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Retired Police Motorcyclist and Police Health member



Joining Police Health was the best thing I ever did

TO SAY I AM STILL HERE because of Police Health is not a stretch. I have claimed well over $100,000 in the dozen years I have been a member. I cannot help feeling a bit guilty, but I know I have a great policy because everyone says so.

After wearing a gun belt for 37 years, I had developed a serious abnormality on my kidney, which ended up being a low-grade bladder tumour. It required treatment every Friday for six weeks with what, I was told, was a “very expensive drug.” Luckily, Police Health covered it. The anaesthetist whispered in my ear, “don’t ever leave Police Health.”

Fast forward 12 months, and I returned for the same treatment. The doctor queried how much I got charged last time. Nothing, I said. We joked the doctor must have forgotten to bill me.

Everywhere I go, everyone comments how good Police Health is. My doctors, specialists, practitioners, dentist, secretaries and three of my kids, each of whom I have signed up.

Joining Police Health was the best thing I ever did. I do not know why I waited so long. To be honest, I did not think the private health system differed from the public one. Boy, was I wrong!

The doctor queried how much I got charged last time. Nothing, I said. We joked the doctor must have forgotten to bill me.

Having private health cover is not just about maintaining good health. It is a smart financial decision as well because your body starts to break down when you reach 60. I have received $141,000 in benefits from my Police Health policy since I signed up 12 years ago.

I suffered a torn meniscus, and by being with Police Health, I was booked in for a surgical procedure the week after my initial appointment. I have also had arthrodesis surgery to relieve 60 years of extreme foot pain, a kidney removed, pneumonia treated and several dental appointments.

When you are young, you do not think you need coverage. I was a handsome, healthy, young motorcycle cop. I thought I was invincible. But it is easy to see how the benefits add up.

I vividly remember the first time I saw a police motorcyclist. I was working as a boilermaker, and the office girl’s husband raced past on his motorcycle. It was then I realised my future was on a bike.

There is not one thing I would change about my career, let alone my life. I have no regrets. I do not fear death. I often tell people I work on planet Earth, but my perception is different. Most 70-year-olds I know sit back and watch the world go by. I have nine children, who all call me every day. I do not see myself as an old man. I have a whole lot of life left in me. And I have Police Health to thank for that. I can work purely for the joy of it, not because I have to pay expensive medical bills.

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