eNewsletter | ISSUE 01
eNewsletter JULY 2013 IN THIS ISSUE
A Town With a Past A City with a FUTURE Why read our eNewsletter??
Canada Day Celebrations 2013 take place July 1 at Lions Park located at 9th Ave N in Warman. This fun community event is sure to be a blast again this year and we want you to join us.
Our monthly eNewsletter will provide news and information about the City of Warman. It’s a great way to stay up-to-date on municipal news and community events. Sign up for this new communication tool right on our website at www.warman.ca, and we will automatically e-mail each issue right to you.
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Are you a NEW RESIDENT to the City of Warman. Our new program “Warman Welcomes You” will help to familarize you with some of the great local businesses and services we have in our community.
Ideas or Suggestions
What would you like to see in our eNewsletter? Email Heather (heatherc@warman.ca) or Sarah (sarahk@warman.ca) with your ideas and suggestions.
eNewsletter | ISSUE 01
Messsage from City Council
arman Mayor, Council and staff have worked hard trying to stay ahead of infrastructure, residential and commercial development, recreation opportunities, and of course, health services. Our goal of striving to bring the City of Warman closer to sustainability in all these areas keeps us focused on our priorities for now and into the future. Although it was a hard journey bringing Warman’s Legends Center to where it is today, seeing the finished product has been immensely gratifying. This facility, a hub and gathering place, is full of activity most the time. The finishing touches are being applied and this fall the Warman Community Middle Years School will open its doors for a much needed educational space for Grades 4 to 8. This joint project has been so exciting for our community and we look forward to the future ahead. Our Wheatland Library will also move into the joint facility, either in the fall or early winter. More details of this transition are yet to come. Believe me when I say the space for this new library is spectacular! Business and Commercial development is one of our top priorities. To see the many new businesses popping up in Warman is definitely a step towards sustainable growth. The Planning and Economic Development Department is working with and advertising to potential investors that Warman is not only open for business, but willing to do what it takes to bring businesses into our community. This is starting to happen and in the near
future we will start to hear different announcements that will bring a new sense of excitement and pride into this new City. A new program coming in 2014 will be TIPPS. Leaving us will be the early taxation payment discount. I know many will be happy about TIPPS but not happy with the taxation discount discontinuation. With tax dollars being stretched to the max most municipalities have had to move away from this taxation perk. This year we are happy to announce the hiring of a Deputy Fire Chief who will be responsible for administration, training, fire inspections and recruitment just to mention a few. This position will eventually move into the Lead role of Fire Chief. Our current Fire Chief, Gord Thompson, will mentor and introduce this new recruit into the fold of dedicated volunteer fireman who have served our community for years. This position is something new for the department and our community alike. We look forward to the benefits of adding this role to our Fire Department.
There is so much going on in this progressive and beautiful community, I look forward in keeping our community up to date through these regular newsletters. If you ever have a question please do not hesitate to call anyone of us. We will be happy to find the answer you need. Your Mayor and Council feel very privileged to serve the community in our roles as elected officials. We look forward to all the promise of a great future that lay right before us with opportunities and possibilities galore. From Sheryl, Gary, Kendall, Richard, Zane, Kevin and Trevor we wish you all a great summer. Travel safe and enjoy the scenery along the way.
eNewsletter | ISSUE 01
Planning & Development
It’s another busy year in the Planning and Development department. To date the City has issued 129 Single Family Development Permits, 17 Semi-Detached and Multi Family Permits, and 13 Industrial and Commercial Permits. The City continues to upgrade its road network with the extension of Centennial Blvd, including curbs and sidewalks between Clubhouse Blvd and Augusta Blvd. Improvements to Industrial Road, from Central Street to South Railway Street include new pavement, curbs, and sidewalks on the east side. The City is also working with Paramount Paving to do a number of fixes around the City where pavement has broken up due to the freeze thaw cycle, and a high water table. The Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure continues to work on construction of the new Highway 305, work has been ongoing over the winter. Highways has also committed to short term improvements identified in the Highway 11 and 12 Planning Study for the intersection of Highway 11 and Central Street. The Planning Department is continuing to work on updating its policy documents including its Zoning Bylaw and Development Plan. On top of that we have been working with our consultants to create an updated future growth plan, which will guide development for the next 30-50 years. We are working on this plan in coordination with the City of Martensville and the RM of Corman Park. The Plan will guide the general direction of development and protect key corridors for infrastructure and servicing needs. The City is hoping to have an open house early fall 2013, adequate notice will be given to all residents to attend and contribute to the changes being proposed. Planning and Development is reminding all residents and builders that permits are necessary for most developments within the City of Warman. If you are not sure if you require a permit feel free to contact Planning at (306) 933-2133. Construction must not begin until the physical issuance of a Building Permit, failure to comply will result in penalties. Please ensure construction sites are kept neat and clean. Construction sites for single detached, and multi-family developments, are required to have an enclosed bin on site, to dispose of all refuse, sites determined to not be in compliance will be fined.
Dear Warman Residents: The City of Warman, with the help of Sharon Martens, has recently started a new program entitled “Warman Welcomes You.” This program is aimed at providing newcomers to the community with information on local businesses, organizations, and civic programs. If you are new to Warman please contact us to receive your Welcoming Package at no cost to you. Just a little something to make you feel at home in our community. This program is brought to you by the City of Warman and Local Businesses. For more information or to get your name on the Welcoming List please call Sharon Martens @ 306.934-5914 or email Sarah King at sarahk@warman.ca. -Warman Welcomes You
eNewsletter | ISSUE 01
Economic Development Over the next year the City of Warman is going to be experiencing a growth in our commercial business sector. Along with the ability to shop locally this will allow for an increase in the local job market. Here are some of the developments worth keeping your eye on: • Co-op Foodstore Update: The foodstore which will be located along Centennial Blvd. just north of Clubhouse Blvd E, is being tendered out in two pieces. The first being the foundation, which is scheduled to start in the next couple of weeks. This tender will also include the footings, underground work and paving. The second tender will consist of the rest of the building and equipment. Their rationale for this is that they will not have to hold up the opening date do to the paving not being completed. • Co-op has stated that they anticipate a late May opening, but they are at the mercy of the construction industry so that is only an estimate. The store will be just over 25,000sq ft, with an emphasis on fresh produce, meat and baking. They anticipate employing 100 people once the store is operating at full force.
Tax Update
As everyone is aware, our taxes for 2013 have just been levied. Tax notices were mailed out on June 1, 2013. If you have not received yours yet, please contact City Hall. This will be the final year for discounts on taxes. The Government of Saskatchewan had discontinued the discount on the education portion of taxes this year. The City opted to keep the discount on the municipal portion of taxes for one final year. Effective 2014 penalties on current taxes will start during the calendar year. The effective date and percentage of penalty is yet to be determined. This will NOT negate the 10% penalty on January 1st, which is applied to tax arrears. Another item we are currently pursuing for 2014 is the TIPPS program. With the changes to discounts and penalties in 2014, this is the ideal time to implement this program. Tax payers who chose to use this program will not be charged penalties during the year, providing all of their pre-authorized payments clear the bank. Please watch the website later this year for information on signing up for TIPPS!
Finance & Administration
• Avatex Site (StoneGate) – a 30 acre parcel on the corner of the new Highway 305 and Centennial Blvd is being serviced 2013 will see the start of implementation of new municipal this year. They hope to have the shovels in the ground in software [Diamond Municipal Solutions] for the City of 2014. They are currently working with a number of multiWarman. Due to budget restraints the full scale software national companies. package will be done over two to three years. • Legends Plaza – They are currently working on signing deals Additional software which will integrate with the financial with numerous national companies and announcements modules include pet licensing, business licensing and building will be coming in the near future. The first building is permits. Pending budget approval we hope to add these in already up adjacent to The Legends Centre. 2014. • Diamond Central Plaza – This is the building going up across When fully implemented, the city will look at adding ‘Virtual from Tim Hortons and next to Passions Beauty Studio on Central St. Construction is well underway. The building has City Hall’ on our website. This will allow residents to view their utility billings, assessments and tax levies online and enact leased space to Subway and Prairie Chicks from Hague. There are still two leasable spaces available on the second payments. Other features will include the ability to do online floor.. tax searches and renewing business licenses.
Water & Recycling
Water Bills for the April to June quarter will be mailed out the first week of July. Residents are encouraged to read their meter, track their consumption and be proactive, especially during the summer months when water consumption is high. A flashlight is required to read the water meter, which is located in the basement. Loraas Disposal will not pick up overfull carts. Please ensure that the lid on your home waste and recycling cart can close or it may be left behind. Also, please ensure that SHREDDED PAPER is bagged. Loraas Disposal guidelines and rules for home waste and recycling pickup can be viewed on our website or a brochure may be picked up at City Hall. Compost bins, located on the corner of 6th Avenue South and North Railway Street East, are available to the public from May to November. These bins are used for grass clippings, leaves and tree trimmings. Bags of compost are to be emptied into these bins. Please do not empty any food waste or other waste into these bins. Please ensure that plastic bags are not going into the composter. Please do not throw bags beside the composter. MISUSE OF THE COMPOST DEPOT WILL RESULT IN FINES TO THE OFFENDERS AND REMOVAL OF THE SERVICE.
eNewsletter | ISSUE 01
How to Conserve Water Outdoors this Summer
There are a number of ways to save water, and they all start with you.
Adjust sprinklers so only your lawn is watered and not the house, sidewalk, or street.
Choose shrubs and groundcovers instead of turf for hard-to-water areas such as steep slopes and isolated strips.
Install covers on pools and spas and check for leaks around your pumps.
Monitor your water bill for unusually high use. Your bill and water meter are tools that can help you discover leaks. #6 Water your lawn and garden in the morning or evening when temperatures are cooler to minimize evaporation. #7 Spreading a layer of organic mulch around plants retains moisture and saves water, time and money. #8 Use a broom instead of a hose to clean your driveway and sidewalk and save water every time. #9 If water runs off your lawn easily, split your watering time into shorter periods to allow for better absorption. #10 We’re more likely to notice leaks indoors, but don’t forget to check outdoor faucets, sprinklers and hoses for leaks. #11 If you have an automatic refilling device, check your pool periodically for leaks. #12 Check the root zone of your lawn or garden for moisture before watering using a spade or trowel. If it’s still moist two inches under the soil surface, you still have enough water. #13 Adjust your lawn mower to a higher setting. A taller lawn shades roots and holds soil moisture better than if it is closely clipped. #14 Use sprinklers for large areas of grass. Water small patches by hand to avoid waste. #15 Walkways and patios provide space that doesn’t ever need to be watered. These useful “rooms” can also add value to your property. #16 Collect water from your roof to water your garden. #17 Rather than following a set watering schedule, check for soil moisture two to three inches below the surface before watering. #18 Install a rain sensor on your irrigation controller so your system won’t run when it’s raining. #19 Use drip irrigation for shrubs and trees to apply water directly to the roots where it’s needed. #20 Grab a wrench and fix that leaky faucet. It’s simple, inexpensive, and you can save 140 gallons a week. #21 Reduce the amount of lawn in your yard by planting shrubs and ground covers appropriate to your site and region. #22 Teach your children to turn off faucets tightly after each use. #23 Remember to check your sprinkler system valves periodically for leaks and keep the sprinkler heads in good shape. #24 Don’t water your lawn on windy days when most of the water blows away or evaporates. #25 Water your plants deeply but less frequently to encourage deep root growth and drought tolerance. #26 To decrease water from being wasted on sloping lawns, apply water for five minutes and then repeat two to three times. #27 Group plants with the same watering needs together to avoid overwatering some while under watering others. #28 Use a layer of organic material on the surface of your planting beds to minimize weed growth that competes for water. #29 Use a minimum amount of organic or slow release fertilizer to promote a healthy and drought tolerant landscape. #30 Trickling or cascading fountains lose less water to evaporation than those spraying water into the air. #31 Avoid recreational water toys that require a constant flow of water.
#32 Use a rain gauge to track rainfall on your lawn. Then reduce your watering accordingly. #33 Learn how to shut off your automatic watering system in case it malfunctions or you get an unexpected rain. #34 Set a kitchen timer when watering your lawn or garden to remind you when to stop. A running hose can discharge up to 10 gallons a minute. #35 Next time you add or replace a flower or shrub, choose a low water use plant for yearround landscape color and save up to 550 gallons each year. #36 Use a grease pencil to mark the water level of your pool at the skimmer. Check the mark 24 hours later to see if you have a leak. #37 Use a trowel, shovel, or soil probe to examine soil moisture depth. If the top two to three inches of soil are dry it’s time to water. #38 If installing a lawn, select a turf mix or blend that matches your climate and site conditions. #39 When you save water, you save money on your utility bill too. Saving water is easy for everyone to do. #40 When the kids want to cool off, use the sprinkler in an area where your lawn needs it the most. #41 Make sure your swimming pools, fountains, and ponds are equipped with recirculation pumps. #42 Consult with your local nursery for information on plant selection and placement for optimum outdoor water savings. #43 Winterize outdoor spigots when temperatures dip below freezing to prevent pipes from leaking or bursting. #44 Direct water from rain gutters and HVAC systems toward water-loving plants in the landscape for automatic water savings. #45 Use a hose nozzle or turn off the water while you wash your car. You’ll save up to 100 gallons every time. #46 Leave lower branches on trees and shrubs and allow leaf litter to accumulate on the soil. This keeps the soil cooler and reduces evaporation. #47 Let your lawn go dormant during the summer. Dormant grass only needs to be watered every three weeks or less if it rains. #48 Plant with finished compost to add water-holding and nutrient-rich organic matter to the soil. #49 Use sprinklers that deliver big drops of water close to the ground. Smaller water drops and mist often evaporate before they hit the ground. #50 Water only when necessary. More plants die from over-watering than from under- watering. #51 Adjust your watering schedule each month to match seasonal weather conditions and landscape requirements. #52 Wash your pets outdoors in an area of your lawn that needs water. #53 Apply water only as fast as the soil can absorb it. #54 Aerate your lawn at least once a year so water can reach the roots rather than run off the surface. #55 Catch water in an empty tuna can to measure sprinkler output. One inch of water on one square foot of grass equals two-thirds of a gallon of water. #56 For hanging baskets, planters and pots, place ice cubes under the moss or dirt to give
your plants a cool drink of water and help eliminate water overflow. ***INFORMATION TAKEN FROM WATERUSEITWISELY.COM
eNewsletter | ISSUE 01
The arena may be closed during the summer but The Legends Centre is still open for business! Our 2 Multi-Purpose Gymnasiums are open for daily drop-in programs such as badminton, basketball, ultimate frisbee and much more. For up to date drop in schedules visit www.warman.ca - located Facility Schedules under the Recreation and Community Services tab or call 306-933-2210. The arena will Re-open again on August 15th and this year we will be hosting the Saskatoon Blades Training Camp starting August 22nd. Watch for more details on times and dates on our website. Crave Yogurt Bar is open daily. Monday - Saturday 10am - 10pm, Sunday 10am - 9pm. Stop in for some delicious treats this summer. The Warman Summer Fun Program and Youth Centre opens on July 2nd. This program operates out of The Legends Centre and runs Monday to Friday from July 2 - Aug 24. Our summer leaders are sure to provide your children with many entertaining and fun experiences this summer.
Register TODAY for a SUMMER FITNESS CLASS Registration confirmed only with Payment. Registration form and payments can be dropped off at The Legends Centre any day between 8:30am - 10:00pm Fore more information please call 306-933-2210
eNewsletter | ISSUE 01
4 K
July 2 - August 23 Monday to Friday
and under 9:00 am - 12:30 pm Unsupervised Gym Time $3.00 10:00 am - 11:00 am Weekly & Monthly Rates Available indergar ten rade 7 7:30 am - 12:30 pm Supervised Gym Time $5.00 12:30 pm - 5:30 pm outdoor activities
YOUTH CENTRE Monday to Friday 6:00pm - 11:00pm
$2.00/day $20.00 for the ENTIRE summer
Canada Day
eNewsletter | ISSUE 01
July 1, 2013 Lions Park 9th Ave N
Pancake Breakfast Sponsored by Silver Shadows 4H Club
8:30am - 10:30am
Service of Celebration 10:00am
Children’s Activities $5.00/Child Unlimited Play 11:00am - 5:00pm
Lemonade Tasting Contest Beach Volleyball
Live Entertainment Feature Performer
GREETINGS & CAKE CUTTING 11:00am Local Craft, Food and Farmer’s Market Booths
Will Ballantyne 7:00pm