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lifetime, and even met Kennedy in clothes ironed in this simple yet ingenious way!
An example of his humility was such that after Hazrat Chaudhry Sahibra would come out of Fazl Mosque, having prayed Namaz, people would run to try and give him his shoes out of respect. Upon seeing this, Hazrat Chaudhry Sahibra would always tell them to leave the shoes and to not do too much for him.
When Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmadrh, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV would walking outside Fazl Mosque in London, Chaudhry Sahib would accompany him, walking behind with his hands clasped gently at his back. The reason why Hazrat Chaudhry Sahib had his hands tied back was because when people would say salaam and meet Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh, they would also come toward the legendary Hazrat Chaudhry Sahibra out of awe and respect, but Chaudhry Sahib would very sternly sign people away from him and sign that when Hazur is there it is only Hazur and not me. This had a profound effect on me as it showed the utmost respect Hazrat Chaudhry Sahibra had for Khilafat.
Chaudhry Sahibra was leaving for Pakistan in 1983 and out of my love for him, I asked him not to go, to which he replied that “I do not want to go back to Pakistan in a coffin”. An example of Hazrat Chaudhry Sahibra time management and punctuality were such that when he used to take Tarbiyyat classes at Fazl Mosque, he would tell his students to be there before 5pm sharp. To make sure they would all arrive on time, he would shut all the doors at 5pm and anybody who was late would not be allowed to enter. Throughout his life Hazrat Chaudhry Sahibra was extremely disciplined and taught others the importance of punctuality too. He once said: “I have been to so many parts of the world, I have done so much and have faced so many hardships and problems but have found that there was only one thing which would solve them every time… Durood Shareef”. In periods of trials and tribulations he would fervently recite durood shareef and always come to find some sort of blessing from Allah the Almighty. This incident had a very profound effect on me, and I believe this advice to be invaluable for all of us to try to follow.
To conclude…
To end this article, it deems appropriate to quote an extract of a Friday Sermon, by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih VIrh, upon the demise of Hazrat Chaudhry Sahibra . These are words of wisdom which summarise the spiritually wholesome and successful character of Hazrat Sir Chaudhry Muhammad Zafrullah Khanra , which we should strive to adopt and deeply ingrain into our lives.
“The Promised Messiahas has been given abundant and repeated glad tidings of incredible followers who will forever continue to come forth and when one departs another will step forward to take his place. You should raise your morale and strengthen your resolve. Adopt those paths of righteousness that Chaudhry Sahib continually adopted. Adorn yourselves with the quality of loyalty in the way he was so richly adorned. Develop that steadfastness and courageous resolve that was a distinguished part of his character. Lose yourself in the love and affection of Allah the Almighty and become the recipients of the special aspects of His love as Chaudhry Sahib had—nay strive to achieve even more than that! As for the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama‘at, no avenues of advancement can ever be closed for it.” 6
1. Personalities, n.d. Sir Muhammad Zafrulla Khan (ra). [Online]
Available at: alislam.org
2. Sahib, M. D. M. S., n.d. Brief Life Sketch of Chaudhry Sir Muhammad Zafrulla Khan. [Online]
Available at: aslislam.org
3. Salam, D. A., 1986. Chaudhri Muhammad Zafrulla Khan. Review of Religions, 24 February, pp. 25-30.
4. Rashed, A. M., 2019. Hazrat Sir Chaudhry Muhammad Zafrulla Khan r.a.. Alhakam, 19 April.
5. (rta), H. M. T. A., 1985. A Sign of Allah (Friday Sermon). s.l.:s.n.
Kid’s Spread
Why is it so Important to Write to Hazuraba?
When we write to Hazuraba, we develop a personal bond with him and it increases the love of our Khalifa in our hearts.
Hazuraba is very near to Allah and Allah to him, thus when Hazuraba prays for us, Allah readily accepts his prayers! Thus, when we write to Hazuraba and Hazuraba prayers for us, it increases the acceptance of our prayers!
We are so lucky that Hazuraba dedicates so much time every single day to read and reply to our letters, and it is a great privilege that he is always there to guide us when we need help.
Hazuraba always specially prays for all those who write to him.
How do I get my letter to Hazuraba?
You can post or fax your letter.
Islamabad, Sheephatch Lane, Tilford GU10 2AQ, U.K. Fax: +44 (203) 988 3922 / +44 (208) 870 5234
What do I say to Hazuraba in my letter?
Remember, you can write to Hazuraba about anything. You can ask a question or for advice. You can also tell Hazuraba about achievements and milestones in your life such as passing your exams, gaining an award at Ijtema or when you have learnt something new.
You can also humbly request for prayers: • Guidance for education • Guidance on decisions regarding marriage • At the start of the school year • Before school exams • Before Ijtema • Before travelling • When you are feeling unwell • For your parents and siblings
• For your grandparents • For your friends • For the Jama’at • For your country • For people around the world e.g., if you hear about a natural disaster in any part of the world
How often should I write to Hazuraba?
You can write to Hazuraba weekly at the very least or ideally even more. You do not have to write a long letter each time, even a short update is sufficient. You can also write to Hazuraba on certain occasions e.g.
• New Year • Beginning of Ramadhan • Eid-ul-Fitr • Eid-ul-Adha • Jalsa Salana
1. Always start your letter written with Bismillah (preferably written in
Arabic) 2. Always include Salam written in either Arabic or English 3. Always include your age or your school year 4. Keep the letter short and concise 5. Preferably handwrite your letters to add that personalisation and special effort.
Task: Use this image as your guide and practice writing Bismilliah to add to the beginning of your letter.