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The Electoral College

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The Fazle Umar

The Fazle Umar

Having in mind the crisis with which the Movement had been confronted on the demise of Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih I [ra], he had already established an Electoral College for the election of a Khalifa, when the sacred office should become vacant by the Khalifa’s death. The college was composed of the following, subject to the essential qualification that every elector must be a member of the Movement and should be a supporter of Khilafat: 1. The surviving sons of the Promised Messiah [as]. 2. The President of the Sadr Anjuman Ahmadiyya. 3. All Secretaries of the Sadr Anjuman. 4. The Director General and the Directors of Tehrike Jadeed. 5. The President of Waqfe Jadeed. 6. The Principal of the Ta’limul Islam College. 7. The Headmaster of the Ta’limul Islam High School. 8. The President of the Jamia (Theological Seminary). 9. The President of Ansarullah. 10. The President of Khuddamul Ahmadiyya. 11. Representative of Lajna Imaillah (The Ladies Organisation). 12. Missionaries who had worked abroad for a minimum period of three years. 13. Missionaries who had worked within Pakistan or India for a minimum period of five years. 14. Amirs of circles in Pakistan.

15. Members who had joined the Movement in the lifetime of the Founder of the


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