Warhorse Pride Issue #107

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Serving the Soldiers, Civilians and Families of 2nd BCT, 4th Inf. Div.

Issue 107 Aug. 23, 2012

EST 2000 increases accuracy, reduces cost Story and photos by Sgt. April York


2nd BCT, 4th Inf. Div., PAO

oldiers from 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, used the Engagement Skills Trainer 2000 at the Training Support Center Aug. 16 to increase their accuracy and reduce their unit’s overall budget for qualifying on weapons. “Some units, when they go down range, see a ten fold increase in their Soldiers’ proficiency when they use the EST 2000,” said Troy Piirainen, training aids, devices, simulators and simulations instructor, TSC. Soldiers fire simulated weapons, with recoil and sound effects, set up in a classroom, with props to mimic the environment of a live fire range and virtual targets projected on a screen.

Soldiers from Company A, 1st Bn., 67th Armor Reg., prepare to fire their simulated M4 rifles to make sure the sights are accurate during an Engagement Skills Trainer 2000 exercise at the Training Support Center, Aug. 16. The Soldiers utilized the EST 2000, which replicates individual and crew-live-fire practice.

Specialist Lucas Ross, infantryman , Company A, 1st Bn., 67th Armor Reg., fires his simulated M4 rifle Aug. 16. The Engagement Skills Trainer 2000 reduces the cost for units going to the range, because Soldiers can fire as many rounds as they need to without expending live ammunition.

The EST 2000 offers training for both individual and collective marksmanship training along with shoot and don’t shoot scenarios, which are used by the Military Police. “The basic rifle marksmanship and advanced rifle marksmanship tables appear to be very realistic,” Piirainen said. “It’s actually harder to shoot on the EST, which makes it easier to shoot down range.” Piirainen is a retired Army first sergeant and has been working at the TSC since 2008. Saving money is a great motivation for the simulated training, but the EST 2000 also provides additional opportunities. Soldiers get a chance to fire all different types of weapons they normally wouldn’t get to shoot on the range, Piirainen said. Soldiers can fire weapons such as MK

19s, M2.50 Caliber Machine Guns, M136 AT4s and additional hand-held weapons. The EST 2000 training also reduces stress and safety hazards. With simulated rounds, the risk for injury is low. “I think this is a more comfortable training environment to focus on the basics, and there is not so much pressure on shooting,” said Spc. Lucas Ross, infantryman, Company A, 1st Battalion, 67th Armor Regiment, 2nd BCT, 4th Inf. Div. “The environment is a lot more controlled; there is no dust kicking up into your eyes and the weather doesn’t change on you.” The EST ranges are supervised by noncommissioned officers who attend a ‘train the trainer’ class to learn how to run the range. The classes are held at the TSC twice a month, on the first and third Wednesdays of the month.

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Warhorse Pride

Issue 107 Aug. 23, 2012

Warhorse command team reaches out

Specialist Mark Cerny, wheeled vehicle mechanic from 2nd STB, explains his future plans after separating from the Army to Col. Omar Jones IV, right, and Command Sgt. Maj. Robert Lehtonen, left, during a retention meeting at McMahon Theater Aug. 22.

Warhorse Pride Col. Omar Jones IV........................2nd BCT Commander Command Sgt. Maj. Robert Lehtonen....2nd BCT CSM Staff Sgt. Andrew Porch..................................PAO NCOIC Staff Sgt. Ruth Pagan.........................Layout and Design Sgt. April York......................................Layout and Design

Colonel Omar Jones IV speaks to his Soldiers about re-enlisting during a retention meeting at McMahon Theater, Aug. 22. “I want to help you make the best decision possible,” Jones said. “I like spending time with people like you.”

The Warhorse Pride is produced in the interest of the Soldiers of the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division. The Warhorse Pide is an Army-­funded news-­ letter authorized under provision of AR 360-­1. Contents of the Warhorse Pride are not necessarily the view of, nor endorsed by the U.S. government, Department of Defense, Department of the Army or the 4th Infantry Division. All editorial content of The Warhorse Pride is prepared, edited, provided and approved by the 2nd Brigade Combat Team Public

$IIDLUV 2I¿FH The Warhorse Pride welcomes articles, commentary and photos from readers. The Warhorse Pride reserves the right to edit submissions selected for the publication. All issues of The Warhorse Pride can be viewed online from your home computer at www.facebook. com/2bct4id Submissions should be e-­mailed to the editor: ruth.a.pagan2.mil@mail.mil

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Family Readiness Group

Issue 107 Aug. 23, 2012

FRSA Information

3-16 FAR Dyanne Beckman.........................................................526-1635 dyanne.m.beckman.civ@mail.mil

2-8 IN Ursual Pittman...........................................................526-0727 ursual.t.pittman.civ@mail.mil

2nd BCT Valarie Adams............................................................524-4797 valarie.a.adams.civ@mail.mil

1-67 AR Valerie Mansapit...........................................................526-1476 valerie.j.mansapit.civ@mail.mil

2 STB Spc. Morgan Madrick..............................................503-2602 morgan.a.madrick.mil@mail.mil

1-10 CAV Francy Avizu...............................................................526-1946 francy.avizu.civ@mail.mil

204th BSB Barbara Young...............................................................526-4172 barbara.a.young.civ@mail.mil

Find us on Facebook at: http://www.facebook.com/2bct4id

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Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers

Issue 107 Aug. 23, 2012

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