Forest Fire Fighting Vehicle Design - KITSUNE

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當森林火災一發生,台灣林務局帶著工具,開著發財車進入 山區,因為路太小太顛陡,也沒有專門的消防車,遇到困難的 地形,無法搬動的樹木,沒有優秀的裝備幫忙就得靠人力解決... 我們的設計,讓大家認識森林工作辛勞,為他們提出有幫助 的方案。 KITSUNE是一台山區森林消防的工作車輛,平時扮演山區工 作不可或缺的越野卡車,一旦火警發生,車身能快速地搭載消 防工作模組。輕巧堅固,符合山林嚴峻的地形,工具箱的設計 讓人員以最省力的流程拿取工具完成任務。 During the mountain forest fire, firemen did’t have a special fire engine to carry tools, and to go through rugged land. Our design is to make more people understand how difficult forest fire can be, and to help firemen fighting fire. In normal forest work, KITSUNE is a compact, off-road truck; but once fire burns, the car body can quickly carry module to fight fire and build fire lines.

KITSUNE 山林消防車 Forest Fire Fighting Vehicle 柏慈瑞 Patrick Swan 黃柏元 Huang, Po-yuan 陶範本 Tao, Fan-pen 劉柔含 Liu, Jo-han


Interview 台灣森林火災在由林務局管轄,拜訪中 發現因為台灣森林道路狹小,一般消防 車無法進入,但仍需要打火的情況便只 是發財車載運需要的裝備和用水上山, 深入山區遇到更顛陡的路阻擋便改以人 力背載裝備行走,耗時又耗費力氣,對 於打火工作的進行是一大阻礙。工具與 設備使用也都沒有一套擺放規則,雜亂 無章的取用也會對效率大打折扣。 The roads of Taiwan mountain are very narrow and rugged , and fire engine can’t go through it, so now firemen have to carry tools on their own to the higher place. It’s slow , exhausting. Another problems is that they don’t arrange tools in the car. Finding tools is also inefficiently.



訪談完林務局後,我們決定將車體與工具做全新 的規劃,除了提升車子應有的山林地爬坡能力與 機動性,原本散亂放在後斗的工具們,都能清楚 排列在設計專門放置的車體工具櫃中,滅火用的 儲水槽被我們設計能與車貨斗結合,並在車體內 置抽水泵浦,給予用水更穩定的空間和減少操作 泵浦的複雜度。 We decided to reallocate specification of car. Apart from increasing car’s mobiliby and climbing ability, we also arrange tools and eqipment neatly in the toolbox. Water tank connects to the pump immediately once it is put into car.


Module Concept

設計的消防工具箱和儲水槽稱之為消防模組,而 它是可拆卸式的,這個構想根據兩個因素。 1. 森林火災淡季的閒置期。 2. 滿足森林勤務單位的運物車輛需求。 Toolbox and water tank are modules which are changeable. This concept is from : 1. Off-season of mountain forest fire. 2. For normal forest work, like patrol or carrying woods.

Module Usage

模組的設計能避免在森林火災的淡季,因為無需 出勤造成車輛功能的浪費與失修,因此讓模組移 除的車體設計成為貨卡,就能因應平時就常有需 要運物車需求。更期望在有其他新模組的設計下 能因應更專門的需求,選配不同的工作模組完成 不同任務。



To avoid unuse of this fire truck during off-season of moutain forest fire, non-module truck can be used to carry things or patrol. And different module is sprcialized in different work.



一次標準出勤的工具需求共包含駕駛在內的16個成員,我們設計 用兩輛搭載模組的山林消防車滿足全部工具需要的配給,車體工具箱 依照使用的方式分為兩組,分別放置在左側與右側,全部的清單為: 「直接滅火組」打火拍6支、噴水槍4支、高壓水線6組。 「燃料移除組」鐮刀6支、斧頭4把、鏈鋸2支、鏟子2支。 A standar fire work requires a total of 16 members. Two module truck can carry all needed tools. We divided tools into two groups according to their usage. “Firefighting group”6 fire bats, 4 spray guns, 6 high pressure water pipes. “Removing fuel group” 6 Sickles, 4 axes, 2 chain saws, 2 shovels.





率先到達的山林消防車能以駕駛與副駕駛兩人獨立完成 基本的水線配置和工具櫃陳列,待其餘成員到達後便能 立刻拿取裝備進行工作。

1. 開啟「直接滅火組」工具櫃後,首先拿出位於底層 的高壓水管組,每綑長約30公尺,依照所需要的距離拿 出取放置於地上。

For the first arriving two people, they can first open tollbox, and arrange water and pump. After other firemen arriving, they can take tools immediately.

1. Open “Firefighting group” toolbox, taking out water pipe( approximate 30m in total).


Fuel Removing Tools

在森林火災中,移除可燃燒的物質(如草木)是最主 要的滅火手段,有時打火人員需要短時間內砍倒移除 大量的樹木,製造長50公尺沒有可燃物的防火帶, 是艱辛的工作,因此工具保養的方便性與使用相當重 要。 In forest fire, removing fuel such as trees and grass is the most important. Firemen have to remove massive trees and grass to make a 50m long fireline in very limited time.

2. 開啟位於後輪旁的給水門,將高壓水管與出水口連 結,確認管線連通後,開啟電動泵浦。

3. 拉出工具櫃上層的展列抽屜,抽屜整齊擺放著直接 打火的工具,打火員能迅速挑選與拿下噴水槍,接上高壓 水線後便完成水線的準備工作。

2. Open pump gate next to back wheel, connecting water pipe with pump.

3. Pulling out the drawer of toolbox, tools are neatly placed on drawer. Take off spray gun quickly then connect to water pump.


Base Station

基地站裝備油壓升降台,能裝載模 組,提供安裝、拆卸與保養消防模 組的方便性。 Base station is a hydraulic platform to store module, also can make installing and uninstalling module more convenient.

將車貨斗尾門開啟,停於基地站前 方,手動升降平台後,旋轉、平移 出口到與尾門契合。 Open the tail gate, stop the truck in front of base station. Adjust the height and angle of station

人員握住模組把手,將消防模組推 進車中,推入底部後模組會與車身 自動鎖住。 Firemen holds the handle on the module, then push the module into car. The module will be locked into car.


Pulley Set

在訪談中發現,將砍倒的樹木移開現場是 目前最耗時的工作,原本需要以繩子綁住樹木 靠車子駛離,但我們提出用救援絞盤配合設計 的滑輪組,就能達到原地移除樹木的新方法。 Removing fallen trees is a work wasting the most time. We design a pulley set used with winch to move fallen trees across the fireline, rather than using rope tied onto tree and truck to pull it away.

I think that only daring speculation can lead us further and not accumulation of facts. - Albert Einstein

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