2 minute read
The Promised Messiahas
''The flesh of your sacrifices does not reach God, nor does blood reach Him, but your righteousness does.’ That is, ‘Fear Him so much that you die in His way, just like you slaughter sacrificial animals with your own hands. In the same way, you should sacrifice yourselves in the way of God.’ When taqwa [righteousness and true awareness of God] is less than this, it is still flawed.''
(Chashma-e-Ma‘rifat, Ruhani Khazain, Vol. 23, p. 99, Footnote)
Pearls of Wisdom
Huzoor's guidance

“God Almighty has stated that righteousness is the true essence that should underlay any sacrifice of animals we make. This is what is beloved to God. By making a physical sacrifice, the person making the sacrifice expresses his willingness to forego all his personal desires for God… The person making the sacrifice should take a lesson from this act of sacrificing an animal and realise that he too should be willing to make every sacrifice of his personal desires for the greater goal of achieving the nearness and pleasure of God Almighty.”
(Eid ul Adha Sermon 12 August 2019)
Q&A with Huzooraba
One of the Khuddam asked His Holiness how to control one’s anger.
Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad replied:
“The Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) has said that if you feel angry then sit down and if your anger persists, then lie down and wash your face with cool water… So, when you are angry, repent and drink cool water and according to the saying of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), sit down rather than being fiery and emotional, so that your anger may subside. Other than that, there are occasions where a person becomes cross at someone and their anger is justified. However, even then a person should not lose control of his senses. That anger which is justified should only ever be exhibited for the sake of reforming someone and it should soon subside and should not be kept in one’s heart. It should not be that it becomes a habit and that you become irritated at even small things so that other people feel tense around you and want to avoid your company.” pressahmadiyya.com/pressreleases/2023/02/khuddam-and-atfalfrom-finland-have-honour-of-a-virtualmeeting-with-head-of-the-ahmadiyyamuslim-community/
Upon being asked which is his ‘favourite’ country, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said
“All countries have good and pious
Ahmadi Muslims and each country has its own unique features and beauty. Every nation and people have their own particular qualities, and, as I have said, sincere Ahmadis are living in all countries. And when Ahmadis are good then the country too becomes good! Therefore, for me, all countries are good.”
“You (Ahmadi Muslims in the UK) are good, so are those in Germany, Holland, Belgium, France, Canada, USA, New Zealand, Australia, and those in African countries. Ahmadi children and adults in Africa are pious and loyal who show great love. Just look at what happened in Burkina Faso recently –how extraordinary was the sacrifice of the Ahmadis who were martyred there for the sake of their faith. So, after that, Africans surely will be the dearest. Wherever there are sincere Ahmadi Muslims, those who offer sacrifices and are firm in faith, for me that country is good.” https://www.pressahmadiyya.com/pressreleases/2023/02/destiny-hijab-and73-sects-in-islam-uk-ahmadi-muslimchildren-seek-guidance-from-his-holiness/
A question also related to what a person should do when approached by a beggar on the street.
“The better approach is to give money to charity organisations. There are charities established by other communities or agencies that the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community supports either through Humanity First or directly so that they are able to help the poor and they know where the need is greatest for the poor in terms of providing food, education and making medical care available. So that is why we give money to the charities. However, if a beggar approaches you directly, then our teaching is that we should not reject them, instead we should give them something, even if it is a little. If you do not want to give them money, then at least never speak harshly to them because we do not know if they are in genuine need or not as we do not know what is in the hearts of others.” https://www.pressahmadiyya.com/ press-releases/2023/01/nasirat-fromgermany-have-honour-of-a-virtualmeeting-with-head-of-the-ahmadiyyamuslim-community/