Widening Horizons Raising Aspirations
Welcome Aims Warlingham is a school in which young people flourish both academically and socially. Our motto of ‘Widening Horizons, Raising Aspirations’ underpins the ethos of the school. We have high expectations in terms of learning, behaviour and attendance which leads to excellent academic progress. We provide an environment that excites, motivates and challenges our students to place no ceiling on achievement and to develop an interest in the world around them. Our ambition is for students to leave Warlingham as successful, confident young people ready to face all of life’s challenges and make a positive contribution to society. By working in partnership with parents, our well-qualified staff and the school’s governors aim to secure a successful future for all students based on a foundation of good examination performance and high levels of social responsibility. I hope that something of Warlingham School’s vitality will reach you from these pages and encourage you to see the school in action. We welcome visitors during the school day – just telephone to let us know that you would like to be shown around. I look forward to meeting you.
Warlingham School’s aims are: • a chieving excellence where everyone has high expectations and strives for success, • p romoting enjoyment of learning and celebration of achievement, • f ostering a healthy and safe community where individuals take responsibility for themselves and show respect for others, • m aking a positive contribution to all aspects of school, family and community life, and • c reating opportunity and experiences to prepare for successful and fulfilling adult lives.
Mr N Bradwell BA NPQH, Headteacher
“ Excellent relationships contribute to a supportive and positive climate for learning.” Ofsted 2013
Challenge Warlingham School is characterised by a shared acceptance of the importance of high aspirations and expectations of all members of our community. This challenges our students to do their very best.
Flexible arrangements for students to engage in bespoke programmes or college link placements and the wide range of subject combinations that we offer, provide an excellent platform for success.
Learning takes place in a purposeful and well-disciplined environment in which students are encouraged to be actively involved through investigation, problem solving, discussion, practical work and research. Our students enjoy learning and achieve above national average results at GCSE and A level. Examination results have seen continual improvement in recent years as a result of the hard work and dedication of staff, students and their parents.
During their time at Warlingham, we want our students to develop not only their academic knowledge but the skills and attributes needed to be successful in a rapidly changing world. Warlingham School became a designated specialist school in Business and Enterprise in September 2004 and was successfully re-designated in 2008. As such, we provide a programme of activities that enhances the school curriculum and offers business and enterprise development for partner schools.
At Key Stage 3, students are taught in a variety of ability groupings; for some subjects students remain in their mixed ability tutor groups but in many subjects they are set according to ability with regular reviews to ensure students are in classes with appropriate levels of challenge and support. We offer an extensive options programme at Key Stage 4 and 5, which enables us to create a personalised learning experience for children during their time with us.
“ Teachers have high expectations and are ambitious for students’ achievement.� Ofsted 2013
Opportunities At Warlingham School we are proud to extend our students’ learning opportunities far beyond the classroom. We recognise that all students have talents, strengths and interests and we make every effort to ensure that these are nurtured and developed through our curriculum enrichment programme. We inspire our students to be curious and passionate about their world and extend their horizons through foreign travel, field trips, conferences and visits to theatres and museums. In recent years students from all year groups have visited countries around the world on various trips – Music trips to China and Berlin, Humanities to Italy, France and Belgium, Business Studies to New York, PE trips to France, Spain and USA and Modern Foreign Languages to France and Spain. Our partnership with a school in Namibia has also led to exciting opportunities for many students. On the home front, there have been many trips that help our students widen their horizons, including geographical fieldwork, and visits to galleries and sites of historical interest. These trips are supported by a number of events and specialised days, which are designed to develop our students’ teamworking and communication skills to help them in their future careers. We also run a number of clubs outside of lessons, such as the Astronomy and Robotics clubs.
“ Our four children have all benefited in very individual ways from the opportunities offered by the school and we are grateful to have had Warlingham School on our doorstep.” Parent
“ Students’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is promoted very well through lessons, as well as through extra-curricular activities, tutor time and assemblies.” Ofsted 2013
Excellence Our students enjoy learning and achieve above national average results in the key subjects at GCSE and at A level. Students are taught how to learn and they are all, irrespective of ability, stretched and supported in their pursuit of excellence. We believe that all children should make outstanding progress, and to encourage them to make that progress, we ensure that achievement is always celebrated. Working together with you, we set challenging targets, rigorously monitor progress, develop aspirations and encourage your son or daughter to take responsibility for their learning. We provide regular contact with home to ensure that parents and carers are fully informed and involved with the academic progress of their child. Our teachers are experts in their field and yet continue to learn themselves, many supporting the development of teachers in other schools and all working together to share best practice.
Warlingham’s examination results have seen continual improvement in recent years. However, we are not complacent and we are constantly adapting our teaching and curriculum to meet the needs of our learners. Most important to us is what each child will need for the next stage of his or her journey in life in order to be successful – whether that be Post 16 learning, university, a college apprenticeship, training or employment. Our examination results are published every year, on our website, www.warlinghamschool.co.uk.
“ Students achieve well. From their starting points they make very good progress and the percentage attaining five or more GCSE A* to C grades, including English and Mathematics, is higher than the national average.” Ofsted 2013
Achievement A happy and harmonious school is the best environment to enable children to realise their potential. Everyone at Warlingham School works hard to help your child be happy and confident, with great emphasis placed on supporting the successful transition from primary to secondary school. The induction process, underpinned and sustained by our caring pastoral system ensures that this support continues throughout the whole of the child’s school life. Children’s academic, social and personal development is overseen by the Heads of our well-established House System, House Achievement Co-ordinators and Form Tutors. Great emphasis is placed upon getting to know each individual child and ensuring that his or her needs are being met.
The school has a large computer network, with most departments having their own dedicated ICT room, which enables students to engage in e-learning across the whole curriculum. Students (and parents) are also able to access school network learning materials from home through our remote access facility via our website. The school’s Learning Development Department works closely with students to devise programmes and strategies that enable the child to be successful at Warlingham. The advice of professionals from external agencies is sought where appropriate. Students are well-supported by specially trained teachers and a large team of teaching assistants. (Our policy on Special Education Needs is available on request.)
“ Students say they feel happy and safe at school and that staff look after them very well.” Ofsted 2013
“ Good relationships and mutual respect are strong features of the school’s culture.” Ofsted 2013
Leadership “ School leaders value students’ views and through the school council, students have a voice and are able to contribute to school life in a range of ways. They are encouraged to take on responsibilities.” Ofsted 2013
Throughout their time at Warlingham, we encourage students to take on a variety of leadership roles. Under our Leadership programme, students are encouraged to participate in and organise a wide range of events in school, raise funds for charity, support younger students by acting as mentors and welcome visitors. The student voice is a central element to the ethos of the school and each term the students undertake fundraising events which contribute to local charities and help improve the school environment. Many students develop their leadership skills through the Duke of Edinburgh Award. At Warlingham, we are proud of our sense of community spirit and we actively promote our students’ emotional health and well-being. It is our aim for students to develop as well-rounded individuals who have positive self-esteem as well as a sense of responsibility for their peers, the community and the environment. We want Warlingham students to be confident young people and valuable citizens who have a strong sense of their own place in society.
Sixth Form Warlingham School has a thriving Sixth Form with over 330 dynamic, happy and highly successful students, one third of whom joined from other schools. The vast majority gain the Warlingham Graduation Certificate and go on to University. Our Sixth Form provides more than just academic excellence, students are encouraged to commit themselves to new responsibilities and challenges outside their chosen area of study. Students regularly take part in a variety of enrichment activities; these contribute much to their development into wellrounded citizens. We constantly strive to improve the school and its environment and the Sixth Form has continued to improve both in terms of academic results and facilities. With close to one quarter of a million pounds recently spent extending and refurbishing
the Sixth Form Centre, all Sixth Formers now have dedicated IT facilities, including significant investment in iPad technology. Our strong pastoral system extends to the Sixth Form and helps our students to achieve all that they can academically, whilst also developing themselves as individuals. The students themselves are extremely complimentary about their experiences here. Over 94% said, “I enjoy being in the Sixth Form and would advise other students to join the Sixth Form at Warlingham School.” The Sixth Form prospectus gives full details of the opportunities and the courses on offer and is available upon request from the school. There is also an annual Sixth Form Open Evening.
“ Enrichment and extra-curricular activities are extensive and highly valued by students.” Ofsted 2013
On bus routes from: Caterham, Chelsham, Kenley, Purley, Sanderstead, Selsdon, South Croydon, West Croydon, Whyteleafe & Woldingham. Directions to the school are available on our website: www.warlinghamschool.co.uk.
Tithepit Shaw Lane
T: 01883 624067
F: 01883 624026
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