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Culture NEWS

Rome has a myriad of underground sites in the centre and in the suburbs, from catacombs and church crypts to ancient Roman villas and pagan temples. Many of these sites are not open to the public on a regular basis. For updated news and visiting information see websites www.sotterraneidiroma.it, www.romasotterranea.it and www.catacombeditalia.va.

Mithraeum in Circo Massimo


Piazza Bocca della Verità 16, for booking info tel. 060608. Guided visits for groups only. This five-room mithraeum, at the Bocca della Verità end of Circo Massimo, is dedicated to the Roman deity Mithras. It dates to the fourth century but was only rediscovered in 1931.

Palazzo Valentini

Via Foro Traiano 85 (Piazza Venezia), tel. 0622761280, www.palazzovalentini.it. The remains of ancient Roman houses are on permanent display below Palazzo Valentini, just off Piazza Venezia. 09.30-18.30. Tues closed.

Stadium of Domitian

Via di Tor Sanguigna 3, tel. 0668805311, www.stadiodomiziano.com. The remains of the Domiziano Stadium, a Unesco World Heritage Site commissioned around AD 80 by Emperor Domitianus, are located about 4.5m under Piazza Navona. Daily 10.00-19.00, Sat 10.00-20.00. Audio guide available.

Terme di Caracalla

Viale delle Terme di Caracalla 52, www.coopculture.it. These Roman baths have a maze of underground areas including a gymnasium, changing rooms, frigidarium, tepidarium and caldarium. Open daily, Mon half day. For varying opening times see website.

Vatican scavi

St Peter's Basilica, www.scavi.va. This Imperial-era necropolis contains the tomb of St Peter. Only private visits on request. Tour groups are composed of approximately 12 people, according to language. For information see website or go to excavations office to the left of the Bernini colonnade in St Peter’s Square. Mon-Fri 09.00-18.00, Sat 09.00-17.00.

Catecombs of Priscilla

Via Salaria 430, tel. 0686206272. Situated near the Villa Ada park, these catacombs comprise a series of labyrinthine tunnels and burial chambers excavated between the second and fifth centuries. 08.30-12.00, 14.30-17.00. Closed Mon and Aug.

Catacombs of S. Sebastiano

Via Appia Antica 136, tel. 067850350. From the first century this maze of tunnels and caves was used extensively to inter pagans and Christians, including the martyrs Sebastian and Eutychius. 10.00-17.00. Closed Sun and 1-28 Dec.

Church of S. Crisogono

Piazza Sidney Sonnino 44, (Viale Trastevere), tel. 065810076. Underground site including an early Christian church and a third-century Roman house. Mon-Sat 07.30-11.30, 16.00-19.00. Sun 08.00-13.00, 16.00-19.00. Not possible to visit excavations during celebration of Mass.

The skulls in the Capuchin crypt on Via Veneto.

The mithraeum at S. Clemente.

Church of S. Lorenzo in Lucina

Via in Lucina 16, tel. 066871494, www.060608.it. This underground site was originally thought to have been a Roman house for early Christian worship but recent research indicates that it may have been a pre-Christian temple to Giunone Lucina, the goddess of pregnant women. Tours last Saturday of the month at 16.15.

Church of S. Nicola in Carcere

Via del Teatro di Marcello 46, tel. 0668892781, www.sotterraneidiroma.it. The remains of three Republican-era temples, cells and alleys under the altar were once part of the bustling Forum Boarium complex, ancient Rome's cattle market. 10.00-17.00. Wed closed.

Crypta Balbi

Via delle Botteghe Oscure 31, 0639967700, www.coopculture.it. Built over the ancient Roman Theatre of Balbus, this partially-underground museum is dedicated to urban archaeology and the Middle Ages. Tues-Sun 09.00-19.45. Mon closed.

Domus Aurea

Viale della Domus Aurea 1, www.coopculture.it. Emperor Nero's golden palace was built after the great fire of Rome in 64 AD on a sprawling site in the Colle Oppio area. Guided tours in English Sat-Sun 09.00-16.45. Virtual reality tours Sat-Sun 09.00-18.15 (last admission 17.00).

Hadrian’s Crypt (Bocca della Verità)

Piazza Bocca della Verità 18. Under the altar in the church of S. Maria in Cosmedin there is a small eighth-century crypt built to hold relics extracted from the catacombs by Pope Hadrian I. Mon-Sat 10.00-14.00, 15.00-17.30, Sun 12.00-17.30.

Jewish catacombs

Via Nomentana 70 and Via Appia Pignatelli 4. The are six Jewish catacombs in Rome but not all are accessible. The Villa Torlonia catacombs, on Via Nomentana 70, are the largest and best known, while the Vigna Randanini catacombs, on Via Appia Pignatelli 4, opened to the public for the first time in 2016. For up-to-date visiting information see website, www.catacombsociety.org/jewish-catacombs/.

Mithraeum in Circo Massimo

Piazza Bocca della Verità 16, tel. 060608. Guided visits for groups only. This five-room mithraeum, at the Bocca della Verità end of Circo Massimo, is dedicated to the Roman deity Mithras. It dates to the fourth century but was only rediscovered in 1931.

Palazzo Valentini

Via Foro Traiano 85 (Piazza Venezia), tel. 0622761280, www.palazzovalentini.it. The remains of ancient Roman houses are on permanent display below Palazzo Valentini, just off Piazza Venezia. 09.30-18.30. Tues closed.

Stadium of Domitian

Via di Tor Sanguigna 3, tel. 0668805311, www.stadiodomiziano.com. The remains of the Domiziano Stadium, a Unesco World Heritage Site commissioned around AD 80 by Emperor Domitianus, are located about 4.5m under Piazza Navona. Daily 10.00-19.00, Sat 10.00-20.00. Audio guide available.

Terme di Caracalla

Viale delle Terme di Caracalla 52, www.coopculture.it. These Roman baths have a maze of underground areas including a gymnasium, changing rooms, frigidarium, tepidarium and caldarium. Open daily, Mon half day. For varying opening times see website.

Vatican scavi

St Peter's Basilica, www.scavi.va. This Imperial-era necropolis contains the tomb of St Peter. Only private visits on request. Tour groups are composed of approximately 12 people, according to language. For information see website or go to excavations office to the left of the Bernini colonnade in St Peter’s Square. Mon-Fri 09.00-18.00, Sat 09.00-17.00.


Rome has a myriad of underground sites in the centre and in the suburbs, from catacombs and church crypts to ancient Roman villas and pagan temples. Many of these sites are not open to the public on a regular basis. For updated news and visiting information see websites www.sotterraneidiroma.it, www.romasotterranea.it and www.catacombeditalia.va. HEALTH CARE SERVICES

Mithraeum in Circo Massimo

Piazza Bocca della Verità 16, for booking info tel. 060608. Guided visits for groups only. This five-room mithraeum, at the Bocca della Verità end of Circo Massimo, is dedicated to the Roman deity Mithras. It dates to the fourth century but was only rediscovered in 1931.

Palazzo Valentini

Vatican scavi St Peter's Basilica, www.scavi.va.To be reserved at This Imperial-era necropolis contains the tomb of St Peter. Only private visits on request. Tour groups are composed of approximately 12 people, according to language. For information see VILLA BETANIA HOSPITAL (+39) 345 website or go to excavations office to the left of the Bernini colonnade in St Peter’s Square. Mon-Fri 09.00-18.00, Sat 09.00-17.00.6 122582 Via Foro Traiano 85 (Piazza Venezia), tel. 0622761280, www.palazzovalentini.it. The remains of ancient Roman houses are on permanent display below Palazzo Valentini, just off Piazza Venezia. 09.30-18.30. Tues closed.

Stadium of Domitian

Via di Tor Sanguigna 3, tel. 0668805311, www.stadiodomiziano.com. The remains of the Domiziano Stadium, a Unesco World Heritage Site commissioned around AD 80 by Emperor Domitianus, are located about 4.5m under Piazza Navona. Daily 10.00-19.00, Sat 10.00-20.00. Audio guide available.

Terme di Caracalla

Viale delle Terme di Caracalla 52, www.coopculture.it. These Roman baths have a maze of underground areas including a gymnasium, changing rooms, frigidarium, tepidarium and caldarium. Open daily, Mon half day. For varying opening times see website. Catecombs of Priscilla Via Salaria 430, tel. 0686206272. Situated near the Villa Ada park, these catacombs comprise a series of labyrinthine tunnels and burial chambers excavated between the second and fifth centuries. 08.30-12.00, 14.30-17.00. Closed Mon and Aug. Quick Appointments Catacombs of S. Sebastiano Via Appia Antica 136, tel. 067850350. Health Care Specialists● From the first century this maze of tunnels and caves was used extensively to inter pagans and Christians, including the martyrs Lab and Diagnostics● Sebastian and Eutychius. 10.00-17.00. Closed Sun and 1-28 Dec. Dental Services● Church of S. Crisogono Rehab/Physioterapists● Piazza Sidney Sonnino 44, (Viale Trastevere), tel. 065810076. Underground site including an early Christian church and a third-century Roman house. Mon-Sat 07.30-11.30, 16.00-19.00. Surgeries● House calls - Hotel visits● Sun 08.00-13.00, 16.00-19.00. Not possible to visit excavations during celebration of Mass.

Free of charge Multilingual Services

Personal Assistance● Insurance Practices Direct Management● Direct billing with insurance companies● Medical Reports in language● On - site Interpreters● One way transport within Rome●

The skulls in the Capuchin crypt on Via Veneto.

The mithraeum at S. Clemente.

Church of S. Lorenzo in Lucina

Via in Lucina 16, tel. 066871494, www.060608.it. This underground site was originally thought to have been a Roman house for early Christian worship but recent research indicates that it may have been a pre-Christian temple to Giunone Lucina, the goddess of pregnant women. Tours last Saturday of the month at 16.15.

Church of S. Nicola in Carcere

Via del Teatro di Marcello 46, tel. 0668892781, www.sotterraneidiroma.it. The remains of three Republican-era temples, cells and alleys under the altar were once part of the bustling Forum Boarium complex, ancient Rome's cattle market. 10.00-17.00. Wed closed.

Crypta Balbi

Via delle Botteghe Oscure 31, 0639967700, www.coopculture.it. Built over the ancient Roman Theatre of Balbus, this partially-underground museum is dedicated to urban archaeology and the Middle Ages. Tues-Sun 09.00-19.45. Mon closed.

Domus Aurea

Viale della Domus Aurea 1, www.coopculture.it. Emperor Nero's golden palace was built after the great fire of Rome in 64 AD on a sprawling site in the Colle Oppio area. Guided tours in English Sat-Sun 09.00-16.45. Virtual reality tours Sat-Sun 09.00-18.15 (last admission 17.00).

Hadrian’s Crypt (Bocca della Verità)

Piazza Bocca della Verità 18. Under the altar in the church of S. Maria in Cosmedin there is a small eighth-century crypt built to hold relics extracted from the catacombs by Pope Hadrian I. Mon-Sat 10.00-14.00, 15.00-17.30, Sun 12.00-17.30.

Jewish catacombs

Via Nomentana 70 and Via Appia Pignatelli 4. The are six Jewish catacombs in Rome but not all are accessible. The Villa Torlonia catacombs, on Via Nomentana 70, are the largest and best known, while the Vigna Randanini catacombs, on Via Appia Pignatelli 4, opened to the public for the first time in 2016. For up-to-date visiting information see website, www.catacombsociety.org/jewish-catacombs/.

Mithraeum in Circo Massimo

Piazza Bocca della Verità 16, tel. 060608. Guided visits for groups only. This five-room mithraeum, at the Bocca della Verità end of Circo Massimo, is dedicated to the Roman deity Mithras. It dates to the fourth century but was only rediscovered in 1931.

Palazzo Valentini

Via Foro Traiano 85 (Piazza Venezia), tel. 0622761280, www.palazzovalentini.it. The remains of ancient Roman houses are on permanent display below Palazzo Valentini, just off Piazza Venezia. 09.30-18.30. Tues closed.

Stadium of Domitian

Via di Tor Sanguigna 3, tel. 0668805311, www.stadiodomiziano.com. The remains of the Domiziano Stadium, a Unesco World Heritage Site commissioned around AD 80 by Emperor Domitianus, are located about 4.5m under Piazza Navona. Daily 10.00-19.00, Sat 10.00-20.00. Audio guide available.

Terme di Caracalla

Viale delle Terme di Caracalla 52, www.coopculture.it. These Roman baths have a maze of underground areas including a gymnasium, changing rooms, frigidarium, tepidarium and caldarium. Open daily, Mon half day. For varying opening times see website.

Vatican scavi

St Peter's Basilica, www.scavi.va. This Imperial-era necropolis contains the tomb of St Peter. Only private visits on request. Tour groups are composed of approximately 12 people, according to language. For information see website or go to excavations office to the left of the Bernini colonnade in St Peter’s Square. Mon-Fri 09.00-18.00, Sat 09.00-17.00.

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