically
Minimizing the type of wall molding to speed up and simplify the production process
wall = 4 deck = 1
walls = 10
slabs = 3
beams = 3
stairs = 2
walls = 12
wood lattice
white paint
The use of sloping roofs to respond to high rainfall in Indonesia. The choice of facade material is also inspired by traditional Indonesian houses that use natural materials
All private rooms are on the 2nd floor and do not mix with the semi-public zone
The house design consists of 3 main zones: semi-public, service and private. The semi-public zone consists of 1 main room without a partition, giving a broad impression in a limited house size