Warhorse Pride #51 (24 March 11)

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Serving the Soldiers, Civilians and Families of 2nd BCT, 4th Inf. Div.

Stevenson signs with USAFA

Issue 51

Mar. 24, 2011

Chaplain’s Corner by Chaplain Maj. Ricky Way 2nd Brigade Combat Team Chaplain

Patrick Stevenson Jr., flanked my his mother, Pam Stevenson, and father, Lt. Col. Patrick Stevenson, officially signs the letter of intent to play football at the United States Air Force Academy, Mar. 18. Stevenson is a middle linebacker and captain of the Fountain-Fort Carson football team, has a 3.5 grade point average, and is involved in mentorship programs for new FFC students. He will attend the USAFA prep school for one year starting this summer before enrolling at USAFA in 2012. Upon graduation from USAFA, he will be the 5th generation in the Stevenson family to serve in the military.

Vietnam Vet visits 3-16 FA

Mr. Frank Keeser, father of “Safety” Ed Keeser 2nd Brigade Combat Team Safety Officer, shares artillery stories with Lt. Col. Tom Munsey, commander of 3rd Battalion, 16th Field Artillery Regiment, Mar. 10. Keeser served as a Chief Warrant Officer during the Vietnam War serving two tours from 1966 to 1969 with only a 10 month break between tours. Keeser now serves in the Military Order of the Purple Heart.

One element of family life that can give security to families during deployment is the nurturing of religious faith. Establishing a routine of attending your place of worship can help develop a sense of belonging and connectedness with not only God, but also with a religious community. When a service member deploys, the religious community will still be a part of the family’s life and it is more likely to provide comfort and support in his or her absence. Many military families say that their religious faith enables them to keep a more positive attitude. Military separations or deployments can become opportunities for growth and experiencing God’s care and mercy in a more intimate way. Some people even find themselves moving towards faith for the first time, when deployment affects their life. Maybe, it is that sense of seeking greater meaning and connectedness in times of uncertainty and challenge that bring people to find religion. Faith can fill many voids and needs. Individuals may find reassurance in their faith when they face the challenges of military life. I have often wrestled with the natural conflict between my calling to be a Soldier and my calling to be a Christian Chaplain, husband and father. Yet, I continue to see that the Lord has given me grace to do both. I have decided that the best thing that I can do as a Soldier, who feels called by God to “stay with it,” is to look to my faith for the strength and courage to run the race and finish the course. I also rely on my faith to help me find alternative ways to meet my family’s needs instead of becoming frustrated by the things that I cannot do for them during the deployment. If you have questions about faith or God, you can seek help and guidance from your spiritual leader, chaplain or you can even do research on your own. Continue on page 2

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Warhorse Pride

Issue 51

Mar. 24, 2011

Soldiers clean up highway Story and Photo by 2nd Lt. Jake Lowe 1st Battalion, 67th Armor Regiment

The 1st Battalion, 67th Armor Regiment has participated in the Colorado Department of Transportation’s Adopt-ARoad program over the past nine months. The program entails having volunteers clean up a selected highway in order to keep it presentable for the community. The 1st Bn., 67th Armor Reg. has chosen to adopt Highway 83 near Drennan Rd. “The program allows Soldiers in transition to civilian life, a chance to give back to the Colorado Springs community and it gives Soldiers volunteer service to put on their resume,” said Capt. Christopher

Freeborg, commander of Company G, 1st Bn., 67th Armor Reg. In addition to making local highways more presentable, the program has recently contributed to the safety of the community. Soldiers on clean up, discovered an illegal weapon. It was promptly and safely turned over to the Colorado Springs Police Department. A Soldier’s volunteer service can qualify them to earn the Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Member medal. As part of the program with CDOT, 1st Bn., 67th Armor Reg. will continue its bi-weekly mission to keep Highway 83 clean until July 2012.

Continued from page 1 The more answers and affirmations you can receive before you face a trial or difficulty, the stronger you will be when you find yourself challenged. When you face a hardship, you may still find yourself asking why and possibly having some doubts, but at least you will have some security in your faith. Just know that God is in charge and is with you in the hardship to see you through it.

Warhorse Pride Col. John S. Kolasheski...............2nd BCT Commander Command Sgt. Maj. Ralph Delosa.........2nd BCT CSM Maj. Kevin Toner........................................2nd BCT PAO Spc. April York...................................Layout and Design Sgt. Seth Barham......................................................Editor Sgt. Ruth Pagan........................................................Editor

The Warhorse Pride is produced in the interest of the Soldiers of the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division. The Warhorse Pride is an Army-funded newsletter authorized under provision of AR 360-1. Contents of The Warhorse Pride are not necessarily the views of, nor endorsed by the, U.S. government, Department of Defense, Department of the Army or the 4th Infantry Division. All editorial content of The Warhorse Pride is prepared, edited, provided and approved by the 2nd Brigade Combat

Team Public Affairs Office. The Warhorse Pride welcomes articles, commentary, and photos from readers. The Warhorse Pride reserves the right to edit submissions selected for the publication. All issues of the Warhorse Pride can be viewed online from your home computer at www.facebook. com/2bct4id Submissions should be emailed to the editor: seth.barham1@conus.army.mil

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