Wanyi Shi_Portfolio_Design for Performance and Interaction

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- Horror Novel - Mystery Solving Kit - Installation & Scenography - Performance - Horror Film

2021 - 2023



Facemoji - Quantitative expression design - Emotional conversation installation - Exhibition & Public experience

Wanyi Shi Application ID Number: 23143863

Female Ghosts Return


What I am looking for - Moving images - Sound design


Anti Corporation - Virtual company - Wearable devices - 3D Modelling - Promotional animation


The Orchid Kingdom - Virtual fiction - Book design - 3D modelling - Web design - Exhibition

Other Works - Moving images - Visual Design - Modelling - Performance - Installation - Interaction Design

2023/Individual project

1/ Background

Female Ghosts Return

In East Asian ghost cultures, female ghosts are the main characters and they are portrayed in a negative image.

Underneath the vicious images of female ghosts are the evils of East Asian patriarchal society and the stigmatisation and oppression of women.

2/ Research Images of female ghosts in East Asian literature and horror films

hopeless romantic fiendish

"Nie Xiaoqian"

revengeful killing innocents

"Fengshui Master"

homicidomania wicked & cunning It can be seen that the classic images of female ghosts in East Asian horror literature and films share similar negative images of viciousness, brutality, and hatefulness.

# Chastity archway


"Blood Stained Shoes"

It was built to honour woman didn't remarry after the death of husband or who committed suicide to be buried.

"A Wicked Ghost"

The taoist priests use the talisman to summon gods and impeach ghosts, and to subdue and subdue devils.

# "Xi" Character

"Chu Renmei"

"Blood Stained Shoes"

It was a harsh punishment for women who cheated. The prisoner is put into a pig cage and drowned in a river.

It is an old Han wedding custom, the wedding bride's head will be covered with a chic piece of red satin.

The year 1999 The year 2020

It is the tablet set up for the dead in ancient East Aisa. It is made of wood and has the name of the deceased written on it.

# Taoist talisman

vital essence

Qing Dynasty

# Red bridal veil

depend on men’s

"A Wicked Ghost"

# Jin Zhu Long

- Horror Novel - Mystery Solving Kit - Installation & Set - Performance - Horror Film

In these literature stories under the male gaze, women are treated unfairly and stigmatised, all to cover up the evils committed by men and the oppression of women.

Taking the Chinese art of horror films as an example, visual elements extracted from horror-themed films can be found to be usually related to a woman's marriage, moral character, and death.

# Memorial tablet

# Stigmatization & Oppression of women / Gender inequality

In these stories from the male perspective, some of them rely on men's vital essence to maintain their beauty; some of them are wandering ghosts who harm people because they were not favoured by men during their lifetime...

Elements extraction from horror films

"Fengshui Master"

Double "Xi", a Chinese character that used for marriage, meaning it's a happy event for both man and woman.

3/ Concept Experiment

4/ Development




Size: 30*20.5cm*6.



Folding Sheet.



Size: 6*22.7cm*6. Size: 87.6*19cm*6.

Medium: Print. 4.

#1 Contract Documents Design

#2 "Xi" talisman design

#3 Layout and installation

I extracted the similar visual features of the ancient Chinese marriage contract, medicine prescription list, pawn wife’s contract and contract of selling oneself, then designed the contract documents of my narrative.

I designed the “Xi” talisman by combining the graphic treatment of the double “Xi” character, which symbolises the joy of the wedding man and woman, with the characteristics of the layout of Taoist talisman.

By combining graphics of different dimensions with 2D text, images, and other content in the layout experiments, I designed the folding sheets. And tied the folding sheets to the memorial tablet to make an installation.





I began with textual writing of the virtual story to establish a narrative framework, followed by visualising the corresponding scenes, designing the installation and paper documents containing the clues, and the audience experience and the final performance.

Sketch of installation

Combination Process:


Ancient Contract

Content Extraction

Marriage Contract Double "Xi" Character

Prescription List

Pawn Wife’s Contract

Contract of Selling Oneself

Taoist Talisman

"Xi" Talisman

Combination Process

Folding sheet tied to the memorial tablet

Size: 2.2*0.8*3m.

Construction Process

The Contracts

The Talismans

The Folding Sheets

Outcomes Part1. Horror Novel Storytelling / Mystery Solving Kit / Print

Part2. Set & Installation Wedding Hall / Audience Experience

Part3. Performance Performance in the set / Burning Ceremony

Part4. Horror Film Performance / Moving Images


Please click the link to view the full version:


Outcome Part1. Horror Novel

Talismans & Candles

Storytelling / Mystery Solving Kit / Layout & Print "Female Ghosts Return" is a virtual horror novel with a non-linear narrative that takes place in the Wangnan Village, where the main characters "Yuan Yuan" are three women who marry into the village.

Spirit tablets

Mystery Solving Kit. Size: 30*20.5cm. Medium: Print, silk.

Outcome Part2. Set & Installation

Wedding Hall / Audience Experience unfold


This set that combines elements of Chinese weddings and spirit houses presents a spiritual atmosphere . Clues are hidden in the set, providing the audience with an immersive experience and a place to unravel the mystery.

Mystery-solving kit

Wedding / Spirit Hall

Mystery-solving Kit

Set & Installation Design.

Size: 6*4*3m;2.2*0.8*3m. Medium: Truss, kt board, board, candle, silk, print, oil-paper.

Outcome Part3.

Performance & Ceremony Performance / Ceremony The protagonist, "Yuan Yuan", appears in the hall in a series of performances that interpret the horror scenes described in the novel's narrative and explore the truth.

Performance - The Bride - Yuan Yuan

As the narratives are contrary to the truth, the ritual burning of these paper documents is held when the truth is revealed finally.

Burning Ceremony

Horror Film.

Size: 1920*1080px, 02:34. Medium:Video.

00:14-00:19 / 01:13-02:04

enter 00:00-00:06

title 00:06-00:10

00:10-00:14 / 00:19-00:29


Outcome Part4.


Horror Film

Performance / Storytelling

https://youtu.be/Sb05cXgnFZI Size: 1920*1080px, 02:34. Medium:Film. 00:29-00:38










Through a non-linear visual narrative, it depicts three stories about female ghosts in the wedding hall and exposes the truth - it is all about men using such horror stories to cover up their own sins and the oppression and stigmatisation of women. 02:17-02:22

ending 02:22-02:27

ending 02:27-02:29

ending 02:29-02:34

2022/Individual project # Quantitative expressions / Emotional AI / Image communication


How will quantitative emotional AI impact natural emotional transmission? - Quantitative Images - Interactive Installation - AI Recognition System - Exhibition - Public Experience

1/ Background Influenced by the post-epidemic era and new technologies, people are used to using screenmediated communication instead of face-toface communication. How does the long-term use of quantified emojis for online communication affect the communication of facial expressions and emotional transmission of modern people?

# Interdirectivity of expression and emotion

Quantified Emoji # Function & Problems

Emotional Transmission

# Experiments & Questionnaire 1. The choice of emotions correspond to expressions and stories Only 30 per cent of information is transmitted by text. There are many problems with using emojis as one method of quantifying emotions.

# Micro-expression analysis 2. The correct rate of emotion recognition in one second



2/ Research

Facial Expressions # Universal Commonality Facial expressions' feature of universal commonality makes it possible to establish communication between people of different countries.



# Capture of emotions

There is no substitute for the delivery of expressions in communication.

The five experiments and questionnaires are divided into two parts to investigate people's sensitivity to the recognition of emotions in facial expressions. I found that there are many problems with using expression images as a method of quantifying emotions.

Through micro-expression, its analysis has revealed that some quantitative emoji are ambiguous in their expression of emotion.

3/ Experiment

Quantified Expressions # Facial Action Coding System

4/ Development

The Paradox of Algorithmic Emotion # The Fooled AI Emotion Recogniser

# The emotional sound of quantification

As the recognition logic is based on the point positions of individual facial features, the AI emotion recogniser gave inconsistent results.

I used Face Tracker to track the facial features and link the movement of the facial features to rigid machine sounds.

3 2 1




5 3




Interaction Process

1 1


Face-to-face Communication

2 4

The deconstruction of facial expressions into 'action units' by coding is used for the recognition of basic emotions.






# Expression simulation


Online Communication


Movable Installation 3








Installation Details A



B image

1 2





B A image A



Experiment Video & Audio.

Size: 03:26. Medium: Video, Spark AR Studio.

Conversation Process

Ideation Sketch

By imitating the emotion-corresponding expressions in the quantisation program and emojis, I explored the purpose of the algorithm expression and its influence.

A camera

B camera

A image B image A screen communicator A

B screen communication

communicator B

Outcome Part1.

Quantitative Expressions Midjourney

AI Recognition System Extraction

Color Psychology

AI generated images



I bound the recognition points of facial expressions and Facemoji's expression recognition points in the AI facial expression recognition system, so it is possible to convert a face's expression during a dialogue into a Facemoji image. Process:


communication talk to the screen

extract facial features

Negative X code / Processing


AI Recognition System


AI Recognition System

transform into quantitative images

# Experimental Record (Excerpt)

Outcome Part2.

Emotional Conversation Installation It's an AI emotional recognition communication installation. It can be moved to different scenarios and provide the audiences with a nontextual conversation. Communicators on both sides can see the quantified expressions of the other side and conduct non-textual communication.



Quantitative image communication


Corresponding mechanical sound

Movable wheels

Can be moved to any location to suit the communication context

Outcome Part3.

Exhibition & public experience Public Experience Video. Size: 1920×1080px, 14:31. Medium: video clip. https://youtu.be/CIME_vTb3R8

Urban Park

Public Auditorium

Natural Environment

Public Plaza

Public Garden

# Boundary issues/Phytosociology/Self-exploration

What I am looking for

1/ Background



In the post-pandemic era, in a prolonged WFH state, we have to work and live simultaneously in the private space in which we live. When all boundaries blur, I wonder how people balance life and work, isolation and nature, the real and the virtual.

In the years 2021 to 2022, against the background of China and the epidemic, I invited people of different identities to start dialogues.

Keywords from the interview pandemic

closed/isolated 39

The exploration of nature, self, and boundaries.




Man follows the earth, Dao follows nature, man is a factor of nature.

2022/Individual project


pressure virtual





I feel like there's a kind of confusion. So am I resting or am I working? offline


private time work from home work time





nature sound Nomad

freedom music

nature imagine dream




Brainstorming based on the keywords from the interview and conversation. According to these keywords, I conducted 3D scanning collection, experiments, image conversion and modelling.

online adapt


3D Scanning Collection 26



Maybe because some fresh air, I can think more clearly if in nature. offline

outbreak containment area

online adapt


2/ Research


Work from home & Digital nomad




Historical WFH share



Present 04 05








I tend to be in a more empty state in nature, I think it's spiritual healing.




02 01

- Moving images - Poem narrative - Sound design - Zine design







1.0 1995

2.8 2010



I want to get in touch with nature, but there aren't many opportunities.



online adapt


The increase in WFH during the pandemic was equal to 30 years of pre-pandemic growth. And there are over 15.5 million nomads worldwide, most people changed their lifestyles.

Conversation Video. (cut)

Size: 1920*1080px, 32:06 minutes.



3/ Experiment - sound design for outcome

4/ Development

Song of the Natural Path


6:29 minutes. Audio.

Image Conversion #Part1 - In Reality

I looked up and saw paths forming between the trees; was this also a cage woven by nature? I extracted such lines and transformed them into music.

urban prison

Extraction Process: heavy workload




music score iron net dreamcatcher


#Part2 - In Nature collapse

music score

natural fantasy forest/trees - extraction paths

nature net

path of nature

generate music score

Input - forming the music

Input - forming the music

I used image experiments such as 3D scanning, modelling and layout as an entry point to express the exploration of the problem of fuzzy boundaries, and combined conceptually contradictory and morphologically similar images.

look up


Documentary Film - Screenshot Display

Contents of the Conversations 00:32-00:39

# In Reality


# In Reality



# In Nature




The dissociation state of chaos between reality and nature is entangled in the net of reality and the net of nature, and the desire to change from the state of imprisonment and isolation to the imaginary "digital nomadism".

# In Dreams

Based on the textual writing of the poem and centred around imagery and interviews, the moving images is divided into three parts: In Reality / In Nature / In Dreams.



https://youtu.be/PbmeeBBwh0w Moving images.

Size: 1920*1080px, 02:23. Medium: Video, 3D scanning, modelling.




I took snippets from the pre-interview conversations and interspersed them in the three sections corresponding to In Reality / In Nature / In Dreams as part of the narration.


Documentary Film - Display I kept running, looking for the passage and the access. Remote working became the norm, working from home may not be what we originally thought. When people are confined to cities, to buildings, to rooms, the boundaries blur, the works invade every nook and cranny of our private downtime.

Through iron net to the briar wilderness, Where is the access? I'm still searching, Why are the borders of the wilderness still covered with nets?

Out of chaos and isolation, Keen to catch the sight of all life, The dreamcatcher will filter out all the good imagination for me. It's a dream, net of dreams will keep it all for me.

What am I looking for?

Tangled in the net of reality and the net of nature, Chaos lies between the virtual and the real, Hopefully we can all find that balance.

Moving images.

Size: 1920*1080px, 02:23. Medium: Video, 3D scanning, modelling.

2022/Individual project


The repetitive, socialised time system invariably influence human rhythms and convert human activity into productivity.

1/ Background

People travel thousands of mountains, but they don't have any experience. People look at everything, but they don't form any insights.

The interface of time

Carsten Höller, Decimal Clock.

The global homogenization of time occurred as a response to the unprecedented degree of planetary interconnectedness.

#Repetitive# #Time#

Maarten Baas, Real Time.

Real Time is an art installation series. It consists of works in which people manually create and erase the hands on a clock each minute.

- Print Experiment - Publications

#The interface


#Homogenization of time#

- Performance

The interface of time and repetition The interface of repetition

Han Bingzhe, Die Austreibung des Anderen, CITIC Press,2019

# Time System / Human Productivity / Socialization

- Mobing images

2/ Research

Influenced by several art work references about repetitive time systems, I perceived that repetitive time systems are socialised and seem to be closely related to human body rhythms, activity, and productivity. So I intend to research and experiment deeply with these research questions, and eventually, I hope to present them in mediums such as visual language and print experiments.

Clock Timetable timekeeping standards (Permanent) Calendar Pyramid / ......

Time Templates #24/7 system

/repeatable /stable /efficient /tired

#Decimal Time /reform /difference /new system /adaptation

Repetition system & Productivity

According to Chronobiology, the time system is closely related to the human productivity - the rhythms of human body are socialised, normalised into productivity. In China, radio gymnastics is a highly socialised, normalised and repetitive system, just like the time system.

#Collection of timetables of people with different identities & interview

3/ Concept Experiment

Time repetition system and productivity - radio gymnastics

Motion trail - radio gymnastics & pendulum

#2 New Time Template The radio gymnastics and 'time' (biological clock) share a common pattern: A slow activation from a calm state, followed by some buffering parts, then an active phase, and finally a return to calm. So I have extracted the common pattern between the two and come up with a new rhythm of time division.


The human body creates a connection with time through its performance, and the systematic nature of time is studied through the trajectory of the human body and the pendulum.


4/ Development

#1 Iteration of the "Re: clock" System Iteration variable: "time/speed". Changing the speed will affect the already established control system. I based on the variable 'speed' for the next design of the time template.

Monitoring system

Speed - 0. 5x

Speed - 1.5x control

Speed - 2.0x

Outcome Part1.

Performance & Moving Images I explored the duality of repetitive time systems through performance and body rhythms. I have compiled a set of radio gymnastics clocks by matching the physical condition of the six parts of the divided radio gymnastics to the corresponding speed.

1. Radio gymnastics

4. Re: clock in use

Different rhythm phases are presented on a split-screen through the combination of the radio gymnastics and the time system’s similarity of duality and repeatability.

I invited the audience to use Re:clock to experience their day. Wake-up phase


Activation phase


Performance phase


Buffer phase



Rest phase


2. Pendulum The sound of the pendulum corresponds to the repeated instructions.

This could be a new timekeeping tool for people to use.

3. Motion capture The continuous repetition of human movement in time and space through programming motion capture. Re: clock

Active phase

Re: clock in use

https://youtu.be/UIaFe0EWcFs https://youtu.be/-OOqQ00mrZ0 Moving Images.

Size: 1920*1080px, 02:23; 04:09. Medium: Video, processing, pendulum.

Outcome Part2.

Pages Display

Printing Experiment

The way of printing also discusses the visual effect presentation under the action of time and repetition, there are five versions: Version1: printed in 1 minute; Version2: printed in 15 minutes; Version3: printed in 1 hour; Version4: printed in 6 hours; Version5: printed in 10 hours. And the spare part of each version is repeatedly overprinted. Book Design (Print Version 1-5).

Size: 264*297mm, 12pages / 86pages / 86pages / 86pages / 86pages. Medium:Print.

Print version 1: Page 03-04

Print version 1: Page 07-08

Print version 2: Page 25-26

Print version 2: Page 21-22

Print version 3: Page 23-24

Print version 3: Page 25-26

Print version 4: Page 13-14

Print version 4: Page 39-40

Print version 5: Page 29-30


Individual project

1/ Background

Echo Chamber & Lucifer Effect - Timeline

ANTI CORPORATION The opinion leader who guides all public opinions in the virtual world.

# Mass public opinion / Echo chamber / Lucifer effect / Infotopia - Virtual company - Wearable devices - Logo and fonts - 3D Modelling - Promotional animation

My personal experience of being misunderstood and isolated reminded me of the phenomenon of online public opinion, and I began to think about the social situation created by the herd mentality.

2/ Research

3/ Development

Isolation and public opinion #Interview

Logo and font design for ANTI CORPORATION

Design process for wearable device and department #Isolated behaviour process







Outcome ANTI CORPORATION https://youtu.be/LiLh0KlpCQg Promotional animation.

Size: 1920×1080 pixels, 4:09.

Medium: 3D modelling, Cinema 4D. Anti Corporation, the opinion leader in virtual space. As the spearhead and weathervane of the storm of public opinion, Anti operates in a systematic, standardized and sizeable manner to accomplish any of your demands - to establish a persona, to isolate someone, to destroy an idol or to guide public opinion in any direction, and Anti's mission is bound to be accomplished.

Liaison Department

Planning Department

Information Department

Information Department

Operation Department

2023/Individual project

1/ Background

2/ Research

The Orchid Kingdom Greedy people run into economic bubbles over and over again in the transformation of orchids and the plundering of nature.

Economic bubble of orchids in history

Modern Orchid Economy

# Orchid Price Fluctuations (GBP)

# High-priced Orchids

#Orchids in the Market

Ghost Orchid

Psychopsis papilio

Vanda caerula Cattleya

# Orchidelirium / Economic Bubble / Nature Destruction


- Virtual fiction - Book design - 3D modelling - Web design - Exhibition

It can be seen that the cultivation of new varieties and spatial exhibitions are the most important means to increase the price of orchids. The book The Orchid Thief reveals the state of orchid industrialisation and the unique pattern of botanical crime, where people's fanatical love for the economic value that orchids represent has led them to unlimited looting of nature as well as cyclical economic crises.

Orchids a symbol of economic value

3/ Concept Experiment

#1 New Orchids-Modified Orchids I visualised orchid cross-breeding process: By extracting elements such as morphology and texture, and combining several factors that affect the value of orchids, I designed several "new orchids" through the steps of collage-sketch-modelling. #Eyeball Cattleya

#Metal Paphiopedilum

Element Extraction:

Element Extraction:

Orchids are transformed into symbols of economic value in five steps:

picking orchids wild orchid



#Butterfly Skeleton Orchid

#Ghost Psychopsis Papilio

Shape Extraction:

Element Extraction:

breed collage


#Spotted Oncidium Flexuosum

#Beeird Ophyris Apifera

Pattern Extraction:

Element Extraction:

for sale

mass propagation transform



#2 Orchids on Commercial Display Corresponding to the part of the spatial display that adds value to the orchid, I placed the "new orchid" in the 3D scanned images of the window scenes of a high-end luxury shop, giving it the properties of commodities in the commercial space.

4/ Development Storyboard

The virtual fiction describes a country where orchids circulate as a symbol of economy and value. Citizens breed and trade new orchid species in the "Orchid Exchange" to gain more profit, and plunder the landscapes where the orchids live.

Virtual space construction The magnificent landscape inside the "Orchid Exchange" magnifies the growing environment and nutrients that the precious wild orchids need, as well as the fungi and microbes, required by the species of new orchids.



The Orchid Kingdom - Orchid Landscape 01


#3 The Orchid Exchange Inspired by the Wardian Case which protect foreign plants imported into Europe and facilitated the orchid trade, and combining it with the orchid morphology, I designed The Orchid Exchange - a space serves as the trading centre for cultivating new varieties of orchids and trading them.

The wardian case

Reference & Design Process:

Orchid - shape extraction The Garden of Earthly Delights



The Orchid Kingdom - Orchid Landscape 02


Part1. Virtual Fiction

Storytelling / Book Design

Part2. Orchid Trading System Website Design

Part3. Exhibition

Please click the link to view the full version:


Page 35-36

Page 15-16

Page 33-34

Page 53-54

Outcome Part1.

Page 25-26

Virtual Fiction

Storytelling / Typography / Book Design / Print

Page 11-12

"The Orchid Kingdom" describes the story of a magical nation centred around the orchid economy. In order to increase the economic value of orchids, the citizens, like the ancient alchemists, transformed them, resulting in the emergence of new orchids of high value, each with its own characteristics. Book Design.

Size: 210*297mm, 58pages. Medium:Print Page 39-40

Page 29-30

Page 01-02

Website Design.

Size: 1920*1080px. Medium: Digital web.

Outcome Part2.

Orchid Trading System Website Design

Outcome Part2.

Outcome Part3.

Website Design

Books / Website / Database / Narrative Story

The Orchid Trade System is an online trading platform of the Orchid Kingdom, where orchids are manipulated and bought and sold like stocks in the human world.

The exhibition includes books on the virtual fiction "The Orchid Kingdom", web pages on the orchid trading system, and the transformation process and data sets for the new orchids.

Website Design.


Orchid Trading System

Size: 1920*1080px. Medium: Digital web.


Web Page - Orchid Currency

Web Page - New Orchids

Size: 2.6m*2.4m. Multi-medium. Page45-46



Web Page Display



Other Works I am a visual designer, graphic designer and storyteller with a background in visual communication, based in Beijing. I have created different types of work for diverse clients and themes, working both as a design team collaborator and an independent designer (freelance). The following are representative of the different types of work in recent years (2021-2023):

Poster Immersive

Stage Interactive

Beijing Olympic Winter Games' closing ceremony # Visual design / Interaction scheme # culture/communication/snowflake

Team Project

Responsible for the visual design of the stage as well as the interactive experience for the Beijing Winter Olympics.

Branding Fonts

Immersive 5D Art Exhibition: Dreams of the Floating World # Visual design / Poster Design # ukiyoe/immersive experience

Team Project

Responsible for visual & immersive experience design of the immersive exhibition, as well as the poster design for the main visual.

Installation Performance

Beijing Wander Wander - Urban Art Festival # Main visual design / Branding # culture / art / city life

Individual Project

Visual and branding design for the 2023 Beijing Urban Art Festival "Wander Wander".

Metameal feeding patterns for future mataverse # Installation / Performance # speculative design / future metaverse

Individual Project

Imagining feeding modes in future metaverse through speculative narratives, installation experiences, and performance.

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