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نل �وط لسو هیلع للا لص للا لوسر لاق لاق يصلا بکر نع هعح لام قفنأو ةنکسم �غ نم هسفن � لذو ةصقنم �غ نم عضاوت ةكلاو هقفلا لھأ طلاخو ةنکسلاو لذلا لھأ حرو ةیصعم �غ نم (3116 نا�لا بعش)
Rakb al-Misri reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Blessed is he who has humility without debasing himself, who lowers himself without humiliating himself, who spends wealth in charity and accumulates it without sinning, who is merciful to the lowly and downtrodden, and who accompanies the people of understanding and wisdom.”